My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 698: The Responsive Ancestral Shrine

Upon entering the city, the scene was filled with lively scenes.

The streets were buzzing with activity, and everyone had a happy smile on their face.

Zhan Qingfeng led the horse, looked around, then approached Qin Feng, and whispered, “Brother Qin, does this Suiyang City look like it’s in trouble? It seems even more relaxed than the Imperial City.”

Qin Feng also found it strange. He squinted his eyes and activated his Dual Pupil Ability to scan the crowd, but he couldn’t find anything out of the ordinary.

The cries of the merchants on both sides of the street were incessant, and it seems like everyone was living in peace and contentment. The whole of Suiyang City looked like a paradise.

As a woman, Ya’an’s thoughts were more delicate. She speaks up and says, “There isn’t even a beggar in the city.”

Qin Feng and the others looked around at her words, and indeed, as Ya’an said, there wasn’t even a single person who looked thin and emaciated.

It’s remarkable that even in the bustling Imperial City of Great Qian, there were still beggars on the streets.

They couldn’t believe that Suiyang City could surpass the Imperial City in this regard…

“We’ll go to the Demon Slaying Department first and inquire about the situation,” Qin Feng said.

“Very well,” Zhan Qingfeng nodded, then took out a map from his pocket and led everyone to the Demon Slaying Department.

Here, they were greeted by the head of the Demon Slaying Department named Liu Qing.

When he heard about what happened to Mr. Jia in the Imperial City, he frowned, shook his head, and chuckled, “Gentlemen, you must have misunderstood. Although I don’t know why this man named Jia suddenly died, it definitely has nothing to do with our Ancestral Shrine here in Suiyang City.”

“Why do you say that?” Qin Feng asked curiously.

“Sir, you might not know, but this Ancestral Shrine was built about half a year ago. At first, not many people went there to worship, as most people would rather go to the City God Temple to pray for luck and blessings.”

“But since the City God Temple was not effective, some people tried their luck and went to worship at the Ancestral Shrine, and the results were unexpected.”

“Those who sought wealth got wealth, those who sought children got children, and those who sought marriage found marriage. The news of the Ancestral Shrine’s effectiveness spread like wildfire, and more and more people went to pray there, causing the incense offerings to flourish. Eventually, the City God Temple was abandoned.”

After pausing for a moment, Liu Qing continued, “I won’t hide this from you, gentlemen. Nowadays, if you randomly ask ten people in Suiyang City, at least nine of them have worshipped at the Ancestral Shrine, including me.”

“If there’s something strange in the Ancestral Shrine that can make people’s heads burst, how many people in Suiyang City would have died in the past six months? What do you think?”

Zhan Qingfeng and the others looked at each other and realized that Liu Qing’s words made sense.

When they heard the coachmen talking about the Ancestral Shrine in the Imperial City, they thought it was scary. But now that they had seen the situation in Suiyang City and thought about it, they really had a lot of doubts.

If there really were ghosts or demons wreaking havoc in the Ancestral Shrine, the city would have been filled with corpses by now.

Qin Feng thought for a moment before asking, “Mr. Liu, you said that you’ve been to the Ancestral Shrine as well. Is it really that effective?”

“The title of ‘Mr.’ is too much, just call me Chief Liu.”

“As for that Ancestral Shrine, it’s really quite remarkable. I had some difficulties… It was when I couldn’t perform well in bed with my wife.”

“I consulted many physicians in town, but nothing improved, and our relationship deteriorated.”

“But after I prayed in that Ancestral Shrine, I regained my virility in just three days!”

“What’s more, I could easily handle three or four women in the brothel district in one night.”

“Since then, whenever I feel exhausted, I go to the Ancestral Shrine and offer three joss sticks. It works much faster than going to a physician.”

Ya’an’s expression turned disgusted when she heard this.

Zhan Qingfeng’s eyes lit up as he asked, “Is it really that miraculous?”

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone turned to look.

Qin Feng’s expression became strange. “What about you, Qingfeng? Are you also having trouble?”

Zhan Qingfeng hastily waved his hand. “Misunderstanding, it’s all a misunderstanding. I was just curious.”

Liu Qing continued, “It is because of the blessings of the Immortal Spirits in the Ancestral Shrine that Suiyang City is as prosperous as it is today.”

“If you still think there’s something wrong with the Ancestral Shrine, I can lead you to investigate,” Liu Qing offered.

Zhan Qingfeng was about to agree when Qin Feng interrupted, “We’ve been on the road all day and we’re exhausted. Investigating the Ancestral Shrine can wait. Let’s rest tonight, and Chief Liu can guide us tomorrow.”

Liu Qing hurriedly replied, “I almost forgot. You gentlemen must be tired from your journey. If you don’t mind, shall I arrange for you to stay at an inn? I can also find some girls to entertain and refresh you.”

As he said this, Liu Qing’s face showed a knowing smile that the men understood.

At this moment, Ya’an coldly said, “We will take care of the inn arrangements ourselves. You just concentrate on your duties.”

Liu Qing chuckled awkwardly, “As the Young Master wishes.”

After leaving the Demon Slaying Department, Ya’an asked confusedly, “Why wait until tomorrow? The Ancestral Shrine clearly has a problem. Wouldn’t it be better to solve it sooner rather than later?”

Zhan Qingfeng and the others were also confused.

Qin Feng explained, “There is something wrong with Liu Qing’s attitude. We can’t trust what he says.”

Zhan Qingfeng was also curious, “Shouldn’t the local Demon Slaying Department be eager to please those of us from the Imperial City?”

“Have you ever seen a third-level Divine Martial Warrior willing to be a mere chief in a small town? And have you ever seen a third-level master willing to bow down to someone weaker than himself?” Qin Feng said solemnly.

“What? That surname Liu is a third-tier warrior?” The others looked surprised.

Who would have thought that such a nondescript, flattering local chief would possess such terrifying power?

Qin Feng nodded. If he didn’t have the Dual Pupil Ability, he might have been fooled by the man’s appearance.

Ya’an analyzed, “Suiyang City isn’t Heavenly City. For the head of the Demon Slaying Department to reach the Fifth Stage Realm, he’s already considered to be at the highest level.”

Qin Feng agreed, “Indeed. Even if there is a rift in the Immortal Realm here that greatly accelerates a warrior’s cultivation speed, it’s still absurd to think that one could advance through two major realms in half a year. His strength is truly terrifying.”

Zhan Qingfeng swallowed nervously. “It can’t be that he got this power from the Ancestral Shrine, can it?”

“Who knows?” Qin Feng frowned. “For now, let’s find a place to rest. Then, when it’s late and quiet, we’ll see what tricks this Ancestral Shrine is up to. Besides, we can’t trust the Demon Slaying Department for now. Send someone to coordinate with the Sword Dao Alliance and ask for their help.”

“Understood,” Zhan Qingfeng immediately agreed.

Meanwhile, at the Sword Dao Alliance’s Martial Hall in Suiyang City, an old man winced, “We really can’t afford to eat any more. This is our three-day ration.”

A graceful woman dressed in black frowned, “Then let’s leave it at that. Today I’ll just eat until I am sixty percent full.”

“Sixty percent…” The old man looked at the messy table, not knowing what to say. Why did the Sword Dao Alliance end up sending such a delicate lady…


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