Mystery Hunter

Chapter 1: Strange people

Chapter 1: Strange people

July 28 , noon.

The fierce sun hung high above his head.

A blood-stained domestic pig rushed and came out of the window of a residential building on the second floor. With the sound of broken glass, the pig fell heavily on the street and let out a heart-piercing howl. The blood-stained domestic pig did not stop, as he struggled to stabilize his body, he raced wild.

This domestic pig weighed around 140 pounds and was trembling all over when it raced.

It shook out a red satin on the road, which was a long trace of blood.

The citizens of the metropolis of Longcheng, who consume pork every day, have never witnessed a pig run in such a dramatic way.

Especially one that was covered in blood.

What happened to that pig? Was it a mental decline? Was it a human torsion?

When everyone was puzzled, a person jumped down from the broken window.

This was a 30-year-old man with straggly hair and an unshaven beard. He was about 1.78 meters tall. He was underweight and had large bags under his eyes; black circles appeared to have been present since his birth. The man was wearing a white casual shirt which was stained with blood.

After landing, the man rolled twice on the ground and fought to stand up.

He pursued the blood-splattered pig in the distance.

A passer-by overheard him thinking to himself: The victim was battered after taking Dulantin, his blood loss rate rose, and he was definitely thrilled. The victims body contained around 800 millilitres of blood, with a blood lose rate of 20 ml per minute, the sufferer will either be in shock or die within 20 minutes. [ TN: I felt like the figures were off, so I adjusted them; additionally, a loss of 40% of ones blood volume would likely be fatal to most animals. ]

Hes lost it. The passerby commented.

This pig appears to have been subjected to inhumane treatment and wishes to flee.

A wall emerged in front of it, but it was frantic to get away, so it dashed onto the busy roadway.

Taxi drivers on other parts of the route received the following information over the radio: According to Mr. Li, the driver, an out-of-control pig ran into the highway, causing traffic gridlock on the southern stretch of Jinlun Road. Please come close. The driver took a detour.

Drivers had never heard of such a cause in their life. After listening to the radio, the drivers decided to go over and take a look.

Indeed, quite a few people got out of the car to watch the frightened domestic pig. It seemed to be in despair, howling boom and slamming the surrounding cars into the frame.

Somebody couldnt help but shout, Zhu Bajie is crazy, wheres Brother Monkey, wheres the master.

Then a person appeared.

This was the man after the pig, and the man pounced on it like a hound.

One person and one pig were rolling on the ground, beating each other.

Half an hour later, the Jinlun Road Police Station of the Yuzhou Sub-bureau of Longcheng City received a report from the masses: In the southern section of Jinlun Road, a man and a pig fought each other. The scene was bloody and violent. At present, both the man and the sow have been injured to varying degrees, and the scenario is briefly out of control.

Upon receiving the report, the police comrades from the Jinlun Road Police Station rushed to the scene immediately. When the police from the police station arrived, one person and a pig were panting on the ground. The scars on the persons and pigs bodies appear to be evenly balanced, half a catty.

The little policeman had never encountered a case of a fight with a pig in his life. He looked at the old policeman by his side.

Old An, whats the matter? the young policeman asked.

Lao An scratched his head and stopped to think.

    Jiang was still old and hot. After a while, he placed handcuffs on the man and shackles on the swine.

Fighting on the street is a violation of the Public Security Administration Punishment Law, and I will immediately transport you back to the police station for processing.

Lao An stated.

The man stood up, but his line of sight did not leave the sows body. He muttered and seemed to be calculating something.

Take it away. Lao An waved his hand.

There are several aunts who were upset: Comrade cops, I can attest that it was this animal that broke the traffic first. This young man is courageous in his righteousness and dares to oppose dark power. I propose that this swine be severely penalised, or at the very least shut down.

One person and one pig were locked in an interrogation room.

The policeman Lao An looked at the man, and the man also looked at Lao An.

After a time, it was the man who broke the silence: If you continue to stay silent like this, the sow next to me will be unable to survive. But I continue to underestimate this sow; it appears that pigs have greater vitality than people. A large number of individuals. People will fall into shock in 20 minutes and die in half an hour in this condition. This pig lasted one hour, twenty-eight minutes, and twelve seconds. This is an incredible quantity, either because my measurement is too little, or perhaps because the pigs drive to win is too great

The man hugged his head and rubbed his already messy hair.

Lao An tapped the table, saying, Please keep your voice down for me. Do you remember what I asked you?

The With flaming eyes, the guy turned his head and looked at Lao An. Lao Ans heart trembled when he saw those eyes, which seemed to be able to read peoples hearts.

Lao Ann knocked on the table again.

It was this man who could speak.

You took the bus to work today. You went straight to the police station after crossing Yingbin Road. You just had a talk with your son before arresting me. He was unruly and performed poorly at school. You are concerned about whether he will be admitted to university following the college entrance exams. So you intend to locate a partner and enrol your youngster in school. You and your wife do not get along. They are not divorced, but they are separated. Youve lost faith in women, but Im anxious to start a fresh connection with you.

The Quiet in Lao Ans mouth was swallowed alive in his stomach.

He closely examined the man in front of him, not knowing how the man saw it; indeed, what the man stated was eight to nine inseparable.

So, if theres nothing else, the man said with a pleasant smile devoid of passion.

Lao An shook his head instinctively, but remained silent behind the table.

It appears that no matter how close the anatomy of people and pigs is, whether it is organs or muscular tissue, they are still two separate species, the guy stated as he half-knelt on the ground and gently caressed the sow.

When Old An saw the man muttering to himself, the first thing that came to mind was mental disease.

The man shook his head.

You are now curious about how I know your information, and you are wondering whether to find a doctor to see if I have a mental illness. I can tell you very clearly that I am not mentally ill, and my IQ is higher than yours. More than fifty. Do you want to know?

So, if theres nothing else, the man said with a pleasant smile devoid of passion.

Lao An gave a nod.

Allow me to go after I say it. Im excited to go back and complete the experiment, the man concluded.

Old An wanted to summon all the authorities to penalise him or maybe imprison him to quell the mans arrogance, but when the words came out of his lips, they were: After being reprimanded and educated, you may leave.

The collar and cuffs of your clothes are a little yellow, but the rest of the place is very Its clean, youve washed it, but youre a very impatient person. You dont even bother to wash these places. As for why I know about your son, you have taken out your mobile phone many times in the car and looked at it many times. The same number is the number of a big man.

Your mobile screen saver is a picture of you and your son, and the lack of his mother means that you and your wife have been separated for a long time, and now your son is all your hope. So I understand why you are so impatient with people. Am I right, Officer An Jinzhong?

The man was remained expressionless as he stood up and gazed down at An Jinzhong, causing An Jinzhong to reflexively draw away. Pulling his collar, the aggressive guy in front of him seemed to be able to see through the tale behind him with only his gaze.

Did you check my information?

An Jinzhongs voice was calm, but he couldnt believe there were people who could decipher so much information with just their eyes.

The man looked at the dead sow on the floor with a scowl on his face.

All of this is obvious. Where did I go the first time I saw you to double-check the data?

Man extended two fingers, nodded, and pointed to An Jinzhong.

Observation, careful observation. Reasoning, specifically progressive reasoning. Speculating, guessing on the basis of evidence. But are I correct?

An Jinzhong was seated across from a man.

An Jinzhong coughed twice before saying, Even if everything you know is based on observation, logic, and conjecture, how can you know my name only by looking? I didnt tell you about mine. Youve never seen my police card, name.

Im sorry, but as I came in, I saw your photo hanging on the wall of the police station, with your name printed beneath it. The

So I still have a lot of things to do now, the man grumbled, and I will go if I have nothing to do.

An Jinzhong appeared to recall his identity at this point, and he was ready to return: According to the Public Security Management Punishment Law, I have the authority to You will be penalised by public security for your actions, and you will be fined 200 yuan!

An Jinzhongs actions are understood; in fact, such a penalty is appropriate for a mans behaviour. But just now, An Jinzhong is striving even harder to make a little face for himself.

The guy remained expressionless in the face of An Jinzhongs reappearance, as if nothing would startle him.

You can hold me since I dont have the money. The man expressed himself nicely.

An Jinzhong glanced at the terrified guy in front of him, speechless for a moment.

Who is this odd individual?

Who in the world are you? An Jinzhong couldnt help but inquire.

My name is Jiang He, and Im a patient, the man added, pouting.

Patient? said An Jinzhong, scratching his brow.

At this point, the small cop rapidly pulled open the interrogation room door.

The three exchanged glances.

Whats the matter? An Jinzhong inquired.

There was a murder.

Jiang He and the little policeman both stated the same thing.


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