My Wives are Beautiful Demons

Chapter 8: Exorcist?

Chapter 8: Exorcist?

[Call - My Beautiful Demon Wife]

"Hm? Already missing me?" Vergil joked, immediately stopping when he saw what was on the cell phone screen, about to understand the call.

'Wife?' Alexa, who was beside Vergil helping Harry to stand, saw the name on the screen and frowned. 'Demon...?' The thought surprised her, making her even more curious, but not in a good way...

Vergil, on the other hand, didn't even notice Alexa was peeking, or if he did, he didn't care. To him, it was irrelevant what others thought or saw, especially at that moment.

"Hello?" He answered, waiting for the voice on the other end to start speaking.

"Vergil! What happened? I called you ten times!" The woman on the other end shouted; he had to pull the phone away and point at nothing while she continued to yell.

"You idiot! You have to get out of there now! Come here immediately!" She kept shouting while Vergil listened from afar.

"Hey, calm down," he said, putting the phone back to his ear.

Ada continued, her urgency in her voice growing even more intense. "Vergil, listen carefully, an Inquisition member, a specialist exorcist, is nearby. Get out of there immediately!" Ada said; he could feel she was out of breath and running...

"An exorcist?" Vergil repeated, the smile disappearing from his face just from the seriousness of her words. He glanced around quickly, trying to spot any signs of imminent danger.

Alexa, still by his side, noticed the sudden change in his expression. "Vergil, what's happening?" She asked, concerned.

"It's nothing." Vergil replied, turning back to the phone.

Vergil frowned at the word "exorcist." He wasn't sure what it meant, but Ada's alarmed tone indicated it wasn't good.

"What is an exorcist, Ada?" he asked, keeping his voice low while looking around, trying to seem unconcerned to avoid drawing attention.

Ada took a deep breath on the other end of the line, trying to stay calm. "Vergil, an exorcist is a demon hunter. They are trained to identify, track, and eliminate demons like you who don't belong to a clan. If an exorcist finds you, they will try to kill you. It doesn't matter if you're still figuring out your powers; to them, you are a threat." She said as if jumping over something.

"I'm going to be delayed, I managed to contact one of them... but she's not in the human world... the other... Missing." She murmured, "Go to my apartment, there is no danger there." She ordered...

"Alright, I'll try." Vergil said, but... "Not try. Just go." Ada said, even more seriously.

"Okay..." Vergil murmured, his mind still processing what Ada had said. "I'll call you later," he concluded, trying to stay calm. "Bye." He hung up the phone, but worry was already taking over his thoughts.

Before he could think more about it, Harry caught his attention. "Ah... I-I'm going to vomit..." Harry murmured, his voice weak and trembling.

"Hey, hold on," Vergil said, quickly moving to hold Harry before he collapsed to the ground. Even with the tense situation in his mind, he couldn't leave his friend helpless. With an ease that would surprise anyone, he dragged him with his strength and set him on a nearby bench.

"Get water for him," Vergil told Alexa, his voice serious and direct. "He's dehydrated. Then call the nurse, I have something to do."

"Since when do you act like this, Vergil?" She murmured to herself, watching him walk away with quick, determined steps.

She then looked at Harry, who was pale and sweating, clearly in need of help. Despite her concern for Vergil, she knew she had to follow his instructions for now.

"What a mess... I'll have to take care of this jerk while the guy I like goes off to do something with some random girl..." She cursed to herself.

"But this won't stay like this," she thought, heading to get water and then call the nurse. Something was happening with Vergil, and she wouldn't rest until she figured out what it was.


Vergil walked briskly toward the exit, not fully understanding what was happening, but Ada's tone was truly worrying...

"Inquisition... is she like the medieval one? Or more like the modern Inquisition concentrated in Spain and Portugal..." Vergil thought, fortunately, he was a history buff and knew a thing or two...

"Whatever it is... it's dangerous." He concluded, turning directly into the final corridor leading to the exit, but he needed to stop by his locker first.

Vergil quickly opened the locker to grab his bag, moving swiftly and precisely as he unlocked the metal door.

"!!!" His whole body shivered as if something was approaching. He looked around, scared, but saw nothing.

No one.

He opened the locker, searching for what he needed, but at that moment, he heard something that made his heart race.


They echoed down the corridor, initially faint but soon becoming more audible, as if someone was getting closer.

Vergil paused for a moment, his senses on high alert.

Vergil turned around quickly and came face to face with an imposing man, leaning against the lockers beside him...

'When did he stop there?' was the only thing he could think...

The guy was huge, easily reaching nearly two meters tall, making Vergil have to look up to meet his gaze.

The man wore a black overcoat that was open, revealing a dark shirt underneath. His hair was brown and cut short, in a practical, unadorned style, as if he didn't care about appearances, only efficiency.

What stood out most were the dark sunglasses he wore, even in the dimly lit corridor. The dark lenses hid his eyes, making it impossible to discern his intentions just by his facial expression. He seemed to be watching Vergil with an intensity that was uncomfortable, even through the lenses.

"What are you doing here?" the man's deep voice cut through the silence, echoing in the empty corridor.

Vergil hesitated to respond but opened his mouth and faced him. "Getting my bag, I need to leave, my girlfriend is unwell." Vergil said, lying outright, but he was an expert at it.

"You seem nervous, is that all?" He said, slightly smiling, a smile that was a bit unsettling.

"It's hard not to be nervous. As I just said, my girlfriend, whom I plan to marry, is sick. Would I be what? Happy?" Vergil scoffed, using everything he had to mask his true feelings.

"Well, that's true, you're right," he said, smiling as Vergil closed the locker door.

"It was nice talking to you, old man," Vergil said as he tried to walk away. "Sure," the man smiled, and Vergil walked past him, his footsteps echoing heavily down the corridor.

"Wait," he said, making Vergil stop immediately. "I'm a detective, and I'm looking for a suspect. Do you know anyone who has been acting... strange lately?" he asked. Vergil didn't turn to face him. "The physical education teacher, it's a new program at the college to keep students from being too sedentary... He's quite obsessed with strong people," Vergil said, completely neutral, but...

'Pffff!!!!' Internally, he was holding back laughter...

"Oh... a new person... Does he believe in God?" he commented subtly... and Vergil just responded authentically, "I don't think so. What he does to us is definitely Lucifer's work," he said, turning around with an amused smile, trying to seem natural.

"Oh haha, and what about you? Do you believe?" he asked, and of course, Vergil laughed, "Me? Of course, I believe. I pray to Him every day," he commented, trying to get past the questions.

"Alright, keep on the right path. Amen," he said, making a prayer sign with his hands, and Vergil... mimicked him...

"Ame~" "UIGGGGGGGH!!!!!!!!!!" He screamed in pain immediately before he could even finish. His entire body burned as if a lightning bolt had struck his head, his whole existence felt like it was being electrocuted, fried, and crushed.

Vergil fell to the ground while clutching his head. It was a pain similar to what he felt when close to the Fallen Angel... but it was much stronger, so intense that he couldn't bear it.

"AH!" He gasped, struggling against the pain as it began to subside...

"Hahahaha So, you're what they're calling a 'threat' around here, aren't you?" The exorcist's voice echoed through the area...

"It seems your master didn't tell you... That demons can't pray..." he commented. The exorcist adjusted his sunglasses slightly, as if that was necessary to see better. "No use running. I know what you are," he said, a note of unrelenting certainty in his voice. "And I'm not leaving until I've fulfilled my duty."

"What a joke!" The exorcist let out a dry, sarcastic laugh, looking at Vergil with a disdainful gaze. "Do you really think you can hide? Think you can escape the Inquisition?"

Vergil began to recover, his anger starting to rise. Being treated as a joke was something he couldn't tolerate, especially in such a critical situation. With each word from the exorcist, his frustration grew.

"Oh, what's wrong? Are you mad at me?" The exorcist continued, his tone ironic. "You're so cute... I wonder how it was to kill that man last night." The accusation was made with clear disdain, as if Vergil was just another target.

"I didn't kill any man." Vergil replied firmly, his voice laden with discontent.

He hated being mistaken for a criminal, especially without reason.

"Really? Not that fallen angel I found earlier?" The exorcist didn't seem to care about hiding his intentions.

"Okay, that one was me." Vergil admitted, surprising himself with his own response. He hadn't expected to confess something so directly, but the situation was escalating rapidly.

"Eh?" The exorcist seemed momentarily surprised, his tone changing slightly.


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