My Wives are Beautiful Demons

Chapter 11: Katharina Agares

Chapter 11: Katharina Agares

The sounds were confusing, actually...

Where was he? Well, that was a very good question to ask! But unfortunately...

He couldn't answer...

His last memories? They were actually quite vivid in his mind...

'That woman...' He said, placing his hand on his head, feeling the softness of the place he was leaning against. It was definitely a very soft bed...

"I am Katharina Agares!" He heard at that moment... A woman so beautiful, elegant, and truly very sexy...

'Wife... mine... yes... that...' He thought slowly as he felt his body become lighter just thinking about her. The fact that she was his... was so comforting...

'I need to open my eyes...' He thought calmly, using the strength he had to finally open his eyes and face...

'Breasts?' He said, looking down as he saw two mounds in front of him, unfortunately covered by a tight leather outfit that was very attention-grabbing.

Then, as he woke up, his whole body began to feel alive again, his senses started to reestablish while he felt his gaze being blinded by the immense light in the room he was in...

At the same time, he also felt his hair being gently stroked.

"So sweet... so perfect..." His hearing began to reestablish as he heard the angelic sound of the woman gently caressing him.

"Hmm?" He grunted as he opened his eyes, feeling the woman staring at him... "It seems like you're awake, Darling," she said while continuing to stroke his hair, but now she turned to face him.

Showing him her face, even more beautiful than before... She truly was special... And he knew it perfectly.

He realized that what he thought was a comfortable pillow was actually the lap of the red-haired woman who smiled at him with a sweet and gentle air.

He was actually in a King-Size bed, in a place he couldn't even imagine, was it some kind of old-fashioned room?

The room around him was luxurious but strange, with a décor that mixed classic and exotic in a disconcerting way.

The walls were covered in deep red velvet wallpaper, richly textured, with intricate golden floral patterns that glowed softly in the candlelight.

He also noticed the gilded plaster details on the ceiling, forming arabesques and classic figures, while a crystal chandelier hanging in the center of the room spread soft and sparkling light throughout the space. The majestic furniture, in dark wood, with delicate carvings and golden details on the edges.

'Where am I...?' He thought, still somewhat dazed, while feeling the soft touch of her fingers stroking his hair.

"Who... who are you?" He managed to ask, his voice coming out weaker than he expected. He already knew, but he wanted to be sure.

She smiled, a smile full of mystery and affection. "I am your wife," she replied calmly, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

'So it's really like that... this voice... it's from the main one... was she the one who made the contract?' Confused thoughts ran through his mind as he tried to piece things together, but everything seemed hazy that day...

Before he could ask another question, the door to the room opened, revealing a peculiar figure.

A woman entered, carrying a tray with refined dishes.

Her golden hair shone under the soft light of the room, but what stood out most were the demonic horns emerging from her head.

The woman wore a maid outfit, similar to those seen in anime cosplays, with a short skirt and lace details that contrasted with the dark aura given by her horns.

Her eyes, a deep red, observed the scene with a chilling calmness.

"Novah, leave the dinner here," said Katharina, who he now knew was his wife. The maid, who he realized was a demon, silently nodded and placed the tray on the table next to the bed.

As Novah walked away, he couldn't help but wonder what kind of life he had entered, with a wife he had just met and a maid who was clearly not human... Well, neither of them were... but at least his wives appeared 100% human in appearance.

"You have many questions, dear," she said, continuing to stroke his hair. "And we'll have time for all of them... later."

He looked at her, still dazed, as Novah left the room, the door closing gently behind her. What exactly was happening here?

He looked at her, still trying to process everything. Her gentle touch on his hair was soothing in a disconcerting way, but the confusion in his mind could not be ignored.

"Your name is Katharina, right?" he asked, his voice still a bit hesitant, seeking answers to fill the void in his memory.

She smiled again, that mysterious smile that seemed to carry a world of secrets. "Yes, my name is Katharina Agares," she replied with an almost hypnotic softness. "I am the heiress of the Agares Clan."

"You are my wife..." he repeated, more to himself than to her, trying to solidify this new reality.

"That's right, Darling," she confirmed, leaning slightly to kiss his forehead. "And soon, all of this will make sense to you." Finally, she moved.

She gently placed his head back on her lap, her fingers softly stroking his hair.

Her gaze was both comforting and filled with a possessive intensity that he couldn't ignore.

"Don't move too much," she whispered, her voice soft but firm. "You're still injured. You need to rest."

He felt the weight of her words, as if each one carried undeniable authority. The pain in his body reminded him she was right; he didn't have the strength to argue.

Katharina then rose with the grace of someone accustomed to being served but with the precision of someone who knew exactly what she was doing. She went to the table beside the bed and, with elegant movements, retrieved the tray that Novah had left earlier.

He watched every movement of her extremely sexy body, almost drooling when she leaned to grab the tray.

She had felt his gaze, of course, and released a soft smile, but with her eyes fixed on him in a nearly predatory way, she placed the tray in front of him.

The dishes were filled with food he vaguely recognized, but his stomach rumbled at the smell. They were indeed ordinary dishes: steak, rice, some fries, and a salad... something that...

'I always eat this... how does she know that I...' he thought, but was interrupted.

"Eat, I know you love it," she said, still watching him closely, as if waiting to see his reaction to every bite. "You need to regain your strength, Darling."

He took the fork with some hesitation, still feeling the weight of Katharina's possessive gaze on him.

He brought the first bite to his mouth, expecting something ordinary, but as the flavor exploded on his tongue, he stopped, surprised.

The taste was... incredible.

Each bite seemed to carry a flavor he had never experienced before, something rich, intense, and almost addictive.

He felt compelled to keep eating, each bite more satisfying than the last.

But then he tasted the meat.

The taste was unlike anything he had ever experienced—juicy, with a seasoning that awakened every dormant palate. He frowned, both confused and curious.

"What is this?" he asked, unable to hide the surprise in his voice. "This meat... it's amazing, but... what is it?"

Katharina smiled enigmatically, her eyes still fixed on him. "Demon Monster Meat," she replied casually, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

He froze, the piece of meat still in his mouth. For a moment, the idea of eating demon monster meat made him want to spit it out immediately. But the taste... was so good, so incredibly delicious, that he simply couldn't.

Instead, he swallowed the meat, still processing what he had just heard. "Demon Monster Meat?" he repeated, incredulous, but unable to stop eating.

Katharina just continued to watch him with that look that mixed possessiveness and dangerous calm. "Yes, my dear. And it seems you liked it, right? I'll bring more whenever you like... our clan is very good at hunting demon beasts," she said, her voice filled with satisfaction.

A few minutes passed with Vergil finishing everything Novah had brought him. After all, Katharina had anticipated this would happen...

After finishing the meal, he set the cutlery aside, feeling full but with his mind still spinning from the revelations he had just processed.

'Demon Monster Meat... who would have thought something so bizarre could be so delicious?' he murmured.

With his stomach full, another question began to dominate his thoughts.

He looked at Katharina, who was watching him with that intense, possessive gaze he was starting to get used to.

"So... what happened 'that' day?" he asked, trying to piece together the puzzle in his mind. "Ada... she said you would explain."

Katharina stared at him for a few seconds before finally... "Here we go..."

Katharina tilted her head slightly, a mysterious smile forming on her lips.


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