My Two-sided Cultivation: Starting From Collecting Experiences

Chapter 534 - 534 The Sacred Heart Sect’s Purpose!

534 The Sacred Heart Sect’s Purpose!

Thousand Divination Tower, Heart’s Eye Pavilion.

Basking in the rare sunlight of Qingzhou City, a man attired in a white robe and wearing a carefree expression appeared quite relaxed. In front of him, the lord of the Thousand Divination Tower, Yue Yang, stood hunched over, delivering a report on the recent city updates.

“We currently have nine hundred thirty-two bone pattern realm experts and ten visceral prefecture realm experts in Qingzhou City. It’s nothing short of a miracle!” Yue Yang exclaimed. “In the past, it would take decades of cultivation for any force to produce such a number of experts. However, under your sagacious leadership, Qingzhou City managed to generate this astonishing number of experts in just a little over a year.”

Although Yue Yang’s flattery was blatant, his words were heartfelt and pleasing to the ear.

The white-robed king, however, seemed indifferent to the praise. “What has the struggle of mortals to do with me?” he asked nonchalantly. “This is the result of the collective effort of all living beings. There’s no need to attribute the credit solely to me.”

Slowly, the white-robed king rose to his feet and stretched. Suddenly, he raised his head to gaze at the blood sea. His aura, which had been relaxed, condensed instantly into a force as vast as the ocean. With a resonating thud, Yue Yang was brought to his knees.

Unaffected by Yue Yang’s reaction, the white-robed king continued observing the blood sea. “It seems that the array core has awakened a bit earlier than I anticipated,” he mused, calculating with his fingers. “The Supreme One distinctly mentioned it would take three years.”

Turning his attention to Yue Yang, he spoke, “Lord Yue, since you are proficient in divination, let’s find out who is disrupting the situation in the blood sea.” He turned around, noticing Yue Yang still frozen on the ground, and extended a hand to help him up.

“My lord, I have already instructed the pavilion elder to do this,” Yue Yang hastily replied. “The person causing the disturbance is the leader of the Qingzhou Alliance, Qin Huai, who has inherited the legacy of the Emperor of Qingzhou.”

“Oh?” The white-robed king’s eyes flickered with curiosity. “The second emperor succeeding the Emperor of Qingzhou…”

“That’s correct!” Yue Yang confirmed.

“Your Thousand Divination Tower must have paid a high price to pry into the emperor’s secrets,” the king observed, opting not to inquire further.

“My lord, rest assured, it’s merely led to the end of a few elder pavilion members’ lifespans,” Yue Yang replied with utmost deference, bowing his head so as not to meet the gaze of the white-robed King.

“Hehe… If a few perished, just mark them on the record and consider it a recompense from the Sacred Heart Sect.” The white-robed king spoke with an air of magnanimity.

“Working for a great one such as you, Yue Yang would not dare harbor any illusions!” It was at this moment that Yue Yang looked up. “This subordinate has but a single request… Please grant it!”

“Speak,” the king commanded.

“Wuji Mountain!” Yue Yang requested.

Without so much as turning his head, the white-robed king replied, “It seems you are eager, Lord Yue, to eliminate your greatest threat. Once the battle in the sky concludes, you may lead your people into Wuji Mountain.” His tone was casual, as if Wuji Mountain was nothing more than an unclaimed, desolate hill.

“Thank you for your generosity, my lord!” Yue Yang exhaled in relief upon receiving the response.

“And who, according to you, will be the victor in this skybound battle?” the white-robed king asked, seemingly intrigued by the aerial conflict.

“Qin Huai, as the successor of the emperor, has cultivated an unparalleled emperor’s force. His combat strength is extraordinary, far beyond what the term ‘genius’ can describe,” Yue Yang began, carefully choosing his words. “Though my current cultivation level is slightly lesser, I fear even the sect master of the Kun Peng clan may find him formidable.”

“Who told you Qin Huai’s adversary was Tang Pi?” the white-robed king interjected, prompting a look of confusion from Yue Yang.

“Then, may I ask who Qin Huai’s opponent is?” Yue Yang sought clarification.

“It’s the collective power of millions of warriors from Qingzhou City,” the white-robed king stated calmly.

Yue Yang’s eyes widened in surprise as he looked up at the blood sea overhead, his heart pounding with awe.

He suddenly comprehended the true intention behind the Sacred Heart Sect’s creation of the blood sea. It wasn’t purely to reward hard work. At its core, it was a ploy to use the lives of countless warriors in Qingzhou City to forge an unparalleled beast of destruction. It aimed at amalgamating various martial arts, sidestepping the restrictions and limitations that bind a martial artist, to craft the ultimate weapon.

“It appears Lord Yue has pieced together the puzzle,” Zhou Chuanyong remarked, having approached Yue Yang unnoticed.

“Perhaps…I have a vague idea,” Yue Yang admitted, his voice shaking slightly.

If such a creature were to be unleashed, who in the world could possibly stand against it? Could even the haughty white-robed king beside him be a match? What was the Sacred Heart Sect truly planning? Was it really intending to reshape the world around this Great Nether?

“Lord Yue has yet to answer the lord’s question.” Zhou Chuanyong smiled, bringing the conversation back on track.

“Do you still need to think about it? Even if Qin Huai possesses the emperor’s force, he certainly isn’t a match for the power of a million living beings,” Yue Yang declared, a trace of bitterness coloring his features.

Perhaps the only unexpected variable was the premature awakening of the creature, adding an element of suspense. But even that was a slim chance and highly uncertain.

Above the blood sea, the black dragon world was devouring the seeping blood qi, yet it could not halt the overwhelming power of the millions of entities in the blood sea.

This mountainous force bore down upon the black dragon world, making Qin Huai feel as if he were shouldering a massive weight, causing him to grit his teeth in response.

“The emperor’s force is indeed extraordinary,” Wang Kun’s voice slowly echoed, as the sky-filling blood converged into a humanoid form at an ever-increasing pace. “Without the blood sea as support, I might not have been your match. The trivial tricks in my memories wouldn’t have been able to harm you.”


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