My Wife Is A Killer

Chapter 26: Episode 26 Got caught

Chapter 26: Episode 26 Got caught

In episode 26, after Tang Zheng hung up the phone, Xiao Zhou, who was standing one meter behind him, walked up slowly, as if he had a heart.

Xiao Zhou, go to the company and have a look.

I heard that there are a few gangsters who are not long-eyed and are beating up the company's security guard, Tang Zheng said.

Xiao Zhou, who was standing there, nodded, Okay, I'll deal with it immediately.

Xiao Zhoudao.

Tang Zheng didn't speak again, and continued to read the book next to him, but Xiao Zhou had already taken vigorous steps and walked quickly outside.

On the square outside the Tang Enterprise Company, a beating situation is still being staged at the moment.

I saw that Li Tian's face was already covered with blood at this moment, and the corners of his eyes were also a little red and swollen, obviously Yu Dahai who was beaten, not to mention Xiao Zhao.

The two fell to the ground, difficult to get up, more than a dozen gangsters over there were punching and kicking around Li Tian at the moment, Li Tian gritted his teeth like crazy, and his blood-red eyes were holding on to them, every time he caught one, he beat him to death, and the gangsters who were not accidentally grabbed by him were punched out by the huge energy accumulated by Li Tian's body.

The terrifying force only beat the gangster to the ground, making it difficult to stand, and it is estimated that he will have to lie on the hospital bed for at least ten days and half a month, although there are many gangsters here.

But in the face of this lifeless Li Tian, he was also a little scared, and there were a few gangsters who didn't dare to go up again for fear of causing trouble, but it was a bear.

He slammed his foot on Li Tian's chest, and was kicked to the ground one day, and blood spurted out of his mouth.

Stinky boy, if you don't want to die, just kowtow twice in front of me, and I'll spare you.

Xiong Zi said rampantly, standing in front of Li Tian like a giant, several gangsters behind him looked at Li Tian, Li Tian's right hand was already bleeding, his left hand was supporting the ground, and his light blue security uniform had been torn and torn.

And it was stained with blood, and it was difficult to get up from the ground little by little.

When Xiong Zi saw this guy who had been caught and flirted with several times by himself, he actually stood up again, and couldn't help but be shocked and angry, Lao Tzu let you succeed.

Xiongzi is preparing to scrap this time.

Li Tian's hunched bear was like an angry bear, and the whole person rushed towards Li Tian like an arrow, and two big burly hands grabbed Li Tian's arm left and right.

What about Li Tian, will he really be wasted here by Xiongzi?

With Xiongzi's slam blow, Li Tian unexpectedly dodged the past, and his speed was not fast.

Maybe it was Xiongzi's carelessness, maybe it was Li Tian's luck, anyway, the result was that Li Tian flashed over.

At the same time, Li Tian's right fist suddenly stood up, and the strength of his whole body, the energy that he had accumulated, was firmly controlled by him for the first time, and it was condensed on top of the entire right fist, and the punch hit Xiong Zi's left rib.

The moment his fist touched the bear's body, the ribs in the bear's bore clicked, and a few of them were directly broken, and the whole person's face was extremely distorted, and the bear who was knocked out by the huge force fell heavily to the ground like a cannonball.

I can't get up anymore with a bang.

The surrounding thugs looked at the bears that were knocked out as if they were dumbfounded, and they were stunned one by one.

Oh my God, Taekwondo, the bear with the third dan black belt was knocked out, and he fell to the ground, unable to get up.

What a terrifying thing this is, and these gangsters were stunned one by one, turned their heads to look at Li Tian, and Li Tian, who was covered in blood, stood there like a god of war.

Clenched tightly with trembling fists, glaring at them.

Seven or eight thugs didn't dare to go up when they saw the bear being knocked to the ground.

One by one, you look at me, I look at you, and there is nothing but a look of astonishment on my face.

At this moment, the sound of a police car suddenly whining and whining came rushing towards this direction.

As soon as those gangsters heard the sound of the police car, they immediately panicked, and they came quickly, and picked up their companions who were knocked down by Li Tian one by one on the ground.

There was also the bear whose ribs had been broken, so they quickly jumped into the car and left, and the engine of the modified car came out, and there was a loud snort, and a puff of black smoke came out of the rear of the car, and then it rushed away into the distance, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The rest of Li Tian saw those gangsters leave, and finally sat on the ground in a gloomy state, his whole body aching, and his body that was beaten hot and painful made him miserable.

Touching the corners of his swollen mouth, Li Tian couldn't help but tremble there Xiao Zhao, Brother Yu, are you okay?

Li Tian slowly turned his head and looked at the two people lying on the ground and said, Xiao Zhao covered his chest and stood up with a pale face.

Yu Dahai was even more unlucky, his nose was still bleeding, and he was pinching it with his hands at the moment, and he also stood up from the ground when his security uniform was also torn.

It's okay, the two of them said with difficulty, the police car at this moment has been driving towards them, and it is the voice of one of their men.

Quickly stepping out of the police car, five or six uniformed policemen went up, and without saying a word, first took out the cold handcuffs.

In the process of Li Tian, Xiao Zhao and Yu Dahai being depressed, the three of them were all taken away in cold handcuffs.

One of the men in his thirties said coldly, "Hey, how are you arresting us, we are victims."

Xiao Zhao shouted there and said, when the crowd gathers in the street to fight, you are still the victims.

Hmph, the policeman in his thirties sneered, and then arrested Li Tian, Yu Dahai and Xiao Zhao into the police car, without giving them a chance to speak, and the three of them were stuffed into the police car and arrested.

Li Tian was taken into the detention center of Kyoto City for no reason.

When Xiao Zhou drove to the gate of Tang's enterprise, Li Tian and the others had already been taken away.

When the property manager who ran out of the company saw Xiao Zhou, he quickly told Xiao Zhou everything about 1510.

, Xiao Zhou frowned slightly, and now the dozen or so thugs have run away one by one, but now all the three security guards of our company have been arrested in the detention center.

If our company doesn't protect them, it is estimated that some of these three people have lost weight, and they will have to be fined.

The property manager is a middle-aged man in his forties, who used to be a security guard from a young age, and he used to be a humble identity and was bullied a lot of times.

Now he is a property manager, so he is still very good-hearted, after speaking for Li Tian and them, after hearing the property manager say this, Xiao Zhou thought about it and said, don't worry, I will call Mr. Tang, since it is someone from our company, if something happens, Mr. Tang will definitely take care of it.

Xiao Zhou said.

So Xiao Zhou quickly called Tang Zheng.

When he heard that the people in his company had been beaten and were now locked up by the police, Tang Zheng was of course extremely angry, and without saying a word, he directly asked Xiao Zhou to go to the police station to replace others.

After Xiao Zhou got the order, he drove towards the detention center alone.

Li Tian, Xiao Zhao and Yu Dahai were all locked up in the detention center, and the three of them were all in this kind of place for the first time, and their faces were extremely embarrassed, among which Xiao Zhao was most worried about squatting in the corner of the wall.

Keep saying, "Oh, what's going to happen about this?"

What to do, Xiao Zhao don't worry, it should be fine.

After all, Yu Dahai is older and his mentality is relatively calm.

Really, Brother Yu, is it really okay?

Xiao Zhao asked desperately.

Yu Dahai comforted him and said, it'll be fine, let's just gather a crowd to fight, and under normal circumstances, a fine of money is enough.

Hearing Yu Dahai say this, Xiao Zhao finally put his mind at ease, and Li Tian over there, since he was imprisoned in the detention center, he has been silent, without saying a word, Yu Dahai looked at Li Tian in the corner, kept silent, and slowly stepped forward.

Xiao Li, what's wrong, is that place hurt?

Hearing Yu Dahai's voice, Li Tian slowly turned his face to look at him, I'm sorry, Brother Yu, I have caused you a burden this time.

Yu Dahai originally thought that Li Tian was silent because of his injury, but he didn't expect it to be because of this, and said with a smile at the moment, Hey, what did the silly boy say, how can you say that you are causing me, if I hadn't rushed out to fight, you and Xiao Zhao would not have entered this kind of place.

Li Tian said.

Yu Dahai patted Li Tian on the shoulder with a smile and said, Xiao Li, don't think about it, today's incident will be even if Brother Yu and I will be locked up for the rest of my life.

I don't blame you, because that's what a man should do.

This man is different from a woman, sometimes when he retreats to the point where there is no way out, as long as he fights hard, like we do today.

Yu Dahai said with a smile.

After hearing Yu Dahai say this, Li Tian finally felt a little better, and he was still a little worried, afraid that Yu Dahai and Xiao Zhao would complain about him because of this matter.

Now Li Tian is much more relieved.

Xiao Li, you used to practice too much in the sea, squatted down beside Li Tian, blinked at Li Tian and said, Li Tian smiled and shook his head, I haven't practiced, I can fight like this.

Yu Dahai was a little surprised, after all, Li Tian killed several gangsters by himself today, and in the end, even the burly man with the strongest body was taken down.

How can this ability be done by an ordinary person?

This caused Yu Dahai's surprise.

Li Tian thought about it and said, Actually, I don't know, it was during this time that I felt that there was always an inexplicable power in my body.

I want to vent my inexplicable power.

, Yu Dahai blinked his eyes a few times, but he didn't hear Li Tian pointing to his abdomen with his finger, and said to Yu Dahai, Brother Yu, have you seen it, just this abdomen, I have a breath here.

Every time I accumulate this qi, I can feel my strength skyrocket several times at once, in fact, even I don't know what is going on.

Yu Dahai looked at Li Tian, and only felt that Li Tian was joking and said, hehe, it's really fake, Brother Yu, don't you believe it?

Yu Dahai shook his head and said, to be honest, I really don't believe it.

I heard that Yu Hai did not believe it.

Li Tian stood up from the ground, Brother Yu, I'll give you an experiment, and you'll know.

As Li Tian said this, he glanced around, and finally fixed his eyes on the corner of the wall.

The small house in this detention center may be old, and the walls inside are only painted with white lime.

Li Tian walked over quickly, Yu Dahai looked at Li Tian in confusion, and Xiao Zhao next to him also stood up, not knowing what Li Tian was going to do.

Li Tian looked at the sea with his clenched fists.

Also, Xiao Zhao smiled and said, hehe, Brother Yu, Xiao Zhao, you can see clearly.

After he finished speaking, he then slammed his fist into the cold wall, and the ferocious force pierced through the cold wall.

There was a bang, and the wall that was originally intact was hit by Li Tian's accumulated body's qi punch, and the wall sank deeply.


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