Myth Beyond Heaven

Chapter 2196 Confrontation (1)

Chapter 2196 Confrontation (1)

The evening air whipped against Yun Lintian's face as he strolled along the street.

Yun Ling, silent but ever-present at his side, couldn't help but steal worried glances at her young master.

"Young Master, do you really want to return to the clan now?" she finally ventured, her voice barely a whisper. "But surely, wouldn't it be…"

Yun Lintian chuckled softly, the sound strangely devoid of humor. "Suffocating? Unpleasant? Perhaps," he conceded, his gaze fixed on the bustling crowd ahead. "But necessary nonetheless."

Yun Ling frowned. "Necessary?"

"Indeed," Yun Lintian replied, a hint of steel creeping into his voice. "The whispers within the clan house may hold sway over others, but they hold no weight for me. Right now, I have more pressing matters at hand."

His words sparked a flicker of curiosity within Yun Ling. What could be more pressing than navigating the treacherous political landscape of the Yun Clan? A question hung heavy in the air, unanswered.

A wave of disquiet crashed over Yun Lintian as they neared the imposing gates of the Yun Clan compound. Despite lacking memories of this place, a curious sense of comfort settled over him, a feeling akin to returning home – a home he couldn't recall.

"Third Young Master," greeted Wei Chang, his voice laced with a hint of curiosity.

Yun Lintian offered a curt nod. "Where can I find my father?"

Wei Chang hesitated, a flicker of unease crossing his features. "The entire council is currently gathered in the main hall."

Yun Ling's face paled. Intuition screamed that their presence wouldn't be well-received. Most likely, the topic of Yun Lintian's position as successor was on the agenda.

"Thank you. Can I go in now?" Yun Lintian replied with an indifferent smile.

Wei Chang bowed slightly. "Welcome back, Third Young Master."

Yun Lintian turned to Yun Ling, a hint of amusement flickering in his eyes. "Lead the way, Little Ling. I imagine the main hall is buzzing with activity right now."

Yun Ling bit her lip, torn between loyalty and concern. She knew arguing would be futile.

With a resigned sigh, she guided Yun Lintian towards the main hall.

Inside, Yun Wuhan sat with quiet resolve, facing the assembled clan elders. He knew, without a doubt, that their agenda centered around removing his son from the line of succession.

At this moment, a commotion stirred at the entrance. A servant's voice boomed through the hall, "The Third Young Master is here!"

The vast hall buzzed with hushed whispers and nervous glances as Yun Lintian stepped through the threshold. Every eye turned towards him, a mixture of curiosity, contempt, and thinly veiled hostility swirling in the air. Yun Ling, trailing behind him, felt a shiver run down her spine.

Yun Lintian's gaze swept across the assembly, his eyes lingering momentarily on Yun Qinghong. The First Elder sat with an air of smug satisfaction, a predatory gleam in his eyes. Beside him, Yun Long mirrored his father's expression, his lips curled into a sneer.

Yun Wuhan sat at the head of the table, his face etched with a mixture of worry and barely suppressed fury. He watched his son approach, a flicker of hope warring with the grim reality of the situation.

"Young Patriarch," Yun Qinghong's voice boomed through the hall, dripping with false concern. "It's good to have you back. We've been anxiously awaiting your return."

Yun Lintian inclined his head slightly, a mocking smile playing on his lips. "I'm touched by your concern, First Elder. I trust my absence hasn't caused too much inconvenience?"

A ripple of murmurs coursed through the hall. Yun Lintian's sarcasm was not lost on anyone.

Yun Qinghong's smile tightened. "Inconvenience? Hardly. However, your actions have caused quite a stir within the city. Your… condition has become a matter of public knowledge, much to the detriment of the clan's reputation."

Yun Lintian's eyebrow arched into a question mark. "My condition? You refer to the amnesia inflicted upon me by Chen Zitao, no less. Impressive display of power by the Chen Clan, wouldn't you say? Especially considering our Yun Clan's… muted response to their Young Patriarch's public assault."

The subtle accusation hung heavy in the air. Yun Qinghong's face darkened, but he quickly regained his composure.

"Regardless of the circumstances," he continued smoothly, "the damage has been done. The Azure Cloud Convention looms on the horizon, and our clan's standing is at stake. As such, we must take decisive action to mitigate the fallout."

He paused, letting the weight of his words sink in. Then, with a dramatic flourish, he turned to Yun Wuhan.

"Patriarch, with a heavy heart, I propose that Yun Lintian be temporarily removed from his position as successor. It is clear that his current state renders him unfit to lead."

The clan elders exchanged silent glances. They'd already expected this.

Yun Wuhan's grip on the armrests of his chair tightened, his knuckles turning white. He had anticipated this, but the blatant disrespect towards his son still ignited a raging fire within him.

Yun Lintian, however, remained unfazed. He met Yun Qinghong's gaze with an unwavering calm.

"First Elder," he began, his voice clear and resonant, "your concern for the clan's reputation is touching. However, I must remind you that my amnesia is not a reflection of my capabilities. I may not recall the past, but my spirit remains unbroken."

He paused, allowing his words to reverberate through the hall. Then, with a hint of defiance in his eyes, he continued, "Furthermore, the Azure Cloud Convention is a test of strength and talent. I may not remember the intricacies of cultivation techniques or the nuances of clan politics, but I trust my instincts and my ability to adapt."

A hush fell over the assembly. Yun Lintian's words, though simple, carried a weight that belied his lack of memories. He exuded a quiet confidence, an aura of untapped potential.

Yun Qinghong's eyes narrowed. He had underestimated this boy. Amnesia or not, Yun Lintian possessed a charisma, a spark of defiance that could not be easily extinguished.

"Empty words," Yun Long sneered, his voice dripping with disdain. "What can a man with no memories offer the clan? You're nothing but a liability, a stain on our honor."

Yun Lintian turned to face Yun Long, a cold smile playing on his lips. "A liability? Perhaps. But unlike you, I do not rely on my father's influence to prop me up. I stand on my own two feet, even without the crutch of past glories."

A flicker of surprise passed through the room, a shift in the collective gaze settling upon Yun Lintian. This young master, their once docile Third Young Master, seemed… different.


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