My Underachieving Seatmate Doesn't Need Any Comforting

Chapter 114

Chapter 114: Extra (1)

Until their return from Tahiti, it was like Song Yixu was still dreaming.

This was the second time in his life that he was able to fly first class (first time being when they flew to Tahiti), and he kept harping on Jie Kai, “Who could have thought that I could sleep all the way through on a 13 hour flight!”

His seatmate chimes in, “And you even got to eat four meals.”

Song Yixu said, “Yes, yes! And they were all sooo delicious!”

Jie Kai was different and his focus was very fitting for a guy. “The Flight Attendant was so beautiful. She smiled at me and my heart was filled with flowers.”

Song Yixu also said shyly, “Cough, she even called me ‘sir’. Sigh, the first time I was called ‘sir’ and it was by such great beauty. It’s definitely auspicious ...”

One thing that was particularly bad about going to Tahiti was the long distance. Even the most suitable route needed a transfer in Tokyo.

When they were set to return, He Shen suggested. “We can stop in Japan for a few days.”

Qiao Shao added, “Yeah, we could go to an onsen.”

The others absolutely had no objections.

Before they had been having so much fun in Tahiti, everyone was always gathered together and Qiao Shao never found an opportunity to talk with Chen Su in private.

When they made the stop in Japan, the pace was much more relaxed.

Qiao Zongmin had to go back earlier but he left an assistant to take care of the teenagers. Before leaving, he had a nice long chat with He Shen.

Qiao Shao didn’t even want to ask them what they talked about!

What could it have been? What could be in that indecent brain of Da Qiao’s!

While Song Yixu and the others went to take a dip in the hot springs, Qiao Shao went to look for Chen Su.

Chen Su saw him coming and displayed not the slightest bit of uneasiness. It’s been more than a month. No matter how incredulous it had been at that time, by now, they had all slowly gotten used to it.

Besides, Qiao Shao was still the same as before. Even if he was the Qiao Zongmin’s son, he was still the same Qiao Shao they knew. There wasn’t any sense of distance between them.

Qiao Shao handed him a hot drink. “Hot cocoa, not very sweet.”

Except for a certain sweets maniac, all of them weren’t that fond of sweets.

Chen Su took it and said, “Thank you.”

Qiao Shao took a sip and said, “I always wanted to say sorry to you.”

Chen Su was a bit startled. “Huh?”

When Qiao Shao revealed his identity, he apologized to them because he had kept this hidden from them. But he wanted to apologize to Chen Su in particular, because he not only kept it hidden from Chen Su but he deliberately deceived him.

Qiao Shao explained haltingly, “At the time I ... You were the first person I met, I didn’t want you to be sad ...”

He said it vaguely, but Chen Su understood it clearly.

He will never forget what happened during the second semester of his first year in high school. It was a day that changed the trajectory of his life&#k2014;it was Qiao Shao who pulled him out of the quagmire of inferiority. It was also Qiao Shao who gave him the opportunity to regain his self-confidence.

Chen Su smiled. His eyes hidden behind his glasses were very gentle. “I’m very happy.”

Qiao Shao looked at him. “Huh?”

Chen Su said, “I’m very happy to know that your family’s financial situation is very good.”

Qiao Shao’s chest was filled with warmth, and he was left a little bit speechless.

Chen Su said earnestly, “Qiao Shao, I hope we will always be friends.”

“Of course!” Qiao Shao said immediately, “We’ll be good friends for a lifetime!”

Seeing Qiao Shao leaving, Wei Jiayu who was rooming with Chen Su, slipped in. He watched as Chen Su looked at the little poor...ah, pah! At Qiao Shao’s retreating back...

Wei Blue Hair said doubtfully, “Four-eyed Chen, you can’t do this.”

Chen Su looked back at him. “What?”

Wei Blue Hair offered his sincere and heartfelt words. “Your secret love will bear no results.”

Chen Su raised his eyebrows. “My secret love? With who?”

Wei Blue Hair said, “Qiao Shao. Just look at your eyes, they’re so full of love!”

Chen Su simply wasn’t in any mood to pay attention to him. “Nutjob.”

Wei Jiayu jumped up and said, “Laozi is being kind-hearted and giving you a friendly reminder, you f*cking ...”

With a thud, Chen Su pulled the door closed, shutting Wei Jiayu outside.

Wei Jiayu got even angrier. “You’re treating my kindness like pig innards. Laozi never should have even tried to take care of you!”

Chen Su remembered that it was winter and freezing outside. He had him come in again, “You just need to take care of yourself.”

A wise man knows better than to fight when the odds are against him. Wei Jiayu entered the room before saying, “You better not try to be a third party. Shen Ge will murder you.”

Chen Su stuffed a strawberry daifuku in his mouth. “Shut up, you!”

Naturally, Qiao Shao was rooming with He Shen.

Their room came with an en suite bath, both an indoor one and outdoor one. Under normal circumstances, guests would soak naked in the onsen.

But this time...

He Shen said, “You better not seduce me. Sir already warned me that if I do something bad, he won’t let me go home the day after tomorrow.”

Him seduce He Shen??

Qiao Shao has seen people who put the blame on their victims but he’s never seen one so shameless!

Qiao Shao said, “Then I’ll just to Chen Su’s room and have a soak there.”

He Shen grabbed him. The smell of vinegar was rising sharply. “Qiao Shao Shao Tongxue, you already have a boyfriend. Please conduct yourself with dignity.”

Qiao Shao was just teasing him. “You won’t let me have a soak in our room and you won’t let me have a soak in other people’s room so then why did I even come to Japan!”

He Shen had the nerve to say, “To look at the snow.”

Qiao Shao gave him an eyeroll as white as snow!

Later, after much debate between the two, it was decided that Qiao Shao would wear swim trunks and take a soak while He Shen will go out into the world of ice and snow to cool off.

Qiao Shao soaked in the hot springs, feeling very comfortable, thinking to himself— you’re such a nutjob, He Shen Shen!

He was afraid that He Shen would freeze out there and didn’t dare soak for too long. He came out of the hot springs soon after. After changing his bathrobe, he called He Shen.

He Shen asked him, “You’re done so soon?”

Qiao Shao heard the hoarseness in his voice. “Hurry up and come back!”

He Shen agreed. “Do you want to eat taiyaki?”

Qiao Shao was a little greedy. “Okay!”

He Shen bought seven or eight pieces, and gave one to everyone before returning to Qiao Shao.

“Isn’t it cold?” Qiao Shao came over and asked him.

With a single glance, He Shen was stunned.

Qiao Shao blinked. “What’s wrong?”

The taiyaki fell to the ground, and He Shen hugged him and said, “I told you not to seduce me.”

His hoarse voice made Qiao Shao’s ears turn hot. “Wha-what?”

He Shen took a deep breath and said: “This kimono is against the rules.”

Especially this men’s bathrobe kimono with it’s wide open lapel revealing that faintly discernible ...

Qiao Shao didn’t originally think much of this get up but now his heart was thumping wildly. “You ... hey ...”

He Shen kissed his lips and did not give him a chance to speak.

Qiao Shao fell on the tatami. His clothes were in disarray and contrasted against his blushing cheeks. This natural posing was even more fatal.

He Shen closed his eyes and said, “I think I’m going to be kicked out of the house.”

Qiao Shao: “!”

He Shen’s kiss fell on his white neck. “Hurry and push me away.”

How could Qiao Shao have it in him to push him away!


Later, nothing still happened.

On the one hand, getting kicked out of the house really was too scary. On the other hand, He Shen was also concerned about Qiao Shao’s body’s condition.

To a youngster, to have to go through those years in the middle of this prime growth period, was really a big setback. It was really difficult for nourishing food and tonics to make up for the deficiency.

Qiao Zongmin was worried about Qiao Shao’s health so why wouldn’t He Shen be too? Every centimeter that Qiao Shao grew made the two of them so happy that they wanted to shout it to the world.

With things how they were, how could He Shen have it in him to cause trouble?

When you cherish a person, you must never lose yourself to your lust.

Not long after the new semester began, Valentine’s Day was upon them.

This day was on a Friday, but the school would never declare a holiday for this kind of festivity.

Of course for high school students, this festivity was met with as much anticipation as New Year’s!

The night before, Qiao Shao tossed and turned at home for a long time. In the end, he still made a box of chocolates.

This was their first Valentine’s day as a couple, how could he not attach importance to it?

Qiao Shao mulled over it for a very long time. He thought of how He Shen never lacked for valuable things. This guy though was a sucker for sweets, and some chocolate he made himself will definitely make him happy.

In order to surprise him, Qiao Shao secretly watched a lot of tutorials and wasted a lot of chocolate, but finally, he was able to come out with something decent!

After carefully packing it, Qiao Shao wanted to wait until they got to school to give it to him. He was well aware that if he gave it at home and Da Qiao saw it, he would mutter under his breath...

When they got to school, because the first class was English and Qiao Shao had received the honor of being promoted to English class representative, he went to the teachers’ office to ask what needed to be prepared before class.

On his way back to the class with a stack of practice sheets, he unexpectedly heard something at the head of the flight of stairs: “... I made this myself!”

Oops, someone was giving the boy they admire some chocolates!

Qiao Shao felt itchy, and quietly leaned out to take a look ...

Then he saw He Shen.

It turned out that the girl’s handmade chocolates were for He Shen.

Qiao Shao was stunned, he never expected he would be beaten to the punch!

Forget it, it’s normal. With how attractive He Shen was to the opposite sex, it would be strange if no one gave him chocolates.

However, He Shen definitely wouldn’t accept it. No matter how much he loves sugar, he cannot accept others’ chocolates ...

Just as he was thinking so, Qiao Shao saw He Shen accept the chocolates.

Qiao Shao: “........................”

The author has something to say: Hahahahahahahahaha letting out goose honks of pure schaudenfreud ~~

See you tomorrow, mwah.


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