My Two-sided Cultivation: Starting From Collecting Experiences

Chapter 590 - 590 Phoenix Fire! Death Substitution Technique!

590 Phoenix Fire! Death Substitution Technique!

The moment his voice faded, the sky became a canvas of fiery rain, weaving an unyielding net of fire.

Qin Huai appeared unfazed as he let the flames descend upon him. However, as he advanced, he stopped. The engulfing flames around him refused to wane, instead transforming the skies into a forest of fire, with him at its center.

From above, the phoenix twins cast an imperious gaze at their captive. “The phoenix fire is unparalleled,” one of them said. “A mere spark can burn for decades.”

“It’s not just eternal,” the other added, “but can elongate one’s life. And it will continue to sear you for the remainder of yours.”

Qin Huai strained against the fiery chains with his potent blood and qi, yet the fire remained steadfast. A realization dawned upon him: his king’s force might just counteract the fire’s force.

Wasting no time, he amplified his king’s force, which roared to life around him, clashing with the phoenix fire.

Suddenly, a dark, formidable spear thrust through the flaming barrier, its presence chilling Qin Huai to the bone. He swiftly parried with his hand, seizing the weapon.

Outside the fiery fortress stood Bai Shiquan, grinning ominously. “Once again, our paths cross,” he sneered.

The spear’s lethal aura began to seep, trying to invade Qin Huai’s defenses.

But Qin Huai’s composure remained intact, his grip on the spear tightening. Under his overwhelming force, Bai Shiquan was utterly outmatched. Raising the spear and with a swift motion, Qin Huai repelled Bai Shiquan and charged forth, trying to break free from the blazing confinement.

But as he neared the boundary, a vast green barrier stood in his way. Without missing a beat, Qin Huai unleashed a resounding dragon roar, its power so immense that even the surrounding phoenix fire faltered.

He relentlessly assaulted the green obstruction with a barrage of punches. Muffled thuds echoed, a testament to the sheer force of his blows. Yet, his usually dominating strength seemed to be waning.

A combination of the Qilin clan’s mystical formula, the phoenix fire, and the formidable defense of the mountain-like shield had diminished his power. To shatter through completely, he would need more time than he anticipated.

As he surveyed the area, Qin Huai’s attention was drawn to the waning aura of the Fourth Generation Fairy outside the fiery net. The unexpected resurgence of Bai Shiquan seemed intertwined with the machinations of the Nine Supremes clan.

Years of combat had honed Qin Huai’s instincts — he could discern even the most subtle irregularities on a battlefield.

“Why would the Nine Supremes clan shoulder someone else’s blame?” he mused aloud, all the while warding off Bai Shiquan’s advances and the persistent defenses of the black tortoise clan.

“Indeed, the Nine Supremes clan possesses a clandestine art known as the death substitution technique. It’s a life-for-life exchange. However, many of its members possess dual lives. Who wouldn’t appreciate an extra life, after all?” the fairy responded, her gaze lingering on Qin Huai, an intent so intense as if she wished to consume him.

“I never imagined the Fourth Generation Fairy would exhibit such altruism,” remarked Qin Huai, sidestepping an onslaught of phoenix fire and, with a series of strikes, shattered Bai Shiquan’s spear.

The fairy chuckled. “This little one isn’t that magnanimous or loyal. I’ve merely found certain loopholes in the spirit world.”

Enlightenment dawned upon Qin Huai. Death within the spirit world wasn’t a genuine death. Leveraging the Nine Supremes clan’s death substitution technique held minimal repercussions here, rendering a significant advantage. As for the motivations of the seven imminent kings…

The fairy and Young Master Qi exchanged knowing glances. “We should be able to maintain the balance,” she said. They both realized that even a coalition of the seven wouldn’t be enough against Qin Huai. Their true agenda was biding time until the activation of the ancestral king bone, a tool they hoped would be effective against Qin Huai.


Suddenly, the skies were cleaved by a descending figure. The encompassing net of celestial flames crumbled, revealing a vast rift.

“Weren’t you going to wait for me?” The figure, initially mistaken for a young girl but unmistakably the little emperor, fumed. Extricating himself from the molten ground, he noticed Qin Huai’s absence. But, looking up, he saw Qin Huai unfold his Kun Peng wings and ascend with unparalleled speed, evading both the phoenix fire and Young Master Qi’s purifying radiance.

The phoenix twins above mirrored the little emperor’s alarm and immediately fled. But Qin Huai’s chilling voice stopped them. “Do you truly believe you can escape?”

With a swift motion, he flung out droplets of blood toward the fleeing pair. As they coursed through the air, the droplets transformed, shimmering gold, and metamorphosed into golden-winged rocs. Imbued with the king’s force, these creatures seemed to pulsate with life, majestic and formidable.


As he used the collapsing blood technique – golden roc, the two phoenixes were obliterated in an explosive flare. The residual force created a tempestuous wind, rendering it near impossible for onlookers to see.


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