My Wives Are Too Overpowered

Chapter 6 Plans For Future

๏ปฟJosh and Janet left Alex and Melissa alone after chatting with them for an hour straight.

They bombarded Alex with many questions such as: where did you two meet? Did you go beyond a kiss? When can we expect grandchildren? And so on and so forth, with the most important one being...

"WHY YOU NO DOCTOR YET!?"Rรชaฤ‘ lat๐’†st ch๐’‚/p/ters on n๐’/v/๐’†/l(b)i๐’(.)c/๐’/m

The best part about that question was that they were totally serious when asking this, despite knowing it would take Alex a few more years to finish his undergrad and get the doctor title.

"Although they pestered me with this question for the entirety of my undergrad, in the end, they were the ones who cheered the hardest for me when I actually became a doctor." Alex, sitting on the couch in the living room, said in a low tone.

"Mhm-hmm..." Melissa, having her head on Alex's chest and drawing circles on it, hummed in response.

Alex caressed Melissa's hair and continued, "it was so hectic to become one and now I have to repeat the process again."

Feeling her husband's concern, the silver-haired turned her head up to look him in the eyes and asked in a gentle tone, "I can help you skip the process, if you want."

Alex smiled and shook his head. "There's no need, we live in the US, we can skip everything and anything easily if we have those freshly printed green pieces of paper."

Melissa didn't understand Alex's sarcasm and kept staring at him, waiting for an explanation.

Alex didn't even look at her and was staring at the wall in front, thinking of a few things.

Both went quiet for a few minutes and Alex unknowingly rested his chin on Melissa's head while hugging her tighter.

'I wonder what my husband is thinking...' Melissa, staring at Alex's face, wondered.

Meanwhile Alex...

'I need to make money.' Seriousness flashed in front of his eyes. 'I can't survive here without money and now I also have my wife who I need to take care of. Although I am sure she would be happy to even live inside a car with me, I wanna give her, and my family, all the happiness they deserve.'

'And also... Melissa said there are going to be more wives coming. Meaning I have to work extra hard.'

'But all of that aside, is Melissa a Blessed? The glimpse of her prowess she showed me, it was all something impossible to be achieved by a human.'

Alex felt he should ask Melissa herself about this. Turning to her, he saw her already staring at him.

Having Alex's attention on her finally, Melissa asked, "what are you wondering for so long, husband?"

"I am wondering about you." Alex put out his honest thoughts.

"Oh." Melissa's face immediately brightened up hearing that. She smiled and asked, "is it something naughty you're wondering? You know, I am always ready to do anything lewd you want. I am all yours."

Saying so, Melissa grabbed Alex's hand and put them on her breasts, having him experience his hand get absorbed in them.

Alex didn't shy away from squeezing them and feeling his wife's big knockers. While doing so, he asked, "wifey, are you a Blessed?"

Alex was pretty quick to come to terms with everything and didn't feel shy in calling Melissa as wife. She had been calling him husband since day one of his reincarnation, the least he could do is reciprocate this emotion for her.

"No." Melissa replied instantly.

"Okay." Alex didn't ask further and focused on playing with the marshmallows in hand.

"Are you not going to ask who am I, if I am not a Blessed?" Melissa asked out of curiosity.

Alex shook his head. "Curiosity killed the cat. I was already overwhelmed by a lot of information when I first met you, I am sure the same will repeat and I'll understand none of it. There's also the possibility of you not answering my question too, so I better stay quiet."

Melissa giggled. "I am not sure how you got it right, but yes, I wouldn't have answered even if you had asked me."

Alex smiled and didn't comment on it further.

The two enjoyed each other's company for a while and Alex formulated the plans for his future during his relaxing time with Melissa.

Josh and Janet returned after a few hours to ask when Alex and Melissa wanted to marry.

Alex explained that he would do it once he got his bachelor's degree and it took quite a bit of convincing for the two to agree with it.

It was also established that marry or not, Melissa was now their daughter and would stay with them. Alex had no problem with this, but Melissa did... a little bit.

She tried to make Josh and Janet understand why a young couple shouldn't live with their parents, but it didn't take many words of explanation as the two completely understood Melissa.

Janet took Melissa to the kitchen, away from the men, and explained to her that the house was now going to be renovated.

Josh and Janet left previously to make arrangements for the same.

Since Melissa would now be living with Alex, the entire second floor as well as Alex's room was going to be soundproofed.

No noise would be heard from the inside even if one eavesdropped at the door of Alex's room.

Not only that, to give this young couple some alone time, Josh and Janet had booked a vacation to Yellowstone National Park. They would be gone for about two weeks, leaving the two to each other's care.

Melissa was greatly surprised by hearing it. Only now she understood how cool her mother-in-law actually was.

Alex wasn't aware of the renovation yet and he was in for a surprise.

That day, the four had dinner together and went to sleep.

Melissa controlled herself and didn't do anything naughty with Alex. She just snuggled with him and slept peacefully after getting a deep, loving kiss from Alex.

Next day.

"Alright kids, mom and dad are leaving. Have fun, okay?" Josh gave a big bear hug to the two and said.

"Have a fun trip, dad." Alex said and Melissa repeated the same.

"Have fun." Janet kissed Alex and Melissa's cheeks and said.

"You too, mom." Alex and Melissa replied with all smiles.

Josh and Janet went into the car and prepared to drive away.

Just before leaving, Janet waved her hand and said, "hey, while guys are at it, think of this old couple here and give us a few grandchildren!"

"Have a safe journey, mom." Alex waved and didn't bother to even comment on his mother's words.

Josh and Janet soon left and now it was just Alex and Melissa in the house.

Melissa turned to look at Alex and rubbing her non-existent beard, said, "honey... maybe mom is right. We should make some bab--"

"We can, for sure." Alex nodded.

"WE CAN!?" Melissa replied with great enthusiasm.

"Yes. It's just that, you won't get to have sex again until the children are at least two years old. Consider one year of pregnancy and then two years of raising them up, in total three years."

"Also, even after three years, it's not a guarantee that we can have sex because our children will be sleeping with us in the same room."

"By the time they stop sleeping in our room, they'll be rational enough to know that mommy and daddy are having sex, which in turn will make things awkward."

"So..." Alex looked at Melissa with a smile. "...Do you still want to make babies?"

"..." Melissa was left speechless.

A second later, she clicked her tongue and said, "I don't know how much of what you said is truth and lies, but I met you after so long, I don't want to risk anything."

She then walked towards Alex and held his collar. Biting onto his ear, she said seductively, "Also, now that mom and dad are gone, you're left at my mercy. You do understand the things I can do to you, right?"

Alex, getting bit as well as threatened by his wife, didn't falter. He instead grabbed her big peaches from behind and squeezing them, said, "No, I don't. Please elaborate."

Melissa let go of his ear and smiled. Blowing hot air on his ear lobe, she said, "well... for starters... I am gonna pin you down and then #%&@******"


Alex's smile soon started fading and a look of concern appeared on his face as his wife continued to spout things which no adult, let alone children, should be hearing.

"...and then you're gonna PAH! PAH! PAH! and *****"

Alex's concerned look started to fade away as well after a bit, and now it was that of surprise, which in a few seconds turned into that of shock.

Alex let go of Melissa's butt and holding onto her shoulders, said, "Goddamn. Is that... is that humanly possible?"

Melissa grinned widely. She pinched Alex's cheek and said, "my cute husband, not only that but you can also pinch my ***** doing that and then *****"

Once again began a round of words which were not safe for work.

Melissa pulled away from Alex and did some gestures like spanking the air in front, shaking her hips, cute dances, all the while flooding Alex's minds with dirty things.

"And then we could break the bed! And RATATATATATA!" Melissa pretended to hold an assault rifle and shoot.

Words weren't enough to describe what Alex was feeling when he saw his wife do that. After the gunshots, she started wrestling an imaginary bear, which made him even more concerned.

It wasn't just Alex confused. Even his ding dong had no idea if it should rise and salute or just stay sleeping because of the amount of questionable things Melissa did.

"...and then you slap me hard..." Melissa said while showing her butt to Alex and slapping it. "...POW! POW! POW--"

"Okay, okay, that's enough for today, honey." Alex couldn't watch it anymore and went ahead to hug Melissa.

He rubbed her back and said, "hold your horses, I've got many things to do now that I've reincarnated. We can't do everything you said, but we can do a few small sessions."

"Yay!" Melissa was happy with what she got. She kissed Alex's cheek and in the heat of the moment, spanked his butt.

"Husband is the best!"


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