Napoleon in 1812

Chapter 124

Chapter 124

The remarkable victory of the Battle of Cala Emboixar was enough to drive the whole of France into a frenzy. As soon as they heard the news, citizens of each city flocked to the squares and streets to share the heat.

While singing Le Chant du Depart, the national anthem, they listed the names of the protagonists of this great victory one by one and praised Napoleon very enthusiastically.

Several stores and shops held events at significantly discounted prices to commemorate this celebratory day, and restaurants provided food at a lesser price to the delighted citizens. It was truly a festival scene.

"The Empire will surely win in the Great War. And it will completely end the continental hegemony competition that has continued for hundreds of years. After the Roman Empire, a superpower that completely dominated Europe was born."

"Of course! The Empire was a perfect country in every way except for one thing: the Navy was weaker than the British one. But the Emperor eventually succeeded in overcoming them even with the Navy. This war will make the Empire the greatest country in European history."

"The British bastards won't be able to sleep at night now! Just think that the Rabies King (George III) of Windsor Castle and the Gambling King (George IV) of St. James Castle will wake up and jump in their sleep!"

"Hahaha! Cheers to His Majesty the Great and the majestic Empire!"

France's oldest rival was the United Kingdom. And their navy, which Britain was most proud of. Breaking down the British fleet was the same incident as crushing the British pride and nose from the front.

It was natural for French citizens who hated Britain to enjoy a sense of victory as if they had won the war.

The outcome of this one battle even wiped away their vague anxiety about the war. Citizens really wanted to see the disappointed and defeated faces that the British were building by now.

Shortly after declaring war, Napoleon temporarily merged the command systems of the Navy Headquarters and the Army Command into a single department.

Its name was 'War Command'. In the Great War fought by the Empire, it was an organization that judged and decided everything about war, overseeing various strategies and operations using legions, fleets, fortresses and defenders, war supplies, and key points. Naturally, the pinnacle of this organization was Napoleon.

In the past, Napoleon's attendants, marshals, and staff officers would have put their heads together to establish operational plans without such department.

Some help from the members of the cabinet would have been added to this. However, this time, there were many difficulties to control the war in that way.

First of aII, the entire battlefield of the Great War was too vast, and there would be numerous battles simultaneously, and the existing system would have to bear a huge overload to deal with everything.

In addition, it was necessary to establish a grand strategy in the true sense, including the naval forces that were not (or rarely) present in the previous wars of the Empire, so this was not something that only a small number of people could solve.

"The reaction of citizens in each region of the Empire is much more encouraging than we expected. Some wealthy people and local leaders have expressed their desire to contribute to the victory of the Empire by voluntarily offering property and land. The administration happily accepted their donations and plans to make a separate list of donors to repay them after the war ends."

"Also, as soon as news of the victory of the Battle of Cala Emboixar spread, crowds flocking to conscription centers set up in various cities exploded. Even those who are not conscripted are scrambling to fight for the Empire. We will promote this series of happenings through local newspapers and use it as a way to inspire citizens' patriotism and war fever."

In addition, the Minister of the Administration Frangois Carnot took various administrative measures to ensure that imperial citizens felt as little fatigue from the war as possible through the efficient distribution of national goods.

All of them were appropriate and efficient responses, so he was applauded again this time by a lot of people who recognized his competence. Smiling satisfactorily, Napoleon was one of them.

'The greatest achievement of this naval battle was not to hurt Britain's naval power or to protect our southern ports and Mediterranean trade routes.'

It was the fact that it diluted all the anxiety of French citizens caused by the Great War. Having confirmed the superiority of the Imperial Army even at sea, they believed in victory in the war and were ready to blindly follow the judgments of Napoleon and the War Command.

Now, citizens would never lose their enthusiasm for the war unless the French army was really defeated.

"Since His Majesty came to power in this land, the Empire has never lost a war against outside enemies. However, there has never been a war with that many countries at once like now."

The chief of staff of the army, Louis-Alexandre Berthier, opened his mouth while pointing at a large map.

Strictly speaking, there had been once a war spilt between the East and the West. However, they had struck Russia before the end of the Iberian Peninsula War, and had not declared war on several countries at the same time. The war against Russia had ended more quickly than expected.

"And about the allies next to the Empire? Unfortunately, Austria is still an unreliable ally. If the situation of the Empire is not favorable anymore, they will turn their guns in the opposite direction. The rest of the allies are also insignificant except for some countries. The small states of the Confederation of the Rhine cooperate with the Empire to the extent that they give passageways and war subsidies instead of military assistance. Eventually, the Empire will have to deal with all its enemies on its own."

They should never show any weakness while fighting the anti-France coalition and winning over them. Only then would France's allies recognize the difference in power and actively fight on the side of the winner.

It should never happen during the Great War that the troops of the anti-French allied countries, including Britain, Russia, Prussia, and Sweden, push into the territory of the Empire, even once.

In order to do so, it was necessary to strengthen the borders of the Empire, and among them, the eastern front had to be protected.

"The 'Great War' is just the last gateway to the final purpose of eliminating all anxiety, discord, and conflict in Europe. So, in the process, we shouldn't show any laziness."

Napoleon's eyes had been on Poland from the beginning. The first place where the land forces of the anti-French coalition and the pro-French allies would collide would be Poland.

"Now that the Navy has won, it's time for the Great Army to continue with that momentum."

It was before the results of the Battle of Cala Emboixar, which was enough to surprise all Europe, spread. The fire of the Great War also began to spread in Eastern Europe. No, considering the fierceness, desperation, and cruelty of land and field battles, this side should be considered the main battlefield.

"Warriors of the Russian Empire! Advance! Move forward!"


"God's punishment to the foolish people (the Polish) who have begged the French!"

Legion in green uniforms with shako hats were advancing through wetlands and forests to the sound of trumpets and drums. Under the orders of the officers dressed up in noble attires, the Russian army filled the land like the seawater at high tide and proceeded toward its target.

In front of them were the defenders guarding Fort Hrodna on the eastern border of the Kingdom of Poland. Despite the overwhelming feast of troops and cannons filling the forest ahead, the defenders showed little shaking.

"This is an impregnable fortress built between heaven and earth by the best engineers of the French Empire and our country.Thesoldiershavenothingto

worry about. No matter how many hundreds of thousands of troops come at us, they won't be able to pass here."

The sharp and strong words of Colonel Wtadyslaw, commanding Fort Hrodna, represented their firm determination.

In the Great War that broke out in the whole of Europe, dividing the continent into anti-French and pro-French sides,Polandstoodat thecenter. The first

news to come was that the number of Russian troops advancing to cover all of Poland was about 300,000.

Prussia had deployed as many as 60,000 soldiers to clean up Poland, which was located between Russia and Prussia.

In addition, Swedish troops joining through Novgorod and Livonia beyond the Baltic Sea would be added. Their goal was clear. The complete annihilation of Poland by the three countries of the anti-French coalition. Poland's fate was as dire as a frail leaf in the wind.

"Once again, the soldiers don't have to worry about anything. The Empire and the Great Emperor Napoleon will never abandon us. Just lift your guns. And aim and shoot at them."

"Chroh krolestwo naszq krwiq (Protect the Kingdom with our blood)!"

"Yes. The soldiers are well aware of our duties. By dedicating our blood to the omnipotent God, we are defending our country and people, and being loyal to His Majesty!"

Their country, sovereignty, people, and king had long been lost. The Poles were well aware that all of them had been restored by Napoleon. They also knew the fact that if they lost this war, they would lose the name Poland, which they barely got back, and all the foundations of their country.

'We can't lose this country again.'

'If I can shed blood so my descendants can continue to speak Polish on this land, I will surely do so.'

It was the reason why they were fighting this war with a desperate determination. To protect their family, home, and friends as much as possible. Largely speaking, it was to protect the spirit of their country, their sovereignty, and people.

Despite being in a more desperate situation than ever, the Polish army did not lose its steel will. It was a spirit of struggle that only a nation that had lost its country could have.


Bang! Bang! Boom! Boom!!

A Polish battery placed on top of the fortress fired first. The flying shells crushed the Russian troops advancing toward the castle wall in a row. Their advance was briefly delayed.

"Second battery, fire!"

Even before the Russian army could form the battle line, the battery of Fort Hrodna fired shells again. They did not know that the artillery attack would take place again so quickly, and even the accuracy of the firing point was excellent. Among the Russian infantry, signs of surprise and fear appeared.


The battery consumed cannonballs nonstop. There were no attempts to save shells and gunpowder to prepare for a long siege.

They moved as if to pour all their supplies at once in today's battle. This relentless shelling certainly worked and succeeded in hitting the Russian troops seeking the fortress considerably.

It was true that the most important factor in evaluating the power of an army was its morale. An army that had no will to fight was nothing more than a mess. In that respect, the Polish army had an element that was stronger than any other army in Europe.

However, with this alone, they could not become elite soldiers, and could not deal with the large army that was rushing toward them. This was because the war of this era was eventually directly related to the economy.

"We have as much ammunition as we want! Shoot mercilessly at the enemy climbing the castle on ladders!"

Fort Hrodna's defense had already received a very large amount of ammunition even before the battle began. The musket soldiers waiting in the trenches at the foot of the fortress walls loaded their gun at the command of the officers, and shot without hesitation when the enemy came within range.

Hit, Russian troops collapsed one after another bleeding, and the shooting Polish gunmen took turns in the trenches. This series of processes went smoothly on the fortress.

The Polish army of Fort Hrodna was generously consuming shells and bullets. The Russian military seemed embarrassed by the resistance of those who were much tougher than expected.

The reason why the fortress defenders, who had to save as much time as possible, could pour out war supplies so generously was because there was also an arrangement of Napoleon.

'If there is a great war to end everything, the main battlefield will surely be Poland. The Empire needs to improve Poland's defense and military power to protect the Empire and its borders.'

Poland was a military base that was on the way to conquer Russia, and a blade to stab Prussia and Austria in the back. Since a long time ago, Napoleon and the officials of the French Empire had recognized the geographical importance of Poland and had made huge investments there.

From the time the outbreak of the war became inevitable, a huge amount of war supplies were stocked in each province of Poland. There was only one purpose of this enormous support.

In the event of a war, it should hold out the offensive of anti-French countries until Napoleon led the elite corps of the Empire and marched directly to Warsaw. Poland was a hound raised solely for this one mission.

"They're using those tactics...!"

As Colonel Wtadyslaw said, the Russian army took a breath and soon began to push with their supplies.

They did not care whether they were bombarded or not from the fortress or the trenches, they just moved forward.

Their damage quickly increased due to the Polish defense's counterattack, but the proportion of troops in green uniforms reaching the fortress also increased.

Despite the defenders firing a few times their guns without sparing supplies, the Russian took the damage and reversed the battle to a standard power fight and siege, and Fort Hrodna quickly fell into a crisis.

Bang! Boom! Bang! Boom!

On top of that, Russian artillery deployed in the hilly areas of the southern part of the fortress carried out support artillery fire. The defensive battery in the fortress was unable to easily launch a counterattack due to fierce enemies' artillery fire, so its movement slowed down.

The defenders gathered to protect Poland fought bravely against the Russian army as the descendants of the Winged Hussars, but they tired at the endless attacks.

"The Russian offensive is fierce! In particular, the battery deployed in the hilly areas in the south is a big issue!"

"Wait a little bit! The reinforcements will definitely arrive!"

The officers comforted the soldiers once again, but they could not stop them from losing their strength with a vague promise. If more time passed, Hrodna would soon remain one of the numerous fortresses that fought well in the beginning but fell helplessly. It was then.


TL notes: You can listen to the French cavalry charging to the sounds of trumpets while you read ():


"They're here! They're finally here!"

"It's the French Imperial Army!"

A corps appeared on the battlefield with a wonderful marching song. The banner of the Duke of Tarente was flying majestically in the center. Etienne Macdonald , one of the Marshals of the Imperial Army, appeared to save Fort Hrodna.

"Save our comrades! Destroy the enemy of the Empire!"

"Long live the French Empire! Long live the Emperor Napoleon!"

It was only after the Russian army noticed the presence of the approaching French army and changed its formation. Instead of besieging the fortress, they spread their wings wide and took an advantageous position, waiting for them to come closer. But the French, and especially Marshal Etienne Macdonald, were much bolder.

"The proud cavalry of the Empire should carry out its duties!"

Under Macdonald's order, the French cavalry began to charge. Their goal was a Russian battery on the hill. The Russian artillery officer commanding the battery sneered at their charge.

"Are you trying to beat us with cavalry? You have big dreams. The horses will be exhausted and fall down before they get up here. Let's send cannonballs to those stupid ones!"

Boom! Boom! Bang!

Russian artillery swept the French cavalry, but the cavalry held out and ran toward the hills where the battery was placed.

The Russian artillerymen laughed at their action, but the French did not slow down and continued climbing the hill. They were actually doing what the Russian thought was absurd. It was only then that the Russian officer opened his eyes wide and shouted.

"Ah! Polish horses! The French are riding Polish war horses!"

In the myth of the Winged Hussars defeating the Ottoman Empire with a heroic charge in the Battle of Vienna , some of the main characters were the strong war horses they were riding on.

They had a very solid appearance, huge size, shining mane, and strong and tough muscles. French cavalry rode Polish war horses through the sloping hills and plunged over the battery.

Like salmon running backwards in a river. It was a miniature version of the advance of Napoleon's Corps across the Alps and into Italy.

"Pour I'Empire (For the Empire)!!"

TL notes

Here's a painting of the Winged Hussars charging at the

Chapter 124


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