My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 705: Why Didn't You Say This Important Thing Earlier?

Chapter 705: Why Didn't You Say This Important Thing Earlier?

Zhan Qingfeng spoke up, “Elder, I could tell at first glance that you have great spiritual strength. Since you say it is impossible to leave Suiyang City, could you use your abilities to help us escape? “

“We will then gather reinforcements to slay that Night Wandering Ghost. By then, won’t the people in this city all come to worship you, and your ruined temple will definitely be renovated.”

Ya’an glared at Zhan Qingfeng, as if to say, ‘If you can’t speak properly, then don’t speak at all. How could he call someone’s temple a dilapidated shrine?’

At most, this shrine was…

Ya’an looked around and pondered her words, then quietly looked away.

“If this had happened half a year ago, I could have helped you escape this illusory realm. But now, I can barely protect myself, let alone have the power to help you,” the elder replied.

Wasn’t it half a year ago that the rift in the Immortal Realm opened? Although the Teacher’s seal has prevented the gods and demons from descending, they have found a way to appear in this world by other means… Qin Feng’s brow furrowed slightly.

To be honest, even though the City God had saved him in the Mirage, Qin Feng did not fully trust the elder.

It was an instinctive dislike towards those from Immortal Realm – at least based on his past experiences, those who came from above were usually not good news.

When Zhan Qingfeng showed his disappointment, the elder spoke again, “Besides, why should I help you? You should know that both the Night Wandering Ghost and I are from the Immortal Realm. In terms of sentiment and reason, I should be on the same side as him, right?”

Upon hearing this, Zhan Qingfeng and the others quickly distanced themselves and looked at the elder with uncertainty.

They had almost forgotten that this old man was not a human, but a divine god!

Only two people remained in their original positions – Bai Wushuang, who was still intent on stealing the offerings, and Qin Feng, who was standing in front of the City God.

Qin Feng let out a small sigh of relief as the elder’s words had somewhat dispelled his previous caution.

“Miss Wushuang, Brother Qin, please step back a bit, make sure he doesn’t attack,” Zhan Qingfeng quietly warned.

“It’s okay,” Qin Feng shook his head.

“You’re not afraid of me?” The elderly man raised his head, looked at Qin Feng with amusement, and once again slapped Bai Wushuang’s hand away.

Qin Feng smiled and said, “If I did not trust the elder, I would not have come here in the first place.”

“Your words sound nice, but you were clearly suspicious of me earlier,” the elder scoffed.

Qin Feng stiffened as he realized that the elder’s previous words were probably deliberately meant to dispel his suspicion.

‘But was it really necessary to call me out so bluntly? Isn’t it considered good manners to let sleeping dogs lie?’

‘What if I still don’t trust him and want to secretly plot against him?’

‘Oh. I’m no match for him, so it’s okay then.’

Qin Feng cleared his throat, “When you are away from home, you should not have malicious intentions, but you also cannot be without vigilance. I apologize for insulting the elder.”

The old man, who had lived for countless years, naturally understood these principles and did not dwell on it.

Qin Feng looked at the old man, and after much hesitation, he finally asked the doubt in his heart, “I wonder how the elder and this Night Wandering Ghost came to this world?”

“Of course, if the elder does not wish to answer, you are free to ignore my impertinent question.”

Upon hearing this, everyone’s attention was immediately drawn to the old man.

Especially Ya’an, as the Imperial Princess, she was naturally suspicious of any existence from the Immortal Realm.

However, the people present, including Qin Feng himself, did not have high expectations for the elder’s reaction. After all, he was also from the Immortal Realm, so why would he reveal the secrets of his origin?

However, the City God’s response surprised everyone, as he openly revealed the origins and details of the situation…

As Qin Feng had learned earlier, the Immortal Realm was facing a certain anomaly.

This anomaly had begun a long time ago, even before the fall of the Netherworld Realm.

For thousands of years, the gods and demons of the Immortal Realm had fought against this mysterious and powerful enemy. In the long struggle, they had fallen behind and were now on the brink of disaster.

Five thousand years ago, the descent of the gods and demons into the mortal world was their hope for a breakthrough to rise again.

However, their methods were too aggressive, and their very existence threatened to severely disrupt the natural laws of the mortal world.

For this reason, the ancient sages had united the powers of the mortal world to drive back the gods and demons and restore the seal between the mortal world and the Immortal Realm to protect this land.

The City God and the Night Wandering Ghost were able to descend to this world because the rift in the Immortal Realm had been reopened. And the method they used was the incense offerings of the mortal world…

The group suddenly understood – no wonder the Night Wandering Ghost had to build a shrine, this was the reason!

“Incense offerings can give us spiritual power, and that power can somehow connect with the Destiny Monument, allowing us to recreate a physical incarnation in the mortal world.”

“This is the reason why me and the Night Wandering Ghost can descend to this world.”

Upon hearing this, Qin Feng and the others furrowed their brows. If that was the case, didn’t it mean that all the gods and demons of the Immortal Realm could descend to the mortal world using this method?

The City God saw their concern and calmly said, “You need not worry. Although it may seem easy to descend through this method, it is actually not easy.”

“First of all, many gods in the immortal world are unknown to the mortal world, so it is unrealistic for them to receive offerings and spiritual powers.”

“Second, even if a deity is like the Night Wandering Ghost and can somehow trick mortals into building a shrine, he must have something to rely on in order to obtain the incarnation in this world.”

Objects of cognition and reliance… Qin Feng heaved a sigh of relief. As for the entities the City God had mentioned earlier, such as the Red-Haired Ghost and the Flame Lord, even the Heavenly Emperor, he has never heard of them.

Since no one knew about them, there was no way they could have shrines built for them.

As for the object of recognition, this was beyond Qin Feng’s knowledge.

“Besides, even if they manage to descend with the spiritual power of the offerings, their strength will be greatly diminished and subject to many restrictions.”

“Just like me, I command four realms of the Dao, but the physical incarnation here can only use one. And since I have not used the spiritual power of the offerings for a long time, my cultivation is at most at the level of a second-grade mortal.”

Qin Feng was slightly surprised, “Elder, is the Night Wandering Ghost the same way?”

The city god nodded, “Correct. It has already demonstrated the Illusory Dream Dao in front of you. Unless something unexpected happens, the physical incarnation it has in this world can only use that one Dao.”

“And only within the realm of the Mirage can its strength rival that of the Transcendence Realm.”

Upon hearing this, Qin Feng’s previous uneasiness and worries instantly vanished.

Why didn’t the elder reveal this important information earlier?

He had already grasped the rules of the Mirage, and he still had many techniques that he hadn’t had a chance to try. This was the perfect opportunity to test them on this night Wandering Ghost!

Qin Feng waved his hand with great enthusiasm, “Come with me!”

The others were taken aback, “Where are we going?”

“Isn’t it obvious? This Night Wandering Ghost has disrupted the order of the mortal world, causing the people of Suiyang City to be trapped in dreams.”

“This behavior is unacceptable. Today, I will raid his shrine and destroy his physical incarnation!”

Zhan Qingfeng and the others looked at Qin Feng with admiration. Ya’an’s eyes shone with adoration as she found Qin Feng to be dazzling in her eyes.

However, at this moment, the City God calmly said, “It entered your dream and created the Mirage, which is why you were able to develop techniques to defeat it.”

“However, if you take the initiative to confront it, you will enter its Illusionary Dream Realm, and the methods you used last night will no longer be effective.”

Qin Feng’s face fell as he turned to look at the City God.

His previous enthusiasm was instantly gone.

‘Elder, next time, please mention such important matters in advance.’

“Uh, well, we should carefully discuss a strategy for this matter before proceeding.”


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