My Wife Longs for Divorce Every Day

Chapter 400: 400, Monk

Chapter 400: 400, Monk

When she returned to the study, Mo Weiyi was still grappling with the problems.

About twenty minutes later, she finished all the problems and handed them, full of expectation, to Chen Jin, only to see her drawing red crosses on her work one after another.

Mo Weiyi’s delicate face was gradually tinted with blush.

Layer by layer, the blush deepened.

By the end, it was scorching hot.

“Not bad, you’ve got two problems correct this time.” After checking all the answers, Chen Jin said this.

Mo Weiyi was somewhat incredulous, her cat-like eyes widened in surprise, “Teacher Chen, did I only get two problems correct?”

Out of twenty problems, she only solved two correctly?

All the rest were wrong, this…

Mo Weiyi felt she was losing face.

Chen Jin looked at her, her eyes behind the lenses twinkling with obvious amusement, “You’ve done pretty well and made some progress.”

Mo Weiyi:”…”

Only answering two problems correctly was considered progress?

Mo Weiyi embarrassingly buried her face into the table. Her long, curly hair cascaded down, almost obscuring her figure.

Then, she raised her head to look at Chen Jin suddenly, “Teacher Chen, is there no hope of me getting into the top ten in my class?”

Chen Jin replied with a smile, “Why are you so eager to make it into the top ten?”

She didn’t understand why Mo Weiyi was so urgent about her academic performance.

She had taught students like Mo Weiyi before.

They were the little princes and princesses of their homes, slow in comprehension and reaction, but their parents held high expectations for them, putting all kinds of pressure on the tutors.

In the end, she was working hard in teaching, and they were struggling to learn.

In Chen Jin’s eyes, it was indeed self-inflicted suffering.

Why should one strive to learn?

Because some need to work hard to change their destinies, but some do not, right?

Like Mo Weiyi, who is so beautiful, rich, and married a handsome man, has been victorious in life.

As for herself, no matter how hard she worked, she might not even get one ten- thousandth of what Mo Weiyi has now in her entire life.

So sometimes, you just have to accept fate!

People are born unequal, no matter how sour or unpalatable that is…

Mo Weiyi had no idea so much resentment was stirring in Chen Jin’s heart, and now she only felt overwhelmed.

And for something as intimate as pregnancy, it was one thing to confide in a close girlfriend, but even though Teacher Chen was nice, Mo Weiyi had no plans to share her private matters with her.

All she could ask was, “Teacher Chen, do you mean that I have no chance of making the top ten?”

Chen Jin thought about it and said gently, “Actually, your foundation is a bit weak, there isn’t much time left, you can only rely on rote memorization. I believe in rewarding diligence, with diligence you can make up for deficiencies. Keep it up.”

Upon hearing this, Mo Weiyi slouched even more.

Since the time was up, she could only say, “Then I’ll ask you about these problems tomorrow. It’s getting late, Teacher Chen, I’ll have the driver take you home.”


When they arrived in the living room, Aunt Zhou said, “Liu took a leave today, saying his mother was ill and he had to stay in the hospital.”

Chen Jin was taken aback, “Then…I’U take a cab home?”

“Are you able to hail a cab?” Mo Weiyi’s refined face creased.

It was nine o’clock in the evening, it was raining outside in the freezing cold, it was probably hard to get a cab.

“I’ll try.” Chen Jin finished and began hailing a cab on the app.

Although Lishui Bay Villa is located in the city, the suburb where Chen Jin lived is on the outskirts, across half the city of Nancheng. And now it’s nine in the evening, and it’s raining…

As expected.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, no drivers were willing to take the order.

Mo Weiyi frowned.

Because she had been a good girl and attended school every day recently, life had been calm and peaceful, and she had relaxed her guard. She had already sent her bodyguards back to her old house. As a result, she now found herself in a predicament – the driver was not there and no one was available to send Chen Jin home.

After thinking a moment, she said, “Maybe Xiaobai can take you home?”

Chen Jin’s heart skipped a beat and she nearly stuttered, “No…no, that wouldn’t be proper.”

“It’s okay, just to take you home.”

Mo Weiyi really had no problem with it.

At a glance, Chen Jin was clearly a conscientious and straightforward model student.

She didn’t wear makeup, didn’t dye her hair, didn’t do her nails, and dressed simply. More so, she was patient with her.

The only thing she worried about was whether Xiao Yebai would be willing to give her a ride.

After all, apart from her, Xiao Yebai always acted distant and cold to everyone, especially women.

“Then thank you, Mr. Xiao,” Chen Jin said, a soft smile on her lips.

As Aunt Zhou went upstairs to fetch him, her heart was pounding with anticipation.

The thought of being alone in the car with him stirred up a flurry of excitement in her heart.

Chen Jin had never been in a relationship, but she felt it might be love at first sight with Xiao Yebai.

How could such a handsome man not make a woman’s heart flutter?

Even though she knew that this was no more than a fruitless, unrequited love.

She knew all too well that she could never match his social standing and status.

Even less in physical appearance, she and Mo Weiyi were as different as heaven from earth.

She wouldn’t cross any boundaries.

All she wanted was to secretly harbor this beautiful emotion in her heart.

As time ticked away, finally, footsteps sounded from the stairs.

Chen Jin turned with expectation, but it was only Aunt Zhou who appeared in her sight.

“Miss Chen, young master Xiao has mentioned that he will arrange someone to take you home shortly.”

Chen Jin was dumbstruck.

In a soft voice, Mo Weiyi asked, “Who has Xiaobai arranged?”

“It’s Assistant Zhong, apparently.”

“Oh, it’s Zhong Kai.” Mo Weiyi looked at Chen Jin and smiled gently, “Chen, you know Zhong Kai as well, he’s reliable. He’ll make sure you get home safely.”

“Okay,” was all Chen Jin could manage to reply.



Twenty minutes later, Zhong Kai arrived at the door with his car.

It was such a tiring day.

While he was at home, idle and watching variety shows, he was abruptly woken by a call from Mr. Xiao.

He thought it was some urgent work that needed his attention, only to find out he was required to drive Chen Jin home.

It was raining heavily, late at night, and freezing cold out. He had to drive from the southern city to pick someone up in the city center, then drop them off in the northern city, before driving back home himself.

Zhong Kai felt bitter.

Being of lower standing, he could only agree.



After seeing Chen Jin off, Mo Weiyi turned and walked upstairs.

She pushed open the door to find Xiao Yebai on the sofa, engrossed in his computer.

He had taken a shower and was in a dark blue robe. Wearing his signature glasses and focusing intently on his work, he looked peaceful, refined, and insanely attractive.

Mo Weiyi strolled over and muttered, “Xiaobai, my English tutor just complimented me on my progress.”

“Is that so?” Xiao Yebai lifted his gaze to look at her, sounding indifferent.

“But… I only got two out of twenty questions right.”

Xiao Yebai: “…”

“What should I do? I find learning English so difficult, I can’t even recognize the alphabets, no matter how hard I try.”

Mo Weiyi then draped herself over him, pouting and acting spoiled.

But the moment was short-lived.

Xiao Yebai calmly disconnected her arm from his body, his voice devoid of emotional fluctuation, “I have an important document to handle.”

Mo Weiyi pouted instantly, “But the teacher criticized me earlier, and I felt really upset. I need Xiaobai to comfort me.”

“Take your time learning English, making it into the top ten next semester is just as good.” Xiao Yebai’s tone was still indifferent.

After all, it wasn’t a challenging task and he wouldn’t make such a promise carelessly.

“Absolutely not!” Mo Weiyi’s lips pouted even higher, “Next semester, I’ll turn twenty-one.”

“What’s the implication of turning a year older?”

“The sooner to have babies the better, maybe… top twenty? Top thirty?”


Mo Weiyi:

She looked at Xiao Yebai, who had no room for negotiation. It reminded her of how Chen Jin spoke earlier.

It was also with such indifference.

“Forget it.” Mo Weiyi suddenly stood up, “I’m going to continue memorizing vocabulary. I don’t believe I can’t succeed, ‘Hard work is the way to success’.” ‘Hard work is the way to success’?

Upon hearing these words, a flicker of emotion passed in the depths of Xiao Yebai’s eyes.

Just when Mo Weiyi was about to leave, Xiao Yebai clasped her wrist.


With a startled gasp, she found herself sitting down, face to face with his magnificently sculpted face.


What’s wrong with Xiaobai?

Why did he suddenly become so passionate?

Earlier, when she tried to tease him, he was like an untouchable monk, completely focused on his work…

In just a few seconds, he seemed to have transformed…


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