My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 735: Life-Preserving Locks

‘Breaking through the established laws,’ Qin Feng mused thoughtfully. 

This sounded profound, but was actually quite understandable. 

If one could create a Dao principle of fire that could not be extinguished by water, that would be breaking the natural law of water and fire being opposites.

The principle may be simple, but actually accomplishing it was no easy feat. Throughout history, those who could personally comprehend new Dao principles were as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns, let alone those who could enter the Transcendence Realm.

‘However, within my Divine Sea, I have the Yin-Yang Dao left behind by the Candle Dragon, and I recently obtained a remnant of the Illusory Dream Dao from the Night Wandering Ghost.’

‘Comprehending new Dao principles may just be a matter of time for me,’ Qin Feng said confidently.

‘Hmm, the title of the youngest Sword God has already been claimed by my wife. If all goes well, perhaps I can set the records for the youngest Saint  or even the youngest to enter the Transcendence Realm?’ 

‘Then I can be immortalized in the annals of history for future generations to admire,’ Qin Feng thought shamelessly.

Ya’an spoke up, “Has Lord Deng managed to comprehend any new Dao principles?”

“During my fierce battle with the Asura Clan in the Eastern Domain, I did manage to grasp onto some insights, but due to my grievous injuries, that profound feeling has largely faded.“

“However, with the gift from Qin Feng, I believe it won’t be long before I can recapture that sensation. Perhaps entering the Transcendence Realm may soon be within reach,” Deng Mo said with a smile, his mood evidently uplifted.

“Then I shall offer my congratulations to Lord Deng in advance,” Qin Feng said, clasping his hands.

Deng Mo nodded slightly, then glanced at the Thirty-Six Stars Token on Qin Feng’s waist and sighed. “I had originally wanted to bestow you with the Thirty-Six Stars Token and induct you into the Imperial City Demon Slaying Department, but it seems Commander Nan Tianlong got there first.”

“Speaking of which, each Thirty-Six Star and Twelve Divine General usually has their own title. Have you thought of what yours might be?”

Qin Feng had initially wanted to take the title “Literary Emperor”, but that might come across as disrespectful towards the Heavenly Tower’s National Teacher. And such a grand title might invite scrutiny from other scholars. Shaking his head, he replied, “I haven’t decided on one yet.”

“You don’t necessarily need to put in the effort to come up with a title. If you really don’t want to waste time on it, you can forgo it,” Deng Mo said.

Qin Feng was a bit surprised. “Isn’t a Thirty-Six Stars title mandatory? I’ve heard it helps the common people recognize and be inspired by us.”

“That’s true, but since the establishment of the Demon Slaying Department, there have been many Thirty-Six Stars who have fought valiantly for humanity without any famous titles. These titles are really more symbolic than anything,” Deng Mo explained.

Without a title? That just wouldn’t do. Qin Feng would need to arrange one soon. He nodded, “I see. As someone who is indifferent to fame and fortune, I suppose I can forgo these empty titles.”

Deng Mo expressed his approval at this. Even Ya’an beside them had a look of admiration in her eyes.

After a moment, Qin Feng suddenly asked, “By the way, Lord Deng, which do you think sounds more impressive – ‘Literature Emperor’ or ‘Immortal Saint’?”

Pausing, he quickly added, “I’m not asking for myself, I’m just curious as a scholar to discuss this with you. After all, your title of ‘One-Man Army’ sounded quite formidable to me, so I figured you’d have an appreciation for cultural matters.”

The area fell silent, the very air seeming to hold its breath.

In the end, the matter of Qin Feng’s title remained unresolved, as Deng Mo used the excuse of needing to cultivate due to his loosening bottleneck to “request” Qin Feng to leave.

After departing the Demon Slaying Department, Qin Feng and Ya’an went their separate ways. Instead of immediately returning to the Qin Residence, Qin Feng decided to head to the Grand Literature Academy to consult his teacher.

The scenes from his dream were still vividly etched in his mind, and for the sake of his unborn children, he wanted to be more cautious and discuss the matter with his teacher in advance.

Upon arriving at the Heavenly Tower, he found that his senior brothers Yang Qian and Fei Xun were not present. They seemed to have grown quite fond of their teaching duties at the Peaceful Academy, so they were now spending more time there than at the Heavenly Tower.

Just as Qin Feng was about to ascend the Heavenly Tower, he was stopped by someone reaching out to block his way. It was none other than his second senior brother, Sun Qi, with his silver hair and narrow eyes.

“Senior Brother, what is the meaning of this?” Qin Feng asked.

“The teacher instructed that no one is to be received today,” Sun Qi replied with a smile.

Qin Feng’s expression darkened slightly. “But I have an important matter to discuss with the teacher. Could you please go report to him?”

Upon hearing this, Sun Qi retrieved two white jade locks from his robe. Qin Feng recognized them as Life-Preserving Locks, worn by infants and children to bless their health and longevity.

“The teacher already knows the reason for your visit and specifically asked me to give you these two Life-Preserving Locks.”

“Your unborn children need not worry, they will be safe,” Sun Qi explained.

So the teacher had already anticipated this. It seems the contents of Qin Feng’s dream were indeed going to come true. But the teacher’s refusal to see him – could it be that he did not wish to meet Qin Feng?

Qin Feng carefully cradled the two Life-Preserving Locks in his hands. One had a small golden dragon pattern in the center, while the other had a lifelike sword etched onto it.

Seeing Qin Feng’s puzzled look, Sun Qi clarified, “The lock with the dragon is for a girl, and the one with the sword is for a boy.”

Qin Feng asked, “How can Senior Brother be so sure I’m having one of each?”

“Your brother and I have all calculated it for you. There’s no mistake,” Sun Qi said confidently.

Qin Feng’s expression stiffened. These old men really had no respect for the privacy of his children!

“You don’t seem very pleased, Junior Brother,” Sun Qi observed.

Qin Feng responded honestly, “As a father, I wanted to be the first to know the gender of my own children. Can Senior Brother understand my feelings?”

“I see.” Sun Qi stroked his chin thoughtfully. “Then we won’t do that again next time.”

“Next time?!” Qin Feng twitched at the corners of his mouth, too exasperated to argue further. He took the Life-Preserving Locks and prepared to take his leave.

Just as he was about to go, Sun Qi added, “Oh, by the way, Junior Brother, ‘Literature Emperor’ and ‘Immortal Saint’ aren’t very good titles. Why don’t you try thinking of something else?”

Qin Feng’s steps paused, and he found himself rooted to the spot.

He seemed to understand now why the teacher did not wish to see him.

In the Immortal Realm, the heavens and earth were in disrepair. The mountains hung suspended in the sky, and all that could be seen were crumbling ruins and a river of shattered stones surrounding the mountains.

Abhorrent monsters roamed the area, their agonizing shrieks echoing endlessly.

This region had clearly fallen into ruin.

In a deep, abyss-like ravine, several dark figures stood on either side. Some were humanoid, some beast-like, and some as massive as mountains.

Facing them was a gigantic eyeball, floating there alone, sinister and chilling to behold.

“The Night Wandering Ghost has failed. Its incarnation has been destroyed,” one of the figures spoke.

“That City God fellow has been obstructing us at every turn. Otherwise, we would have already collected enough votive power to descend to the mortal world through incarnation,” another growled.

“The Heavenly Emperor has been missing for a millennium, yet those fools still persist in their futile struggle,” a third lamented.

“The sealing power of Kunlun Mountain remains, indicating that the Heavenly Emperor’s divinity has not been fully extinguished. We must quickly find the Primordial Qi and annihilate it completely!”

“But we lack sufficient votive power, and the rift to the Immortal Realm is still blocked by powerful seals. How can we descend to the mortal world?” a fourth voice questioned.

At that moment, a flash of red light emanated from the giant eyeball, causing all the gods and demons to fall silent, shivering.


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