My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1463: Epilogue (2)

Chapter 1463: Epilogue (2)

Once she left, Fang Yanli paused and turned to look at her friend, master and elder sister. Her eyes teared up when she thought about how -- Song Yan might never remember her again.

"Are you that upset?" Little An who had followed her asked. His twin brother also turned to look at Fang Yanli.

"I miss her," Fang Yanli answered honestly. "I miss her so much that it hurts to see her look at me like I am a stranger."

But —— Fang Yanli was not worried. One day she would befriend Song Yan again.

However for now,

"I told you that she is pregnant...why can you not be--"

The voice of a man fell in her ears and Fang Yanli's expression turned cold. "Let's go, we first need to take some trash out."


Six years later.


"I will kill you, Yu Sheng!"

"I will really kill you!"

Fu Yu Sheng sat up straight and so did Fu Chen and his five brothers. That's right, five.

Six years ago, when Song Yan got pregnant for the second time Fu Yu Sheng was overjoyed. He thought that his dream of getting a daughter was going to be fulfilled.

But after nine months, his wife gave birth to two stinky boys.

However, he did not say anything about it. Never mind, they could try again.

His wife however stopped him. She told him that she wanted to focus on her career first and what a focus she had paid, she won the best actress award for five consecutive years.

Even though she returned after giving birth to a child, Song Yan still managed to win the hearts of the public as despite her growing age, she resembled a sixteen-year-old girl.

Oh worries of a poor husband. No one could understand it!

After Song Yan was done establishing herself, they tried for a daughter again. But instead got three stinky sons!

At that point, Fu Yu Sheng thought he was haunted by these stinky boys!

And now that his wife was giving birth again, he hoped it was a girl.

"Sister-in-law seems to be in pain, looks like it is a naughty brat again," Fu Yu Shen spoke to his brother while supporting Ning Ying who was three months pregnant.

In response, he received a flying shoe to his face.

"Don't you dare to jinx it!" Fu Yu Sheng screamed at his brother before turning his attention to the labour room worriedly.

"Just accept that you have no skills when it comes to giving birth to a cute daughter," Fu Shu Chang teased his brother while hugging his newborn daughter causing Lin Wenyi to look at him with exasperation.

She slapped him on the arm and said, "Stop it."

"Yeah stop it," Fu Yu Sheng whose nerves were already stretched to the max, repeated his sister-in-law's words. He was certain that if his brother teased him again, he would really fight to death with him.

Fu Shu Chang sniggered as he hugged his two daughters and said to them, "Look at your uncle, he is so jealous of me because I have you two."

"Shu Chang!"

Old Master Fu glared at his eldest grandson. He said to him, "Keep quiet."

Though Old Master Fu was not as strong as he used to be in the past, his might was still there which was why Fu Shu Chang turned quiet at once.

"This is not funny, eldest uncle," the second son, Fu Lijuan, said angrily. "I have five stinky brothers. And if I get another one then I might as well leave the house!"

"You are six," Fu Chen, who was now fifteen years old, looked at his brother. "Where are you going to go?"

"Anywhere is better than staying at home," said the third son Fu Fengge.

"Agreed," said the triplets.

Fu Yu Sheng glared at the six boys and said to them, "Do you think I like staying at home? I have to clean up your mess every day!"

"Especially you, Jianyu (the first of triplets). You are three years old and yet you already know how to bully your friends!"

He was speaking of the matter where Fu Jianyu had beaten Wang Yufan's son.

"He is not my friend! He made fun of me because I have no sister and he has two!"

Fu Zian and Fu Xiaofan backed their elder brother. "That's right, he deserves to be beaten!"


The sound of a child crying interrupted Fu Yu Sheng who immediately stood up and rushed inside the labour room.

"Yan Yan!"

"Yu Sheng," Song Yan called back in a tired voice, she was lying on the bed while covered in sweat and tears. And yet for Fu Yu Sheng, she was still beautiful.

He first walked over to his wife and asked, "Are you alright?"

"I am fine," Song Yan smiled as she looked down at the two children she had given birth to,

they were bundled up nicely and with their monkey-like red face, Fu Yu Sheng couldn't tell if one of them was a daughter.


"Its a son- "

"Another son!"

"I want to cry!"

"Why can't I get a sister?"

"This is too much! I am going to get old and sick at this rate by the time I get a sister!"

"I wanted a sister! God why!"

Song Yan looked at her dramatic sons and then turned to look at Fu Yu Sheng who was already


"...." A bit speechless.

"And a daughter.. seriously let me finish," Song Yan raised her voice and pointed at the child on the left. "She is your little sister." No sooner did she finish speaking, her sons surrounded

the little girl.

"A daughter! I have a daughter!" For two minutes Fu Yu Sheng was stumped before he hugged Song Yan. He still cared for her which was why he paid attention to his strength and let go of

her pretty soon.

"Thank you, Yan Yan! Thank you!"

"No, I should be the one saying thank you," Song Yan reached out and held his hand. "Thank you for chasing me through dimensions and time."

Fu Yu Sheng smiled upon hearing her words. He reached out and kissed her on the lips, "I love you."

"I love you too." In all lifetimes.


The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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