My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 700: The Crimson-Haired Devil, the Ghost Mirage

Chapter 700: The Crimson-Haired Devil, the Ghost Mirage

The faces of Zhan Qingfeng and the others were blurred, and their bodies were like shadows.

Not only that, the originally unresponsive commoners suddenly stood up and turned to face Qin Feng, their eyes gleaming with an eerie green light.

They murmured the same words: “Primordial Qi!”

The people charged at Qin Feng like crazed beasts, determined to rip a piece of flesh from him!

Qin Feng was still trying to comprehend the situation and could not bring himself to kill the commoners.

He immediately mobilized the energy within him and summoned the Heavenly Mirror forged from Righteous Qi to defend himself.

At his current level of cultivation, it would take at least a Second Grade or Eighth Calamity Cycle cultivator to break through his Heavenly Mirror.

However, the strange Zhan Qingfeng and the commoners clearly did not have that kind of power.

However, to Qin Feng’s surprise, a piercing sound rang out, and the invincible Heavenly Mirror shattered in an instant!

“How is this possible?” Qin Feng’s eyes widened as the sharp claws closed in on his throat. He retreated hastily, but the attacks from Zhan Qingfeng and the others were unrelenting, like a bone-deep disease.

“Are they humans or ghosts?” Qin Feng gritted his teeth, dodging and maneuvering.

A sharp pain burned his shoulder, his clothes were torn, and his flesh was mangled, with blood splattering everywhere.

Faced with this dire situation, Qin Feng had no choice but to use his deadly techniques.

“Chi Qi!” he called out, intending to unleash Annihilating Thunder to eliminate these mysterious beings.

However, after the invocation, the Chi Qi in his Divine Sea did not respond.

Moreover, he had also lost contact with Bai Su!

“Could this be a domain?” Qin Feng was shocked.

In his recollection, only a Domain technique could have such a restraining power, leaving him constantly on the defensive. 

With this in mind, Qin Feng continued to dodge the attacks while desperately mobilizing the energy within him, trying to unleash his Domain to break free from the opponent’s confinement. However, at this critical moment, his Domain refused to manifest.


The ferocious attack caused the earth to tremble, and the powerful shockwaves formed a raging hurricane that blew away Qin Feng’s entire body.


The house wall was shattered, and Qin Feng coughed up blood, feeling as if his internal organs had been dislocated. If this continued, his chances of survival would be slim.

However, as of now, he still did not understand the true nature of his opponent’s techniques.

“Hmph, how pitiful.”

At this moment, a weathered voice rang out. 

Surprised, Qin Feng struggled to his feet and looked for the source. He saw an elderly man in patched clothes sitting cross-legged in front of a dilapidated temple, sipping a small cup of wine and munching on scattered peanuts.

‘There are actually beggars in Suiyang City. Who is this old man and why is he here?’ Qin Feng had many questions, but the current situation left him little time to think.

“Old man, please flee, this place is dangerous!” Qin Feng shouted.

“You have a pretty good heart. You can’t protect yourself, but you still have time to care about others.” The old man took a sip, glanced at the few drinks left in the glass, and was reluctant to drink any more. 

High up in the sky, a terrifying laughter sent shivers down his spine. 

Qin Feng looked up and saw the surrounding darkness move like a living creature, transforming into a hideous crimson-haired devil.

With scarlet eyes, deep blue skin, and a row of sharp, coldly gleaming fangs, this being exuded a powerful aura that was like a divine authority, making it difficult to breathe.

Qin Feng’s heart sank, for this crimson-haired devil was a Transcendence Realm cultivator!

He widened his eyes and took a deep breath, and a violent gale erupted.

In an instant, the buildings collapsed, the earth cracked, and dust filled the air.

Qin Feng gritted his teeth and used all his strength to avoid being sucked directly into the devil’s belly.

“Primordial Qi… So it is the scent of Primordial Qi!” The crimson-haired devil let out a maniacal laugh that shook the heavens.

“It’s mine, all mine!”

It slammed its massive palm down, and before the palm reached the ground, the crushing force had already toppled half of Suiyang City.

Qin Feng used his Heavenly Mirror once again, but it was reduced to dust in a single blow.

As Qin Feng saw the huge handprint rapidly approaching his head, he knew that there was no turning back.

He couldn’t help but smile bitterly, “If I had known that the enemy was this powerful, I wouldn’t have gotten into this mess.”

“Too bad, I don’t know if my two wives are carrying a son or a daughter…”

In this situation, death seemed to be the only possible outcome.:

However, to Qin Feng’s surprise, the expected crushing force did not come. He looked up again and was shocked.

A golden light barrier had blocked the massive palm of the crimson-haired devil, not moving an inch!

The crimson-haired devil roared angrily, “Old man, didn’t we agree to stay in our own territories?”

Upon hearing this, Qin Feng quickly turned his head to look at the old man. The old man put down his wine cup and pointed to the plaque on the dilapidated temple behind him.

The plaque, weathered by wind and rain, was barely legible, but three words could still be faintly seen – City Guardian Temple.

“This is my domain, you are trespassing,” the old man said calmly.

“Hand over the boy and I will leave immediately,” the crimson-haired devil growled.

“If you have the ability, you can try to take him yourself,” the old man replied, reluctant to take another sip from his nearly empty cup of wine.

“Fine, since you wish to die, I will destroy your wretched temple!”

Boom! Boom, boom!

The massive palms struck repeatedly, and the golden light barrier rang out incessantly.

Qin Feng looked at the old man in astonishment, ‘Could this old man be the City Guardian deity of the City Guardian Temple? The immortal deity who has been guarding the city since ancient times!’

The old man spoke again, “Son, don’t look any further. This is his domain, the Ghost Mirage. You are currently in a dream.”

“Old man!!!” The crimson-haired devil let out a hysterical roar and slashed his palms even more ferociously.


That was the sound of the barrier being shattered.

A dream?!

Qin Feng was greatly startled. This terrifying pressure, the dust in the air, and the searing pain in his wounds were all illusions?

‘Wait, when was I pulled into this dream? Could it be that I never left the tavern all this time?’

Qin Feng suddenly remembered the strange changes in his two little Divine Sea companions while he was cultivating in the tavern.

“Could it be that I was brought into the Ghost Mirage at that time?”

“My barrier cannot last much longer. If you want to return to the real world alive, you’ll have to save yourself,” the old man said calmly.

Qin Feng smiled bitterly, “Elder, you have too much faith in me. The opponent is a Transcendence Realm cultivator, how can I possibly compete with him? Besides, my abilities have been sealed by them, and I can’t use many of my techniques.”

The old man scoffed, “If their strength really reached the Transcendence Realm, how could they let you live for so long? They are just maximizing their power within this realm.”

“Young man, listen carefully. Even though this Ghost Mirage was created by them, it is ultimately your dream. They can limit your cultivation, but they cannot limit your imagination.”

“This is your dream, so you are the true master. Abandon your original cultivation and techniques, and use your imagination to create something even stronger to defeat them. I know it’s difficult, but it’s the only way you can escape the Ghost Mirage and return to the real world.”

Qin Feng paused as he suddenly understood the old man’s meaning. This was his dream, and in the dream, he was the god.

As for imagination and creativity? Sorry, as a former Otaku, his imagination and creativity were boundless!

Qin Feng took a deep breath and felt a surge of heroic spirit. His Chuunibyou soul seemed to be burning fiercely.

He made a show of performing some hand seals and then shouted, “Water Release, Great Dam Jutsu!”

The water vapor surged, and the torrent destroyed the sky!


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