Mythical Era: My Evolution into a Celestial Beast

Chapter 256: Invincible Chen Chu Slays Through The Battlefield Within A Day (II)

Chapter 256: Invincible Chen Chu Slays Through The Battlefield Within A Day (II)

The Longshan students were stunned, feeling that the red letters were particularly glaring, while students from other schools were in shock.

"Damn, that guy’s already started his challenge and has swept through two schools. None of the Fifth Heavenly Realm students could take him on!"

"Seriously? Isn't his cultivation at the middle stage of the Fifth Realm? I remember both Nantian and Longshan have geniuses in the late stage or even at the peak of the Fifth."



While the entire southern battlefield was buzzing, ten minutes later, the red letters on the large screen changed again.

"Shanze Martial Arts High School, defeated. No one of the same rank could withstand a single move from Chen Chu. The roars of dragons and elephants sounded, his aura overwhelming."


Many watching the large screen gasped.

"He's already swept through another school so quickly? Does his true power have no limit?"

"Of course, he defeats his opponents in a single move. In this situation, trying to wear him out is meaningless.

"Given his middle stage Fifth Heavenly Realm cultivation, he can fully exert his power at least ten to twenty times, maybe more, unless multiple geniuses of the same level push him to his limits at once.

This 𝓬ontent is taken from freeweɓnovel.cѳm.

"Otherwise, after sweeping through one school, he can recover some true power on the way to the next base, which will let him keep going for a long time.

"And now it's already 4 PM. At his current speed, after sweeping through a dozen more schools, it will be dark, and he can rest overnight."

"If that's the case, no one will be able to stop him."

"Is he really going to sweep through the southern battlefield and dominate our generation?"

As the discussions continued, about twenty minutes later, the red letters on the large screen changed again.

"Longshan Martial Arts High School, defeated. No one of the same rank could withstand a single move from Chen Chu. Under his halberd, the sky and earth shook, blood light soared to the sky, and no one could oppose him."

Someone excitedly shouted, "He’s slowing down! This time took longer than the last. He’s losing steam."

"Hahaha... This guy must have used some explosive secret art earlier to sweep through everyone with one strike, maybe suppress his opponents’ spirit and prevent them from using their full strength. Now that he's slowing down, he’s probably struggling with the aftereffects of the art."

"I don't think it's that simple. Let’s wait and see, or we might end up being proven wrong."

As everyone anxiously watched the large screen, Chen Chu, who had consecutively swept through two first-rate and two second-rate martial arts high schools, became even more terrifying. The blood-red aura surrounding him created waves of pressure that shook the air and sent ripples outward. The grass and trees seemed to bow to him, as if all living things were paying homage.

Quickly navigating across mountains and valleys, he crossed over a dozen peaks and arrived at the Licheng base. There, he paused.

At the base of the mountain, people were everywhere, their expressions a mix of excitement, curiosity, anticipation, and solemnity as they watched him.

"Is that Chen Chu?"

"His dominating aura is astonishing."

"No, why does he have such a heavy scent of blood? It’s like he used some secret art to kill thousands and absorb their killing intent."

"He's so handsome."

"I wonder if Senior Gong can withstand one of his moves."

"How could he? Senior Gong is only at the middle stage of the Fifth Heavenly Realm. There's no way he can survive even one move. Didn't you see that Lin Mei couldn't withstand a single attack? And she’s ranked thirty-fifth on the Achievement List."

"That's true. Let's just hope Senior Gong and the others don’t get too injured."

As the students discussed, the seven Fifth Heavenly Realm students at the front looked awkward in the face of the doubt from their peers.

A Licheng teacher cleared his throat and politely said, "Chen Chu, you can fight here. That way, you can quickly move on to the next school base."

The faces of the seven Fifth Heavenly Realm students turned pale. It was bad enough that their classmates didn't have faith in them, but even their teacher was boosting the enemy's morale. Although, to be fair, they themselves also doubted they could withstand a single move from this monster.

Of course, there was a practical reason for this. They had already been notified that a Langshan student had gone mad and said something insulting. In his fury, Chen Chu had not only severely injured the student and shattered their weapon and armor, but had also all but destroyed the square with his explosive halberd light, requiring complete reconstruction.

Keeping the fighting out here, rather than in the square or the martial arts platform, would prevent the need to waste time on repairs.

Three minutes later, Chen Chu exhaled slowly. "Thank you for the match!"

With that, he turned and left, his halberd in hand, as his aura grew even more imposing, domineering, and filled with killing intent.

One of the teachers looked at his own weakened geniuses and sighed enviously. "Nantian really found a gem this time."

Another female teacher nodded. "I heard that when he first enrolled, his talent seemed only average. Who would have thought that after breaking through to the First Heavenly Realm and cultivating true martial arts, he would become unstoppable?

"Not only is he cultivating quickly, but his combat power doesn’t seem to have a limit. I feel like his true combat strength might be at the late stage of the Sixth Heavenly Realm."

The male teacher shook his head slightly. "Not even that level of combat strength can defeat these people in a single move."

As Chen Chu departed, the displays at all of the schools updated once again.

Immediately, Xia Youhui shouted excitedly, "This time it only took fourteen minutes. Ah Chu is still in good shape!"

Liu Feng sighed enviously. "This guy is really going to make a name for himself this time. Sweeping through the entire battlefield would pretty much confirm him as the number one young talent in the south. Ah, why can't that be me? If it were me, I'd be ecstatic. Imagine me in golden armor with wings on my back, how cool would that be?"

"Your armor is too flashy. I still think my silver sky armor looks cooler."

Yuan Chenghuang was flabbergasted. "You guys, shouldn't we be discussing how many girls Chen Chu is going to impress after showing off at every school?"

"Oh my, Old Yuan, you hit the nail on the head."

"Chen Chu defeating all the geniuses at their schools with such a powerful entrance is definitely going to catch the eyes of all the girls."

"No way, the more we talk about it, the more jealous I get. We gotta make him treat us to a night of barbecue. That pork knuckle last time was too delicious."

"Yeah, let's eat until he's broke."

Not far away, Lin Yu sighed. "Sis, your judgment is sharp. You wanted to recruit him into our squad when he was still completing Foundation Building. It's a shame that dragons don't mix with snakes[1]."

Lin Xue gave her a baffled look. "Little Yu, if you can't use idioms correctly, it's better not to use them at all."

Under everyone's gaze, the red letters on the big screen kept changing, showing the number of defeated schools increasing to six, seven, ten...

It could almost be described as a sweeping, unstoppable force. As Chen Chu continued to dominate the battlefield with an increasingly powerful aura, more than twenty figures burst out from the Yunwu Mountains, all heading in the opposite direction to converge.

With Chen Chu's unstoppable speed, most of these top students would miss this pivotal battle if they went back to their original bases. Therefore, the military had sent them a separate message, informing them to gather at the final school base, where they could wait for Chen Chu to arrive.

As everyone watched in tension and amazement, night fell.

By the end of the afternoon, Chen Chu had challenged twenty-seven schools, fought two hundred and ninety-three times, and won every single battle without an opponent lasting more than one move.

At the Qingming base, the lights were bright. The vast square was eerily silent, with all eyes on the figure standing with a halberd in the center.

Amid the swirling blood-red killing intent surrounding Chen Chu, countless mutated beasts seemed to faintly roar and wail. It was as if he had emerged from mountains of carcasses and seas of blood after slaughtering hundreds of thousands of mutated creatures.

The Qingming teacher glanced at the more than ten students who had been defeated with a single blow and sighed deeply. "Chen Chu, you've won."

Chen Chu replied slowly. "Thank you."

Then, he turned and left, his steps heavy, causing the ground to shake and crack from the horrifying impact with each step.

"Phew! Is today finally over?" A Third Heavenly Realm student exhaled, wearing a bitter smile.

"This guy must be a monster. Fighting from the afternoon until now, sweeping through dozens of schools, defeating around three hundred cultivators of the same level, and still so strong."

"Let's see what happens tomorrow."

Everyone assumed Chen Chu would rest for the night, recover, and continue tomorrow. After all, no one was made of iron, and such continuous fighting took a toll on the mind and body.

Indeed, for the next half hour, no new updates came about any schools being swept through.

However, only those at the base center knew the battle was not over. On the large satellite surveillance screen, the light representing Chen Chu could be seen moving at an astonishing speed past the bases he had swept through in the afternoon.

Nantian was situated on the left side of those bases, and that was also the direction Chen Chu had swept through in the afternoon. So, after defeating the twenty-eight schools in that direction, he needed to return to reach the rest.

Suddenly, after more than half an hour, the big screen lit up again.

"Chen Chu has defeated Lingshan Martial Arts High School. No one could withstand a single move."

Instantly, all the bases were in an uproar.

"Damn, isn't that guy going to rest?"

"Does he plan to conquer the entire southern battlefield in one day?"

"Damn, we might be witnessing history today..."

Many students who were just about to go eat stopped in their tracks, turning back excitedly to look at the big screen shimmering with red light.

Sure enough, just over ten minutes later, the words on the screen changed again.

Liu Feng shouted nervously, "That's the thirty-second!"

Soon, Li Meng also exclaimed excitedly, "Thirty-third!"


In everyone’s nervous and expectant gazes, especially Xia Youhui and the others, the flickering light on the big screen was like a progress bar, indicating how far Chen Chu had gotten in his journey to sweep through the southern battlefield.

Whether it was the geniuses already defeated by Chen Chu or the ordinary students, all of them watched the shining screen nervously. The geniuses, especially, hoped more than anyone else that he could succeed. With everyone knocked out with just one move, they wouldn't appear too useless.

Late into the night, at two in the morning, the light on the big screen flashed again, and all fifty-seven bases erupted.

"Fifty-eighth, just one more left, Ah Chu, go for it!"

"Kill, kill, kill them all!"

"He's invincible, he really is going to defeat the entire southern battlefield in one day..."

Amid the excitement and shouts of countless people, dozens of figures exuding powerful auras stood on the mountain below the Chongzhou base, their expressions serious as they looked into the distance.

Among them was Zhang Tianlong, the top student of Nantian.

Soon, a foreboding aura swept in from the distance, and everyone's spirits lifted. "He's here."

That excitement quickly turned into shock, however, when Chen Chu emerged from the darkness.

Wasn't he supposed to be walking the path of invincibility? What's with that overwhelming blood-red light surrounding him? How many people did he need to kill to condense such a rich blood aura!

1. This is a direct translation of a Chinese idiom meaning that different people don't mix ☜


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