My Unconventional Lover: Seeing A Different World

Chapter 153

153 Run to Your Arms

(Jane’s PoV)

My training with Siji went well. It was still exhausting, but somehow after I pushed myself past my limit, I found myself feeling a lot stronger and firmer than before. I gained so much from his training. I could see more than ghosts. Siji said that it had been my talent, which made me different from those who could see and interact with ghost, even with those who had sixth sense, who could predict future.

My talent was entirely different but at the same time had the similarity with them. The similarity was we could see ghosts and communicate with them. But the difference was my scope was a lot wider than them. Not to mention I had my own personal house in their dimension so yeah, it was a lot different between us. Ever since I could see them, my whole world suddenly became so full with them, but luckily I had Siji who taught me how to surpress my ability so that I could see humans more than them.

After that intense meditation, I could see the flow of spiritual power in and around someone. I could even see them in different colors and forms. Different colors marked different levels and purity in someone’s body. Mine was white. Not because I reflected it as white, but it was indeed white and it came in the forms of smokes. Siji said my form was the hardest to control since smokes could be disintegrated easily. But, if I could take a good control of it, it could be the easiest and the strongest form of attack.

There were some who possessed water like spiritual power, thin string like, and even something like silk scarf form. Each form had its own weaknesses. Water form looked strong, and it was indeed strong, but one wrong step, the person could turn crazy or even died. Thin string like spiritual power looked fragile, but it could be the strongest form of spiritual power. With the right method, those thin strings could form a strong and sturdy rope and this form was most suitable for exorcist, actually. The silk scarf form looked sturdy but it had its limit in upgrading the power.

Well, I couldn’t be bothered with other forms of spiritual power. I just needed to learn to control my own spiritual power so that I could use it in defense and attack.

My training with Siji was as harsh as always. However, even if I always complained every time the training was over, I would always look forward for the next training. It was because I had felt the benefits from the hellish training I got from Siji.

After what happened that day, that ‘thing’ had not come again. Not that I wanted it to do things to me again, but more like I wanted to know what or who was strong enough to make me lose my senses. I was curious.

Also, Sanji had returned! Even though he was very much still the same with how he was before, I could see he became more mature -as if he wasn’t mature enough- and somehow stronger. Physically he was still a bit thinner than he used to be, but he was a lot better than the last time I saw him. He came to see me on the day when I had just finished my first torture in meditation. He was just in time to catch me when I fell down because of fatigue. After that, he kept visiting me every day.


Siji said that he got enlightenment after his failure in the test, which was why he looked different. He didn’t say anything about the test, so I didn’t ask about it either. We talked like usual, practiced, and scouted for information about my father.

I even made a plan with him to visit the Hidden Kingdom in Northern Mountains. Of course, I didn’t specify the time since Siji said that I needed to be powerful enough to go there. At least, I had shared my plan with someone.

Sanji agreed, of course. After his return, he always said yes to my request. I didn’t notice it at first, but I wasn’t blind or not sensitive. I did kept quiet, but it didn’t mean I didn’t know anything.

I mentioned that Sanji had changed, right? He became more mature, yes. Siji said that he got enlightment, yes, I could see that in his spiritual power’s flow. He got that thin string from, by the way. But, I noticed another change in him.

It was true that he always treated me well ever since we knew each other. But, the feeling I got back then was different with how I felt now. Before, I felt like a spoiled little sister to him, but now I felt like I was the only one in his eyes, I was being enveloped in a bubble, safe and warm. I still got my freedom, but somehow he would always be there whenever I turned around.

What was it? Did it have any relation to how he kissed me that day?

I shook my head as I watched Sanji disappeared in the dark road, heading back to his dorm. What should I do about Sanji, then?

“Milady.” Siji called.

“Hm.” I didn’t look up from where I was sitting.

“There is an invitation for you.”

That caught my attention. “What invitation?” I looked at him seriously.

“Invitation to attend the second trial for the General trial in Satu Village.”

I arched my eyebrows. “Satu Village? Where is it?”

“It is a hidden village where the Guardian of Legacy resided in, somewhere in Southern area.” Siji tactfully answered.

I knew he was still hiding something from me, but I was not in the mood for an interrogation. So, I let him be.

“Fine. When will we go?”

“Tonight at nine.”

“How do we get there?” I frowned a bit.

“Use the other dimension to open the door right towards the village.” Siji replied casually.

Right, I had not had time to try that for a long distance place, but I guessed I could try it now. I shifted my eyes to the clock on my wall. It was almost nine o’clock.

“Let’s go!” I stood up excitedly. Focusing my eyes and spiritual power, I could see the curtain that separated my world with Siji’s. After a series of torture while meditating, I finally could use my power without closing my eyes, as if what I did was something usual for me.

In a minute, I finally reached a place I assumed as Satu Village. I even appeared in the front gate of the village and there were two people waiting there.

“Wecome to Satu Village, Master of First Army!” Both of them greeted me politely.

“Thank you.” I replied calmly. I needed to maintain a good image in front of them for now.

“We have prepared the place. This way, please!” The man led us to a big house in the village. Both Siji and I didn’t say anything as we only followed them.

Before we entered the room, a man came and introduced himself as Sir Ahmad Ismail, the right hand man of the current King in Satu Village. I practically hid my expression since all I wanted to do was to exclaim over the King status. How could a village not have a chief but a King instead?

Anyway, we were requested to enter the room and had a seat. But, before that, Siji and I were asked to use a cloak to cover ourselves. Of course, I agreed. The cloak was so big it even covered my whole body. Where could I get this cloak, then?

I felt a bit awkward when I was asked to sit in the middle seat. But, they politely explained to me that since the King that should have been here to assess the candidates were not here, they asked me to sit on that seat, instead. They also assured me that no one would complain about it later.

Under their persistance, I could only surrender and put myself in the middle of Sir Ahmad and Siji who was so silent beside me.

Then, the trial began. Only after that, I noticed something was strange. I couldn’t see the candidates clearly. Other than the number of candidates and the gender of both candidates, I couldn’t see their faces and figure well.

But then, all of my confusion disappeared as I heard that they put the enchantment to make us judge objectively. So, it was like that.

Then, out of nowhere, we were asked to say one or two words. Siji didn’t mention it to me! He even shook his head ahead of me and gestured that I had something to say. Damn him!

Raising my hand up, I put on a calm facade.

“Do your best. I’ll be waiting for the best General to stand beside me in commanding the First Army.” I said casually and in low tone. I hope I managed to impress them that the Master of First Army was not a kid and could be reliable.

“Yes.” The woman candidate replied in a firm voice, but the other one didn’t say anything.

I curiously looked at him. Even though it was not that clear, but I could still see his figure. Good figure. Not too muscular, lean but strong. He had the same body proportion as Siji’s. I wonder if he was good looking, too.

“Candidate Number One, do you have any other questions?”

“Ehem, no.” He said, slowly. Maybe he was a bit embarassed since we caught him daydreaming. “I will definitely do my best.” He added.

I didn’t know why but I found myself being fixed on him. Why do I feel the need to see him closer? Now that I see it, he looks oddly familiar. Even his voice felt familiar. That pair of arms looks inviting, as if I had been there before. Should I try to run into his arms to see how much I found it familiar and whether I had been there or not?

Ah, what am I thinking? I nearly smacked my own forehead.


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