Mystery Hunter

Chapter 12: The Unspeakable Concealment

Chapter 12: The Unspeakable Concealment

Translator: Ca5 Editor: MadHatter

Envy and a feeling of helplessness were prevalent in Wang Chaos words. Wang Chao has learned from his many years of experience that there existed a chasm between people and that certain things cannot be accomplished solely through hard work. When Einstein was a teenager, he knew calculus without a teacher, but many people still couldnt understand it after systematic learning.

This was the distinction between people.

And Jiang He in front of Wang Chao gave him that impression.

Wang Chao realized that despite his best efforts, he was only able to take things one step at a time and could never gather as much data or perform a probability analysis as Jiang He could with only a pair of eyes.

And Wang Chao found it to be extremely strange; if such a powerful person existed, why would he submit to a small police station?

Jiang He would undeniably flourish should he join the criminal police team.

Perhaps he could be able to match that experts capability as a police officer in the future. For Jiang He, none of this was a fantasy.

Wang Chao, nevertheless, was oblivious to the fact that Jianghe had attempted the city and provincial police recruitment examination for several years in a row, but had failed to pass even the written examination with no one explaining to him the reason why.

While Jiang He had no way of knowing, he was neither dissatisfied nor discouraged.

This may be due to the result of Jiang He having a highly stable emotional state and constantly being rather rational. If he was unable to become a police officer, he would solve the case in another way. Jiang He has never had high hopes for his future. He didnt actively pursue life or death, and he only lived in the present.

And the words of the master Wang Chao, who was able to grasp human nature and see through peoples hearts, have now flooded Jiang Hes thoughts to the brim? Jiang He would receive a score of -100 when it came to assessing the hearts of others if his memory and observational skills were both 100%.

Jiang He was, therefore, the worst at posing questions since he was oblivious to what the other partys words were in the end. Jiang He could only make judgments based on how much individuals were crying and how high they were arching their eyebrows but had conducted tests in this field, and the majority of his conclusions were erroneous.

As a result, Wang Chao was the only person who can complete this task. Wang Chao classified Li Weiyis words into three categories: true, false, and difficult to distinguish between true and false. With this distinction made, Jiang He can now begin to analyze the data.

Since Li Weiyi refused to see Jianghe, he was compelled to write down the questions he wanted to ask, and handed them over to Wang Chao.

The key question was whether Li Weiyi had sex with He Huijuan before going to work or when he returned home from work.

Li Weiyis expression was exceptionally over the top when Wang Chao asked this question.

For a while, Wang Chao couldnt describe his expression.

This was rage that was conflicted and tinged with melancholy.

Wang Chao admired the expert even more after catching sight of such an expression. Seeing through a persons heart was a difficult task.

And this was the same question as Jiang Hes previous one, which infuriated Li Weiyi.

According to Li Weiyi: How long had it been since I walked from my house to the Public Security Bureau? You continue to probe me rather than search for the murderer. Its been about 5 or 6 hours. Even my mothers and wifes deaths were unknown to me. What in the world are you doing?

Mr. Li, dont get stimulated. Take a sip and settle down, Wang Chao said as he poured a glass of water for Li Weiyi.

We want to know who this murderer is as soon as possible, which is why we want to ask you so many questions. I hope you will cooperate so that we can discover the murderer at the earliest opportunity. Li Weiyi then nodded.

Do not conceal anything since death is a serious subject. Has your wife and you had any sexual intercourse today? Wang Chao inquired once more.

No. Li Weiyi was unflinching.

Wang Chao couldnt help but curse Jiang He in his heart as he stared down at the small note in his hand. If he was asked who handed these questions and probed this subject to him, Li Weiyi would most likely be outraged. Nonetheless, these questions had to be asked. Having the answers to these questions will be crucial in this case.

You see, we are about the same age, said Wang Chao kindly. It is not an exaggeration to refer to you as Brother Li. I have a question for you, Brother Li. Why have you been married for five years yet still havent had a child?

Li Weiyi turned to face Wang Chao. There is no special reason, he said and took a sip of water. Its just that Im not interested in having children. This is a private subject in our family. Its not the cops turn to pester, is it?

Wang Chao could plainly see that Li Weiyi was suppressing his rage.

But Wang Chao persisted: If I may speculate, He Huijuan did not hold you in high regard. I had previously asked someone to look into it. It was a blind date that brought you and He Huijuan together. He Huijuan had no regard for you, even if her parents were delighted with you. And you are aware of this, which was why you had treated He Huijuan so nicely ever since your marriage.

Li Weiyi remained silent.

Wang Chao went on: However, the better you treat He Huijuan, the worse He Huijuan will become. She will not allow you to touch her. She despised your old-fashioned appearance, your old-fashioned clothing, and the fact that you kept making too little money. You had little influence over the matter, but He Huijuan was on point, so you had to put up with it.

Li Weiyi gripped the water cup in his hand.

Wang Chao could sense Li Weiyis rage building up, and the more he reacted in this manner, the closer he got to Li Weiyis heart.

Wang Chao continued: Now that youve answered the question, allow me to tell you something. Your wife He Huijuan had sex before she died away, according to the autopsy reports. According to our forensics, sexual conduct happened within an hour or two before He Huijuans death, and she demonstrated no signs of resistance.

Li Weiyi continued to clutch the cup firmly, but Wang Chao could see that his muscles were quivering.

Jiang Hes queries had been addressed, and Wang Chao viewed this as a chance to expose Li Weiyi.

Wang Chao went on to say: No sign of opposition was present. You understand what that means. In short, if it werent for you, your wife would most likely wear a green hat for you. Are you aware of this? Your wife wont let you touch her, and you work to support her.

Did you leave at noon today? Wang Chaos tone softened.

A bang sound resonated in the office.

It was the sound of the water cup slamming onto the wooden table.

The cup then shattered followed by the tea dregs splattering to the ground.

The glass fragments that cut Li Weiyis hand caused the tea to drip down the edge of the desk and became brownish as the blood mingled with it.

Li Weiyis pupils dilated and his lips trembled.

Wang Chao was astonished by Li Weiyis abrupt behavior. He looked at Li Weiyis eyes, which had a menacing appearance.

The sound of shattering glass prompted the police officers outside to rush into the interrogation room out of fear that something dreadful would ensue.

Wang Chao was convinced that Li Weiyi would confess if he was stimulated in front of him again.

You murdered your wife and mother! he exclaimed.

Many police officers had already flooded into the interrogation room at this point, including Jiang He and Xu Yiman.

They heard Wang Chao screaming, You murdered your wife and mother! the instant they entered.

Silence pervaded the scene as everyone awaited Li Weiyis response.

The shards of glass pierced deep into Li Weiyis palm while his hands were still grasping the shattered cup.

But Li Weiyi didnt even blink his eyes as if this palm wasnt his.

His blood streamed down, and bits of glass floated like miniature boats on the scarlet sea.

Li Weiyi laughed with his face flushed as he trembled from head to toe: I did it, I did it, I did it. I just wanted to kill that girl. Everything was done by me. I murdered both my mother and my wife. Im going to kill myself now!

With that, Li Weiyi unexpectedly raised the glass shard and stabbed himself in the neck.

Li Weiyis life wont be able to be saved if the aorta was pierced since bleeding from it would be inevitable.

Jiang He practically rushed up unhesitatingly at this point.

When Li Weiyi lifted the fragment, Jiang Hes mind analyzed two possibilities: First, Li Weiyi had a 70% chance of committing suicide, and second, Li Weiyi had a 30% chance of killing someone.

Before Li Weiyi declared, Im going to kill myself, Jiang Hes brain had already sent this information to his body.

That was why Jiang He dashed into the room.

It turned out Jiang He had made the ideal decision.

Glass fragments wounded Jiang Hes arm as he collided with Li Weiyis body, and the two tumbled to the ground together.

Even though the surrounding police officers had already intervened, Li Weiyi still wanted to turn over and pursue his own death. The police officers were indeed slow to react, but they only began to act after Li Weiyi finished speaking. Jiang He had already predicted Li Weiyis next step in less than a second.

Wang Chao inspected Jiang Hes injuries, and the glass had produced a long and shallow rip that felt painful.

But it dawned on him that Jiang He was like the earlier Li Weiyi as he turned a blind eye to his injuries.

Wang Chao scolded Li Weiyi: It turned out that you really did it, boy.

Do you want to kill yourself because you are afraid of sin after killing someone?


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