My Wives Are Too Overpowered

Chapter 83 Alex’s Falling Reputation

Chapter 83 Alex’s Falling Reputation

Melissa and Nix quickly made their way to Carl's place,

Just like Alex, they too found this place disgusting at start and felt like throwing up.

The two then saw their husband who pointed at Carl and asked for their help.

Melissa winkled at Alex and gestured 'leave this to us'.

The two went to comfort Carl and act like his older sisters while Alex dragged Samuel to get this place cleaned.

Melissa and Nix had brought cleaning supplies and it lay at the door entrance.

Alex felt Samuel would be ticked off by this but he found him to smile and happily follow through.

Samuel wasn't an unreasonable person and he knew Carl's condition. He just felt pity and sympathized with the kid.

Two hours later.

All the trash was taken and the small studio apartment was scrubbed clean.

Carl sat on a chair at the dining table with swollen tearful eyes and was still sniffing, but his condition was a lot better than before as Melissa and Nix comforted him.

"Amigo, feeling better now?" Samuel asked as he sat beside Carl.

Carl nodded his head lightly and said, "I am sorry… for the trouble…"

Alex, sitting beside Carl, extended his hand out and ruffled his hair.

"Don't be. We understand what you're going through."

Carl, staring down at the table, nodded blankly and didn't say anything. He was in no mood to talk.

"Here, have some food." Nix brought a plate full of food that they had ordered and it in front of Carl.

Carl turned to look at her slowly and said softly with a blank expression, "thank you."

He had no idea who this pretty lady was nor the other silver-haired pretty lady. But with the way the two talked so gently and softly, it made Carl feel really comfortable and open up.

Somewhere in his heart he thought if this was what having an older sister felt like and felt warm for their company.

As for Samuel, he found the two ladies to be really beautiful, but didn't eye them with perversion as he had his own principles and didn't hit on his good friend's ladies.

Carl had lost his appetite but still managed to eat some food.

When he was done, Melissa and Nix took another therapy session of his which lasted half an hour.

They told him he could consider them as their big sisters and asked not to worry as he would definitely good better girls in future.

The current girlfriend of his that dumped him at his lowest was probably never meant for him and might just be using him. She left when she didn't find him usable anymore and Carl could feel that this was somewhat right.

She was expensive to maintain and most of Carl's earnings would be spent on her.

Carl gritted his teeth as he realized how big of a fool he was to not see that she was a gold digger. Not to mention, he was so deeply in love that he failed to see that his girlfriend never brought anything to the table, not even herself.

While Carl spent his love, care, and money on her, she just spent some time with him and then left. She would occasionally give him some kisses here and there but that was it. Nothing more, nothing less.

Carl was still a virgin.

Alex and Samuel could only shake their heads in pity as they saw just what sort of goner Carl was.

Thankfully they came on time and this happened now and not later.

Carl had a bright future ahead. He would definitely become a wealthy man later due to the company they were going to start.

Alex and Samuel both had great confidence in themselves and believed that their business won't fail. Hence, Carl would never have the issue of money in his life.

Once Carl finished eating up, Samuel wrapped his arm around his shoulder and said with a bright smile, "it's a vast sea, my dude. Too many fish of all types are available. Just work hard and you'll find the right one eventually."

Carl nodded and thanked Samuel for his kind words.

Alex then mentioned, "are you thinking about taking revenge, Carl?"

Carl absentmindedly looked at him and shook his head. He had no energy to deal with this bullshit.

"Good." Alex answered. "She's not worth wasting your energy on."

Alex then got up and patting Carl's head, said, "take a few days off and go on a small vacation. Don't worry about the money, I've sent enough in your account."

"Mister Gray…" Carl's eyes turned teary as he looked at Alex.

Alex smiled and sent a light head chop to Carl. "I am not a mister."

Samuel, Melissa, Nix, Carl, all shot a look at Alex, seemingly dumbfounded with the comment.

"…" Alex suddenly realized he said something stupid and clearing his throat, continued, "I am a doctor. And it's big brother Alex for you."

Melissa and Nix sighed in relief. For a second they got worried.

"Call big brother Samuel, amigo." Samuel said with a cheerful smile.

With the way this dude was happy and easy going, Alex felt he was probably a golden retriever in a human's body.

Melissa then looked at Carl and said with a smile, "you can call me big sis Melissa or Mel. I am your big brother Alex's wife."

Carl was about to nod but then was shocked to hear the term wife.

He immediately turned to look at Alex and Samuel also felt and did the same.

Alex smiled and shook his head. This wasn't even the most surprising thing these two would be hearing.

Finding the atmosphere lightened up, Nix chimed in and added, "you can call me big sis Nix. I too am your big brother Alex's wife."

"WHAT!?" Carl stood up in shock and Samuel also fell from his chair hearing that.

Alex, Melissa, and Nix chuckled at their reactions.

Alex looked at Carl and said, "If I can find a wife, not just one, but two, you surely can find a girl for yourself too. Work hard."

Saying so, Alex left with his wives under the stupefied gazes of Samuel and Carl.

"Damn. This nerd scored big." Samuel couldn't help but say.

"Nerd?" Carl asked.

Samuel looked at him and nodded. "Of course. This dude never once interacted with a girl back in high school and I am sure he didn't do it in college as well. It's really surprising he found himself two girls without even trying."

Carl was further stupefied. "You must surely be joking. Big brother Alex looks so handsome, he's definitely a playboy secretly."

"Hahaha!" Samuel laughed. "That dude? Playboy? Is that what crossed your mind after my comments?"

Carl couldn't understand what was so funny.

Looking at Carl while laughing, Samuel said, "I thought you would think what he all had thought when we first saw him. It seems you hold him in high regard."

"I don't understand what you're saying." Carl said with a confused face.

Samuel laughed again. "Well… we all thought he was into men and kept our distance."

"…" Carl was dumbfounded hearing that but didn't comment more on it to let Alex save some face.

If Alex were to realize his reputation in front of his friends and family was not that of a successful doctor but a closeted gay man, he would probably just commit gravity fall from a tall building.


Outside Carl's apartment.

"Thanks for the help." Alex said and gave his two wives a kiss on their cheeks.

Melissa shook her finger and said, "thank you won't do, mister. You have to show your gratitude properly."

Nix leaned close to Alex's ears and whispered, "gratitude is the nickname for husband's… uh… thing."

Alex was dumbfounded hearing that and shot a look at Melissa, who just stuck out her tongue playfully and went down the apartment.

Shaking his head with a smile, Alex held Nix's hand and was about to go down when she covered her mouth and said, "mama mia, no hand holding before marriage husband!"

Nix took her hand and ran away like a shy girl, which she definitely wasn't.

"And what's this bad acting? Ptui!" Alex couldn't help but comment.

'These two are becoming really unruly,' he thought while going down the stairs. 'I'll have to discipline them properly tonight.'

Alex went down the apartment stairs thinking so, not knowing there were a few eyes watching him from the shadows.


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