Myth Beyond Heaven

Chapter 2275: Ceremony

Chapter 2275: Ceremony

Yun Mucheng paused, allowing the murmurs to subside before continuing, "It is with great joy that I announce the betrothal of our former Saintess, Yun Wushuang, to the Sacred Son of the Sacred Flame Palace, Huo Jiuming."


The announcement sent shockwaves through the crowd. Gasps of astonishment filled the air, followed by a cacophony of excited chatter.

The news of this union was nothing short of earth-shattering. The former Saintess, once thought to be lost forever, was not only alive but was about to marry the Sacred Son of a rival faction.

The implications of this alliance were immense. It signified a shift in the power dynamics of the Divine Moon God Region and the Divine Sun God Region, a potential bridge between two factions that had been growing increasingly distant in recent years.

Yun Lintian's heart clenched at the mention of his mother's name. He had anticipated this announcement, yet hearing it spoken aloud filled him with a sense of dread.

He glanced towards Huo Jiuming, who sat with a smug smile on his face, clearly relishing the attention. The Sacred Son's arrogance was palpable, his eyes gleaming with a possessive glint as he imagined claiming Yun Wushuang as his own.

Yun Lintian's eyes turned cold. He withdrew his gaze and looked towards Yun Mucheng.

Yun Mucheng's voice cut through the noise, bringing the crowd's attention back to the platform. "This union is a testament to the enduring spirit of cooperation and understanding. It is a symbol of hope for a brighter future, where our two factions can stand together against the challenges that lie ahead."

Her words were met with polite applause, though the underlying tension in the air remained. Many were still grappling with the implications of this alliance, their minds racing with questions and concerns.

Yun Lintian remained silent, his gaze fixed on the platform. He knew that the true purpose of this ceremony was far more complex than Yun Mucheng's words suggested. There were hidden motives, unspoken agreements, and sacrifices made in the name of power and ambition.

The problem was he had no idea about his mother's attitude. Why would she propose this marriage herself?

Before Yun Lintian could make a decision, he must uncover the truth behind the scene first. As the ceremony continued, Yun Mucheng invited Huo Jiuming to speak. The Sacred Son rose from his seat, his movements graceful and confident. He addressed the crowd with a practiced eloquence, his words carefully crafted to project an image of strength and benevolence.

He spoke of his admiration for Yun Wushuang, his desire to forge a lasting bond between their two factions. His words were met with mixed reactions from the crowd. Some were swayed by his charisma, while others remained skeptical, their doubts lingering beneath the surface.

Yun Lintian watched Huo Jiuming's performance with a cold, analytical eye. He saw through the Sacred Son's facade, recognizing the ambition and ruthlessness that lurked beneath his charming exterior.

This man was a predator, a wolf in sheep's clothing. He would not hesitate to use Yun Wushuang to further his own agenda, regardless of the consequences.

As Huo Jiuming concluded his speech, a hush fell over the avenue. All eyes turned towards the palace gates, anticipating the arrival of the bride.

Yun Lintian's heart pounded in his chest, his anxiety reaching a fever pitch. He was about to see his mother for the first time in his life, and he had no idea what to expect.

Would she be broken and defeated, her spirit crushed by years of hardship? How would she feel when she see him?

He held his breath, his gaze fixed on the gates. The moment of truth was upon him.

The gates creaked open, and a hush fell over the gathered crowd. A solitary figure emerged, draped in a flowing crimson veil that obscured her features.

She moved with an ethereal grace, her footsteps barely disturbing the pristine marble floor. A palpable aura of melancholy clung to her, a stark contrast to the vibrant energy that had filled the avenue just moments before.

Yun Lintian's heart ached as he beheld this vision of sorrow. Though her face was hidden, he recognized her instantly. The way she carried herself, the subtle tilt of her head, the delicate curve of her hand-these were echoes of his own reflection, a testament to the unbreakable bond that tied them together.

His mother, Yun Wushuang, stood before him, a prisoner of fate, her spirit burdened by the weight of sacrifice.

Yun Lintian had always thought he would feel nothing, but the reality was entirely different. Perhaps it was because they were related by blood that he could recognize her right away without being told.

Despite the veil, Yun Lintian could sense his mother's inner turmoil. Her aura, once vibrant and radiant, was now muted and subdued. It was as if a part of her had withered away, leaving behind a hollow shell.

Yun Lintian subconsciously clenched his fists but he soon calmed down. He needed to keep his head cool under such a situation.

Yun Wushuang slowly made her way towards the platform, her steps measured and deliberate. The crowd watched in awed silence, their eyes filled with a mixture of pity and admiration.

As she reached the platform, Yun Mucheng stepped forward, her expression unreadable. She gestured towards Huo Jiuming, who rose from his seat with a predatory grin.

The Sacred Son approached Yun Wushuang, his eyes gleaming with a possessive hunger. He reached out to lift her veil, but she gently swatted his hand away.

A flicker of annoyance crossed Huo Jiuming's face, but he quickly masked it with a charming smile. "My dear Wushuang, why do you hide your beauty from me? Let me see your lovely


Yun Wushuang remained silent, her body rigid. She refused to meet his gaze, her eyes fixed on

the ground.

Huo Jiuming chuckled, his voice laced with a hint of menace. "Don't be shy, my love. Soon, you will be mine, and all your secrets will be revealed."

He reached out once more, this time with a firmer grip. Yun Wushuang tried to resist, but his strength overpowered hers. The veil slipped from her face, revealing her ethereal beauty to

the world.

A collective gasp echoed through the avenue. Yun Wushuang's appearance was breathtaking, her features delicate and refined, her skin pale and flawless. Her eyes, though devoid of their former sparkle, still held a captivating allure.

Huo Jiuming's eyes widened in delight. "Ah, my Wushuang, you are even more beautiful than I imagined."


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