My Wife Longs for Divorce Every Day

Chapter 394: 394, who dares to hit me?

Chapter 394: 394, who dares to hit me?

“With Xiaobai around, who would dare to hit me?” Mo Weiyi curved her refined red lips, lifted her proud little chin, speaking in a tone that sounded both matter-of-fact and superior.

Su Wenwen was still uneasy.

If Xiao Yebai were really that dependable, would he have cheated?

“Alright, you go back now. If there’s any trouble, I’ll call you. Go eat.” With that, Mo Weiyi began to push Su Wenwen back.

“…Okay then.”

Tian Ye’s mother was also there, even if they were to have a confrontation, they wouldn’t need to resort to physical violence in front of the elder, would they?

So, after Su Wenwen left, Mo Weiyi moved forward and arrived at the private room from earlier.

She knocked twice on the door and, without waiting for a response, pushed the door open and entered.

The three people in the room immediately turned to look at her.

The woman was the first to speak, “Who are you looking for?”

Mo Weiyi didn’t say anything, she just looked at Xiao Yebai.

The mother and daughter were sitting in chairs, and only he was standing as if he had just arrived because he hadn’t taken off his coat.

When he saw her, he was handsomely serene, and his face carried his usual cold indifference.

Even with her sudden appearance, there was no panic or guilt on his face, as if her arrival… was not unexpected?

Mo Weiyi felt more assured in her heart.

She closed the door behind her, stepped into the room wearing her thigh-high boots.

Getting close, she reached out to take his arm, leaned in closer, her red lips smiled charmingly, “So, you’re having dinner here. What a coincidence, did you just arrive?”

After speaking, she raised her eyes to look at the mother-daughter duo, her delicate face breaking into a bright smile, “Are these two your friends? Won’t you introduce me? Darling.”

Upon hearing the word “darling,” Tian Ye’s face immediately turned deathly pale.

The woman was astonished, “Darling? Why would you call Yebai darling?”

“Because he is my husband. We’ve been married for over two years. If I don’t call him darling, should I call him brother?” Mo Weiyi tilted her face, laughing innocently and purely.

The woman quickly turned to her daughter, “Xiaoye, what’s going on? Isn’t Yebai your boyfriend? How did he become someone else’s husband? Huh?”

Tian Ye’s gentle face had turned from white to red, her eyelashes trembling slightly. She finally mustered the courage to look at Xiao Yebai, only to meet his deep yet icy cold gaze…

Her heart suddenly fluttered, she wanted to explain, opened her mouth, but didn’tknow where to start.

“Boyfriend?” Mo Weiyi looked at Tian Ye with her clear cat eyes, laughing, “Heh, Miss Tian, when did my husband become your boyfriend? Can you explain that to me?”

Since they were indoors, she was not wearing a coat. Her pink sweater and floral-patterned mini skirt highlighted her slender figure, making her look graceful and charming. Her soft, curly hair was just fluffy enough to set off her small face, making it even more beautiful and pleasing.

At this moment, her smile was sweet, but because of her provocative and questioning tone, her standing posture was haughty and bearing down, exuding a kind of aggressive strength.

Tian Ye bit her lip, knowing she was at fault and couldn’t say a word.

However, the woman seemed to have suffered a huge blow and abruptly stood up.

The chair scraping across the floor made a long, piercing sound.

“Xiaoye, didn’t you say that you and Yebai have been dating for exactly five years, and you’re planning to get married next year? How did he become someone else’s husband? What’s going on? Explain it to me now!”

Tian Ye bowed her head, unable to respond to her mother’s questioning.

When they met in the bathroom just now, she hardly gave the other woman a second glance.

And in the photos she tracked down before, Mo Weiyi was always in fancy dresses or wedding gowns.

She never expected that this girl was actually Xiao Yebai’s lawful wife!

Hiding Xiao Yebai’s presence beforehand, asking him to come out for dinner with her and her mother, was already nerve-wracking enough. Having everything laid bare like this made her feel utterly embarrassed.

It made her look as if she was the mistress who stole someone else’s man!

“Iget it now!”

The woman suddenly pointed a finger at Mo Weiyi, her eyes filled with bitter hatred, “You’re the homewrecker! It must have been you! You employed foul means! You stole my daughter’s boyfriend, didn’t you? How could you, breaking up a couple’s relationship will revile you! You’re a mistress, have you no shame?!”

Mo Weiyi’s face hardened, “Ma’am, I respect you out of age, so I can forgive your ignorance. But if you want the real story, you ought to ask your good daughter.”


The woman’s hand was still firmly pointed at Mo Weiyi, “My daughter was in America for seven whole years — five years studying, two years working. She met Yebai seven years ago! They were in a relationship for years. They had plans on building a future in America, but now she’s come back for me and decided to stay. Today is my birthday, they came together to celebrate it with me! Yebai treats my daughter so well, he previously gifted us with many things, bought so many gifts for Xiaoye, and was even planning to buy us a house!”

Mo Weiyi’s laugh was full of mockery, “Miss Tian, fooling your mother to satisfy your pathetic vanity, is it fun?”

She spied the woman from top to bottom, her tone belittling, “Just a moment ago, I believed that those brand-name goods, and your designer bag, were bought with your earnings. But seeing as you can even lie to your own mother, what couldn’t you possibly do? I bet those goods were bought by selling yourself?”

Tian Ye looked at her, her lips bitten, tears welled up in her eyes.


But she didn’t deny it.

So, Mo Weiyi chuckled coldly again, “And you said it was my husband who gave you all this? Have you no shame? My husband has told me everything. You were just a classmate in America and you happened to run into him. He helped you out of courtesy! What else do you want, to cling to him, to impose on him?”

“Enough.” A chilly voice from a man finally spoke.

The scene fell silent.

Mo Weiyi closed her mouth, obediently keeping quiet.

Xiao Yebai turned to the woman, “I wasn’t aware that today is your birthday, I apologize for not preparing anything in advance.”

With that said, the previous misunderstandings naturally cleared up.

Tian Ye bit her lip and finally started to talk, “Yebai, I’m sorry, I… I just…”

Xiao Yebai’s voice rang out again, “As far as Tian Ye and I are concerned, we are not in the kind of relationship you are thinking about. There may have been some misunderstandings.”

“Impossible!” The woman suddenly, as if going mad, started cursing at Mo Weiyi, “It’s you, you hussy! It’s you! You seduced Yebai! You will get your comeuppance! I will kill you! I most definitely will kill you today!”

With that, she lunged at Mo Weiyi with claws bared.

Mo Weiyi screamed and quickly hide behind Xiao Yebai.

Tian Ye also rapidly held back her furious mother, “Mom, Mom, calm down!”

“I will kill you, I will kill you! Let go ofme! twill kill you! I’m going to kill you, I will kill you…”

Mo Weiyi, clutching onto Xiao Yebai’s arm, looked at the crazed woman, “What the hell is wrong with you? It’s your daughter who’s trying to steal my husband! I haven’t even held you accountable yet, why are you losingyour temper at me? She’s the one that lied and cheated, doing shameless things behind your back! Try yelling at me again and I’m going to have the cops lock you up in a mental institution… Ah!”

Somewhere in her rant touched a chord in the woman, she twisted her face in fury and lunged at Mo Weiyi, clawing at her face.

Just in the nick of time, a man’s hand grabbed her and shoved her away.

The woman fell back onto the chair. Whether it was the brute strength or it was accidental, she even knocked over the chair while falling, causing a loud clang.

“Mom!” Tian Ye’s face went white and she rushed over to her mother.

“Xiaobai, let’s go, this woman is crazy!” Mo Weiyi shouted, tugging at Xiao Yebai’s arm.

She’s practically a lunatic!

She even wanted to hit someone?

Lucky for her, Xiaobai protected her.

“Sorry,” Xiao Yebai briefly apologized, and guided Mo Weiyi away.

Behind them, they could faintly hear the woman’s cursing. Mo Weiyi led Xiao Yebai. Just around the corner, she caught her breath, fearfully clutching her chest, “That scared me to death! She almost ruined my face just now!”

Xiao Yebai looked down at her, his tone flat, “How did you come to be here?”

“I was having dinner with Wanwan and bumped into you guys in the bathroom, so I called you.”

Mo Weiyi was still angered, “Your classmate from America is seriously vain, isn’t she? Did she deliberately trick you into coming for dinner? Fortunately, I arrived just in time, otherwise, you would’ve become someone else’s boyfriend! Even planning to get married, what a joke! She’s fit for that?”


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