My Wife Is A Killer

Chapter 24: Episode 24 Revenge

Chapter 24: Episode 24 Revenge

In episode 24, the strong man didn't expect this guy to hug his leg all of a sudden, and he was stunned for a moment, wanting to retract his leg and come back, but where could Li Tian give them a chance, his body jumped up from the ground, hugged his leg fiercely, and dragged forward, the strong man's other leg was unstable on the ground, Li Tian climbed up, clenched his fists tightly, and suddenly the strength in his body that had been pressed by him.

Finally all broke out, and a punch hit the strong man's chest, and with a bang, the strong man's whole face became distorted and his chest became distorted, and the whole body seemed to be trapped, and his huge body flew out like a cannonball.

With a plop, he fell heavily to the ground, and passed out without any signs, and Yu Dahai and Xiao Zhao were completely stunned.

Li Tian also looked at his fist dumbfounded, and muttered in his heart, it turned out that the strength was really so strong, and the inexplicable power on his body turned out to be real.

It turned out that when Li Tian started fighting with the first three people just now, he had been suppressing the energy that was surging out of his body, and to be honest, he was a little suspicious of the energy in his body.

He was also a little scared and suspicious, because he didn't know if that energy really existed, and because he was afraid of hurting people if that energy was real.

So much so that when he finally faced this strong man, Li Tiancai burst out the energy in his body, but the strong man on the ground was beaten half to death by his punch.

The other three guys who were repaired by Li Tian hurriedly went to help the guilty guy up at this moment, and then scolded all the way, you wait for you watchdogs to wait for Lao Tzu.

With the scolding, the three of them hurriedly picked up the strong man who was beaten to death, got into the car, and hurriedly left.

The employees of the dine-in companies who were originally watching the excitement dispersed when they saw that there was nothing lively to see, and only Yu Dahai, Xiao Zhao and Li Tian, who was barefoot, were left here.

Yu Dahai on Xiao Li's side looked at Li Tian and shouted.

Li Tian turned his head slowly, Brother Yu, are you okay, I'm fine, it's okay, what about you, are you injured?

Yu Dahai hurriedly ran over, looked at Li Tian and said, Xiao Zhao over there also jumped over, Li Zi, you are too awesome, you do four by yourself, you are simply a hero, I worship you to death.

The three of them returned to the dormitory.

Li Tian was not injured much, just now he just scratched a little skin with his fist, nothing else, Yu Dahai, and Xiao Zhao also sat on the bed and smoked.

Xiao Li, thank you.

Yu Dahai took a hard puff of cigarette and spit it out, looked at Li Tian, and said gratefully, Brother Yu, it's okay.

Li Tiandao.

Yu Dahai sighed deeply, hey, I'm old, I have a wife and children at home, and an old mother, sometimes I can endure it when I'm in a foreign land.

I've been a security guard, and over the years, some people have scolded me, some people have beaten me, and some people have laughed at me, but I haven't said anything back, why?

In order to earn that little money for himself, go home to support his wife, children, and family.

Brother Yu, I understand what you said, but I'm different from you, I can bear it, but I can't stand my friends, my relatives are bullied, others scold me and beat me, I can, but I definitely can't beat my friends and relatives.

So these few gangsters today, I'm going to fix them.

Li Tian said, good plum, I support you.

With your words, I, Xiao Zhao, have been friends with you all my life.

Xiao Zhao, who was full of young and beautiful beans over there, said with a smile.

Yu Dahai also smiled slightly, hehe, Xiao Li, I remember the words of Brother Yu, people are outside, sometimes they can endure and endure if they take a step back and not be calm.

Let's take a step back.

I've been mixed for so many years, and although I'm living a good life, at least it's calm and my family is happy, which is enough for me.

Li Tian nodded and didn't say anything more, whether he really thought this way in his heart, no one knew what was on his mind now.

It was that broken book, because of that broken book, Li Tian only found out what was really incredible about it now, and he couldn't believe that there was really that energy in his body.

But everything that happened today completely proves that he really picked up a treasure?

After experiencing this incident, Li Tian's nickname in the security team came out all of a sudden, although even he didn't expect that he would become a little celebrity in the security team.

In the past few days, Li Tian can be said to have studied the broken book like crazy, although he can't understand the content of the book, and he doesn't know what the broken book he accidentally picked up is.

But he could feel the energy in his body accumulating more and more, and he gradually realized that this book could indeed make his physical fitness better and better.

I always feel like my body is like a huge air bag, as if I am ready to vent at any time.

But there is only one shortcoming, that is, that momentum, which cannot be used now.

Sometimes it can use that energy, but sometimes it can't, sometimes when it doesn't want to use that energy, it just uses it, to put it bluntly, a few words can't be controlled, but all this is irrelevant, the important thing is that Li Tian can already feel that he is getting stronger and stronger.

In the past, Li Tian could only do thirty to forty push-ups at a time, but now he can do 100 to 200 push-ups at once, using the words of Xiao Zhao, who fell asleep on his upper bunk, Li Tian is a savage, and there are a few times Xiao Zhao wonders, why does Li Tian read that broken book every day?

When Li Tian went out to take a bath, he secretly took out Li Tian's broken book, took a look, and opened the book that was as old as an animal skin.

Xiao Zhao was suddenly depressed, what is the name of this Nima, why is it all tadpole patterns.

When Xiao Zhao, who turned a few pages, saw the words on this book, he didn't know any of them, he was depressed at the moment, could it be that Li Tian really held such a book every day to read.

It's really weird, can he understand it?

Anyway, I couldn't fucking understand it, so I put the broken book in its original position, and Xiao Zhao climbed onto the top bunk.

When Li Tian came back, Xiao Zhao asked his sister-in-law, can you understand the tadpole text on the broken book?

When he heard Xiao Zhao ask this, Li Tian was slightly stunned, and thought to himself, it seems that Xiao Zhao has read his book, and said with a smile, yes.

Xiao Zhao said depressedly, I can't see it.

You are so knowledgeable that you can even understand tadpole literature.

Li Tian just smiled, hey, Xiao Zhao, have you read the book?

Li Tian asked, pointing to the broken book.

Xiao Zhao nodded, well, took a look, but unfortunately I'm really not interested, look at that thing, I go to school, and I don't even like to read textbooks.

Don't you feel anything different about this book?

Li Tian continued to ask tentatively.

In fact, he wanted to know if Xiao Zhao would have the same weird feeling as himself when he read this tadpole book, at least whether those tadpoles would swim in his body.

It's a pity that Xiao Zhao shook his head, big brother, I still don't read it, I get dizzy when I see the words on it.

Hearing Xiao Zhao say this, Li Tian didn't ask too much, but he was wondering why he saw this broken book for the first time.

Those tadpoles will enter their bodies.

But he didn't think too much about going to work, and his life was still very dull.

Since Li Tian became a security guard, what he has done every day is nothing more than these things, standing guard, chatting, sleeping, and reading books can be described in two words.

Now Li Tian is still sitting in the security room of the parking lot, chatting with Xiao Zhao.

A plump figure who passed by in the parking lot just now was as eye-catching as a peach, which made the two adolescent old men have always had an endless aftertaste.

The woman's upper body is tight-fitted, and the red skirt perfectly exposes the plump body, especially the two white flowers on the chest that are like hemispherical shapes.

It makes the two of them have endless memories.

That kind of woman is those two thin legs that can add to the night, and the man must not let the man ecstasy.

When he didn't have to look for a woman, he had to find a woman like that.

Xiao Zhao wiped some of the hara that flowed from the corners of his mouth, looked at the direction where the mature woman was gone, and said with a smile next to Li Tian, who was still talking there.

Hehe, you know, the female employees in this Tang company are more beautiful than a grandmother, when can we pick up such a woman?

Xiao Zhao said.

Li Tian smiled slightly, hum, as long as you work hard, anything can be done.

The two of them were guarding the security room in the parking lot here, chatting and talking, and while the two of them were talking, they didn't see the security captain Yu Dahai, running towards their security room like crazy.

Xiao Li, run.

Yu Dahai, who ran in out of breath, looked at Li Tian with an embarrassed face, and said, that Li Tian and Xiao Zhao saw Yu Dahai's face was ugly.

Suddenly, his face was stunned, and he asked, what happened to Brother Yu?

Don't ask Xiao Zhao, you run, get out of here first.

Yu Dahai said anxiously, while pushing Li Tian there, as if Li Tian would die if he didn't leave, but Yu Dahai didn't know that Li Tian's temper was a donkey.

The more he let him go, the more he didn't go, the stubborn Li Tian was standing there, Brother Yu told me what was going on, and Xiao Zhao next to him was also nervously looking at Yu Dahai helplessly.

I can only say that those little gangsters came to you for revenge two days ago, just in front of you, and there are a lot of people here this time.

Xiao Li, you listen to Brother Yu and run quickly.

Suddenly hearing Yu Dahai say this, Li Tian was stunned for a moment, it turned out that Li Tian had helped Yu Dahai fight a few gangsters a few days ago.

This time I came back for revenge.

Those people are not easy to mess with, after being repaired by Li Tian one by one last time, they can be described as extremely angry, especially the strongest guy, who was beaten to death by Li Tian on the spot, this time the other party must have come to take revenge.

After hearing Yu Dahai say this, Xiao Zhao also persuaded Li Tian with an ugly face and said, Li Zi, listen to Brother Yu's words, you should hide first.

Because he understands that some time ago he heard that in another part of Kyoto City, a security guard who was a migrant worker beat a car owner.

In the end, he was chopped off his hands and feet, and the case was crippled and the case has not been solved until now, but he shook his head slowly, his face was extremely calm, since they came to me, then let them come to me.

The words came out of his mouth slowly.

Li Tian didn't want to be a hero, nor did he want to prove how awesome he was, but he deeply understood that if he left, Xiao Zhao and Yu Dahai would definitely be beaten, and those people would definitely not stop so easily, so he refused to leave.

Hearing that Li Tian was not leaving, Yu Dahai was so anxious that he dragged Li Tian away, and said, I want Li to listen to me, you go quickly, if you don't leave, those people will chase you, and you won't be able to leave.

But Li Tian shook his head stubbornly, Brother Yu, Xiao Zhao, I can't go, if I leave, what will you do?

That Yu Dahai, as well as Xiao Zhao, were all warm in their hearts, but they said there, we are fine, don't worry, Li Zi, you go first, they are coming for you, and they will not look for us.

yes, plum, you hide.

Li Tian listened to their persuasion, but he didn't react at all, clenched his fists tightly and didn't say a word, and ran out all of a sudden.


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