My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 741: This Little Rascal!

Chapter 741: This Little Rascal!


The scenery rushed away like flowing water, an ear-splitting creaking sound echoing incessantly, annoying and distracting.

Crunch, crunch – the sound of something shattering.

Space twisted as Qin Feng felt like he was plunging into the depths of the ocean, his body repeatedly sinking and floating.

“Qin Feng!”

A light shout rang out.

Qin Feng snapped back to his senses and looked around to see the Heavenly Tower National Teacher’s group all present, with worried looks on their faces.

Bai Yan let out a relieved sigh: “It’s good that you’re back. What exactly happened just now?”

After an explanation, Bai Yan frowned: “The space-time principle is truly a bizarre technique.”

Qin Feng nodded: “Without the timely arrival of the Ghost Lord, this junior would have been trapped in that spatial rift forever.”

“It’s just a pity that even after being pulled into the past space-time, I still couldn’t make out what it said to the Ghost Buddha.”

“But there was one clue, something we didn’t see in the Mirror Flower, Water Moon. Before his apparent death, the imprisoned Jinyun E let a figure slip out of his body into the void.”

“And there were also those words the monster said before the Ghost Lord dragged it into the Netherworld…”

“Something has already awakened and will gradually devour this realm into non-existence.“

Qin Feng felt this was just the opponent’s bluster, like villains always leaving harsh words before being defeated, such as “I’ll be back” and the like – not worth worrying about!

However, the Heavenly Tower National Teacher’s group frowned slightly, clearly not dismissing those words so easily.

“Could what it said be true?” Qin Feng probed cautiously.

The Heavenly Tower National Teacher did not answer, instead turned towards Bai Yan: “Why don’t you share the current situation at the Southern Extreme you’ve been guarding?”

Bai Yan nodded slightly, his expression grave, before truthfully recounting what he had seen and heard during his six months in the Southern Extreme.

This world really has a boundary, and the dark abyss is like a chasm blocking the end of the earth.

That place was inaccessible to all things. Even the wind couldn’t blow past it.

The rift stretches endlessly, its depth unknown. Looking out, darkness shrouded the heavens and earth beyond the border.

It’s as if an inky black curtain has been lowered, obscuring the view.

“…I had tried to explore the depths of the abyss to discern its true nature. But there seemed to be an invisible force barring me, like an unseen barrier.”

“No matter what sword arts I unleashed with the full power of my lifelong cultivation, I could not make the slightest ripple.”

Hearing this, Qin Feng’s heart skipped a beat.

The renowned Sword Emperor Bai Yan, whose sword techniques had long transcended the mortal realm.

Moreover, he had now reached the peak of the second rank – to call him the number one swordsman in the world would be no exaggeration.

But even so, Senior Bai Yan’s sword aura still could not pierce the abyss?!

Just what is that place…

Bai Yan recalled further: “The darkness obscured the horizon, making it impossible to see through. But in one instance, I heard some sounds coming from behind that inky curtain.“

“It was like thunderous rumbling, or the sound of the earth shattering.”

“A flash of white light appeared behind the black curtain, revealing an enormous Buddha head with a wrathful expression. But it wasn’t looking at me – it was glaring at some existence behind that veil of darkness.”

“A Buddha head…” Qin Feng muttered to himself.

At this moment, he suddenly noticed a contemplative look in the eyes of the Heavenly Tower National Teacher and Divine Guardian.

‘The teacher and Divine Guardian did not show any surprise at what Senior Bai Yan described, so perhaps they already knew the true situation beyond the boundaries of the Four Extremes.’

In fact, when the Heavenly Tower National Teacher initially instructed Bai Yan to guard the Southern Extreme, it was not to learn these details, but rather –

“Your return this time, does it indicate that the abyss at the extreme has encroached upon the territory of The Great Qian?”

Bai Yan nodded solemnly: “Following your initial instructions, I left a sword mark every ten zhang outside the abyss.”

“Over these past six months, one sword mark after another has been swallowed by the advancing abyss.“

“Before I left, it had approached nearly a hundred zhang closer!”

‘The abyss can move? Could it be plate tectonics causing an earthquake-induced shift?’ Qin Feng pondered.

If this were his previous world, it might seem a reasonable explanation. But in this realm of gods and demons, the truth was clearly not so simple.

Qin Feng recalled the words spoken by the giant eyeball avatar before its defeat – a bold and outrageous idea took shape in his mind.

“It is possible that existence beyond this realm’s boundaries that the eyeball mentioned, couldn’t actually be the boundless abyss outside the Four Extremes?”

He could not fathom what kind of monster could devour an entire realm.

Upon hearing Bai Yan’s words, the Heavenly Tower National Teacher closed his eyes briefly before exhaling: “I understand now.”

“Teacher, just what is that abyss…” Qin Feng could not hold back his burning curiosity and wanted to ask.

But the Heavenly Tower National Teacher cut him off: “Do you have the Life-Preserving Locks with you?”

Qin Feng was taken aback before nodding.

“Dragon and phoenix offspring will inevitably face tribulation at birth. The Life-Preserving Locks can help ward off that calamity when hung on them.”

“After the recent ordeal, you must be quite exhausted. It is best for you to return home early and keep your wives company.” The National Teacher said calmly.

Clearly, he intentionally avoided this topic.

Qin Feng understood the implication and did not press further, so he bowed and left.

At this moment, the National Teacher seemed to recall something and added: “The karmic implications behind the titles of Literature Emperor and Immortal Saint are too weighty, it is not something a third rank like you can bear. You should reconsider taking the Thirty-Six Stars moniker.”

These words caused Divine Guardian and Bai Yan to look over quizzically.

The latter wore an odd expression.

To figures like them, the deeper meanings behind titles like Thirty-Six Stars and Twelve Divine Generals were no secret.

But he never expected this boy to be so presumptuous as to claim such a title so brazenly!

Most crucially, the Heavenly Tower National Teacher was still alive.

For this callow youth to self-style as a Literature Emperor, did he even respect the National Teacher?

As for Immortal Saint, that was an absurdly arrogant title better left unmentioned.

“Quite ambitious,” Divine Guardian remarked with a smile.

It was unclear if the praise carried more sincerity or mockery.

Please, say no more… Qin Feng’s face burned red with embarrassment, wishing he could find a hole to disappear into.

Every second lingering here felt like utter torment.

“I still need to go home and make soup for my two wives, so I’ll take my leave now.”

After saying this, Qin Feng hurriedly fled, retracing his path back.

A white light suddenly illuminated the gloomy eighth level of the Ninefold Prison. The elderly figure bound by countless chains slowly raised his head, revealing a face identical to the Heavenly Tower National Teacher’s.

“You have time to visit me today?”

“No need to feign ignorance,” the National Teacher said calmly.

“Number Two in the seventh level prison should be dead, right? I foresaw his lifespan was like a candle in the wind, extinguishable at any moment. Not long ago, I could no longer sense his life force.”

The old man’s expression was impassive, he was merely stating a fact. Although they were once teammates, they had only banded together for their own interests and there was little affection between them.

The National Teacher did not hide anything, truthfully recounting the events of the seventh level.

The old man frowned, having assumed Number 2 death stemmed from some variable. He never expected that the existence in the seventh level would be completely wiped out!

For such a bizarre being to openly slaughter within the Ninefold Prison under the very noses of the Divine Guardian and National Teacher?

This realm faced enemies beyond just the Immortal Realm gods and demons – a truth he was well aware of.

Though he and the National Teacher chose vastly divergent paths, their goals were ultimately the same – to find a glimmer of hope for this precarious realm.

And now, an immense danger was approaching step by step.

“Release my shackles,” the old man spoke.

It was not a plea or negotiation, just a simple statement.

Upon hearing this, the National Teacher waved his right hand, a beam of white light brushing past the old man as countless binding chains instantly shattered.

As the old man took out several candles from his robes, he said: “Back when we were together, I extracted a wisp of their life forces and forged these soul-summoning lamps.”

“As long as the lamp burns, they live. When it extinguishes, they perish. These three lamps belong to Jinyun E, Number 2 and the Ghost Buddha.”

The three soul lamps had distinct appearances. One that was completely snuffed out was Number 2. Another had a faint flickering flame, it was Jinyun E’s.

The last lamp burned with an ominous jet-black blaze.

This was the Ghost Buddha’s soul lamp!

“Li Daitao’s trick of replacing the spirit was quite extraordinary.” The old man let out a light chuckle.

He pushed out Jinyun E’s lamp and said slowly: “This one was a genius. He comprehended a trace of the universal principle since he was born, and he was quite close with the power of heaven and earth. “

“Given enough time, he would have surely reached the transcendence realm. But unfortunately, his fate was ill-timed, his residual soul fragments were devoured by the ancient fiend Daitao, he and Daitao co-existed with it in a unique body-sharing existence.”

“Losing part of one’s soul would naturally drive a human insane, coupled with Daitao’s innate traits.”

“For him, death may not necessarily be a release.”

Pausing briefly, the old man spoke again: “You came to seek me out for the whereabouts of Daitao’s residual soul?”

The Heavenly Tower National Teacher nodded slightly.

The giant eyeball employed techniques to conceal the conversation, even leaving a counter against Qin Feng’s Mirror Flower, Water Moon observation. This indicated important information must have been revealed during its exchange with the Ghost Buddha.

Even setting that aside, Daitao’s residual soul directly faced those bizarre existences. With its innate fiendish danger sense, it might have discerned the true nature of those monsters.

“Jinyun E is dead, yet his soul lamp remains lit, which can only mean this flickering flame reflects Daitao’s residual soul. Take this and follow the aura, you should be able to find its current location.” The old man fell silent after saying this.

After pocketing the soul lamp, the National Teacher asked: “You truly do not wish to leave?”

“What difference does the location make for me? If you have time, come play some games of chess during your free time. We have battled for thousands of years, yet the chessboard has never declared a victor between us.”

Heavenly Tower National Teacher didn’t respond, turned around and walked away.

As he left, the old man called out once more: “The Heavenly Mandate is a double-edged sword. You have endured its karmic backlash for thousands of years – the oil will eventually run dry, and the lamp will extinguish.”

Back at the Qin residence, Qin Feng directed his divine consciousness into the Divine Sea.

Chi Qi was full of vitality, happily running about.

Meanwhile, Bai Su lay on the ground, tongue lolling out looking completely drained.

Opening the dimensional channel between the Yin and Yang realms already consumed considerable energy. Then the Ghost Lord exerted her power through the narrow spatial pathway, forcibly dragging the giant eyeball into the Netherworld, the impact dealt Bai Su no small blow.

For it to end up in this debilitated state was understandable.

Qin Feng cradled the little sprout, gently caressing the tender seedling on its head with regret: “My apologies for overtaxing you.”

Bai Su nuzzled into Qin Feng’s embrace, showing an expression of bliss as if its fatigue had vanished.

At this moment, Qin Feng spoke again: “I need your help once more. Please reopen the channel between realms. I have to deliver a gift to the great Ghost Lord.”

Hearing this, Bai Su’s eyes widened as its whole body drooped in dejection.

As the emerald lightning channel reopened, Qin Feng took out all the desserts and sweets from his Spatial Ring.

Relationships need maintenance. The great Ghost Lord saved his life, so he naturally had to reciprocate the favor.

Gripping the jade spirit leaf tightly, the spatial channel also manifested near the little girl’s location.

Qin Feng respectfully said towards the channel: “Great Ghost Lord, a small tribute, unworthy of the honor, but please accept it.”

The little girl responded with a satisfied hum, simultaneously blowing a wisp of silvery-white vapor into the spatial channel.

“What is this?” Qin Feng curiously asked while observing the wondrous mist overhead.

“That thing’s avatar has been devoured by me. But the residual space-time principle essence within was useless to me, so I’m bestowing it upon you.”

Imagining the giant eyeball’s appearance, Qin Feng felt a wave of nausea. To actually consume such a thing without fear of an upset stomach, this great Ghost Lord truly had no qualms about her diet. Could she be possessed by Bai Ge?

However, this essence would be greatly beneficial for him. Senior Xuan Yi had mentioned before that to strengthen his Yin-Yang principles and enhance Chi Qi and Bai Su’s power, devouring Dao essences was the fastest and most effective method.

Qin Feng did not feign modesty, immediately saying: “This will be of great use to me, many thanks for the gift, great lord!”

“Mm, remember to deliver tributes on time next occasion.”

“Absolutely, consider it done!” Qin Feng vowed confidently.

At this moment, a seductive voice came from the other side of the spatial channel: “Dear brother Qin Feng, since the channel is already open, why not spare two more jars of Drunken Immortal for your Elder Sister? That stuff is truly unforgettable.”

This was Meng Shuang’s voice. Qin Feng happily replied: “How about Elder Sister Meng trades some Nether Crystals for them instead?”

For a cultivator of the Ghost Dao, Nether crystals were priceless treasures. One could see their value from Deng Mo alone.

Naturally, the more the better!

However, Meng Shuang said: “Even I don’t have many Nether Crystals. Besides, considering our relationship, wouldn’t demanding such things seem too distant?”

“Huh? Elder Sister Meng, what did you just say? This space channel seems to be unsustainable!” As Qin Feng spoke, he frantically signaled to Bai Su with his eyes.

The little sprout got the hint, emitting a green glow from the seedling atop its head as the channel vanished instantly.

“Still trying to get things for free?” Qin Feng raised an eyebrow skeptically.

As someone so perceptive, how could he accept such a loss?

On the other side, seeing the channel disappear, Meng Shuang was briefly stunned before cursing through gritted teeth: “This little rascal!”


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