Mythical Era: My Evolution into a Celestial Beast

Chapter 32: I Can Only Help You This Much

Chapter 32: I Can Only Help You This Much

Once the avatar entered the river, Chen Chu turned to go home. However, due to focusing on controlling the armored beast's movements, he seemed a bit absent-minded on the way back.

The same applied during dinner that evening. Observing Chen Chu pausing mid-meal, Zhang Xiaolan, seated across from him, expressed concern. "Ah Chu, is everything alright?"

"Ah, no, I'm fine." Chen Chu snapped back to reality.

Just a moment ago, the armored beast had encountered a one-meter-long catfish on the riverbed. Without hesitation, Chen Chu had pounced on it and easily flipped over the larger fish. Despite the considerable difference in size, the armored beast merely pressed a claw onto the fish's belly, and the immense force kept the fish immobilized on the riverbed.

After this evolution, the ability that granted strength equivalent to a hundred times its body weight had been completely unlocked. The force exerted by a single one of those claws exceeded a thousand kilograms, an awe-inspiring power.

However, since it was still in its adolescent stage, it was still relatively small, being only seventy centimeters long. When the armored beast grew to three meters in length, with a weight reaching several hundred to a thousand kilograms, its strength would reach a terrifying level.

Chen Chu excused himself after the meal, saying he was going to practice cultivation, and headed upstairs to continue focusing on controlling the armored beast's movements.

After swimming for over an hour, the armored beast finally arrived at the mouth of the river, several dozen kilometers away. The river surged with rushing waters, and near the grassy banks, a ferocious black head emerged through the surface.

Through the avatar’s eyes, Chen Chu surveyed the surroundings. There were no structures nearby, only a road with sporadic streetlights running alongside the riverbank, indicating a lack of human presence. The yellow clay this bank consisted of reached several meters above the water level, making it suitable for digging and constructing a burrow.

The six-horned salamander was amphibious, capable of spending extended periods in the water. However, Chen Chu felt it would be safer to create a burrow on the shore.

The armored beast's claws pressed into the mud, and with a scraping sound, it dug out an underwater entrance, starting to dig upward as it expanded the hole.

In no time, there was a dark opening, several meters in depth, with passages that twisted as they ascended. The excavated cave, covering an area of two square meters at its deepest point, was successfully completed. As a final touch, Chen Chu carved out a small ventilation hole above the entrance of the cave.


Chen Chu exhaled, slowly opening his eyes.

Now that the avatar was in the wild, rather than indoors, Chen Chu needed to stay attentive to avoid any unforeseen incidents resulting from slow reactions. Even if it had no direct impact on Chen Chu's main body, the potential losses could be severe.

After all, as long as the armored beast continued to evolve, it would not only become a formidable force in battles, but each evolution would also bring about significant enhancements to Chen Chu's own body.

It was only after completing the construction of the nest for hiding that Chen Chu retracted most of his mental focus, preparing for tonight's cultivation task.

As soon as he started, he could sense a difference. With his body having evolved twice over, both the speed of his vitality circulation and the amount of transcendent energy he was drawing in with his spiritual force had doubled.

Originally, it would have taken about four months to break through the first stage of the Dragon Elephant Art. Now, however, Chen Chu felt that he would be able to do that in just a little over one month.

This transformation surprised Chen Chu, and he continued to cultivate with even more effort. As his vitality continuously circulated and refined the incoming transcendent energy, every part of his body—muscles, tendons, and skin—constantly strengthened. With each cycle, they gradually, yet steadily, became more resilient.


Just as Chen Chu stepped out of his room the next day, Chen Hu approached him, gesturing and exclaiming, "Bro, have you grown taller again?"

A month ago, Chen Chu had only been 1.7 meters tall, a bit shorter than Chen Hu, who had stood at 1.75 meters since the age of thirteen. As time had passed, however, with continuous enhancement of his physique through cultivation, Chen Chu had grown to be as tall as Chen Hu without realizing it.

Moreover, it wasn't just in height; his originally slender figure had also become much sturdier. His new mass wasn't the formidable type like Chen Hu's, but rather a well-proportioned and harmonious image.

The slightly bulging muscles on his upper body filled out his shirt, while his straight-cut trousers accentuated his upright posture. He looked remarkably energetic.

"Just grown a bit taller recently," Chen Chu casually replied.

The two brothers walked to school; as they reached the crossroads entering the city, a girl approached from the side. Upon spotting Chen Chu, she waved at him.

There was a grace to the girl’s pose, her figure slender and elegant. A cascade of black hair was tied behind her head with a white ribbon adorned with a butterfly bow. Her face radiated pure and exquisite beauty, making her a captivating sight standing there.

Chen Hu was a bit surprised and remarked, "Bro, it seems like she's waving at you."

"Mhmm, she's my classmate." Chen Chu nodded and gave a slight smile in acknowledgment to Luo Fei, who was across the street.

The green light turned on, and Chen Chu walked across with Chen Hu. "It’s rare to bump into you. Want to walk together?"

"Sure." Luo Fei nodded.

Chen Hu leaned in, his face beaming, "Older Sister[1], you're so beautiful, just like a fairy from those ancient dramas."

"Sorry, this is my younger brother, Chen Hu," Chen Chu apologized, feeling a bit embarrassed.

Luo Fei smiled. "It’s okay, your brother is quite cute."

As they walked forward, Chen Hu moved around to the other side of Luo Fei. Looking at her, he curiously asked, "Older Sister, are you really close with my brother?"

Luo Fei paused and replied, "Well, we're just classmates."

"Oh, I thought you and my brother were good friends," Chen Hu said with a hint of disappointment.

"Friends, I guess... right?" Luo Fei said, then looked at Chen Chu and blinked.

Chen Chu smiled. "Of course."

The two had known each other for quite a while. Back when they were practicing the Body Refining Art, their relationship was already resembling more of a friendship than just classmates.

Not far ahead, Chen Hu spotted his little group of classmates. He waved to Chen Chu and Luo Fei. "Brother, beautiful sister, I'll go ahead."

As he turned and ran ahead, Chen Hu gave a meaningful look to Chen Chu, as if saying, Brother, I can only help you this much.

Chen Chu was speechless.

As Chen Hu departed, Chen Chu and Luo Fei walked side by side towards the school, casually sharing experiences in cultivation along the way. Upon entering the school gate, they encountered their classmate, Li Wenwen. The girl's eyes widened suddenly, as if she had seen something surprising.

In the classroom, as soon as Chen Chu sat down, Xia Youhui turned around and leaned in from the front, only to make a surprised sound. "Ah Chu, why do I feel like you've become stronger?"

Chen Chu glanced at him. "What do you mean by 'become stronger?’"

Xia Youhui looked him over in confusion. "Strange. Be honest with me, did you use some cultivation resources after you went home yesterday?"

"Do you think someone as poor as me, who can't even afford the vitality supplements, can afford cultivation resources?" Chen Chu said, exasperated.

"You make a good point, but..." That only baffled Xia Youhui even more. He’d become a bit more familiar with Chen Chu’s aura after sparring with him a couple days ago, which allowed him to pick up on any changes more easily than others.

Today, as soon as Chen Chu had sat down, Xia Youhui had noticed a faint sense of danger emanating from him. Even though he was the same person, he seemed to exude an inexplicable sense of pressure.

But how could Chen Chu possibly pose a threat to him?

He was well aware of Chen Chu's talent. While he had a stable temperament and a promising future, the idea of him suddenly having an enlightenment and jumping ahead of Xia Youhui seemed impossible.

They were just in the First Heavenly Realm, still focusing on body refinement. It wasn't like they were in the higher realms, where heightened comprehension could cause sudden surges in strength.

"Could it be that I'm just feeling it wrong?" Xia Youhui scratched his head in confusion.

1. It is common to call another woman ‘sister’, even if they are not actually related by blood ☜


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