My Trillion-Dollar Assets is Exposed by My Wife’s Bragging!

Chapter 404: 404: Little Details

Chapter 404: 404: Little Details

Translator: 549690339

After a while, they found nothing particularly odd about the place.

The floor was fine, and there didn’t seem to be much difference from before.

So at this moment, the look of anticipation on everyone’s face finally disappeared, and they had no idea what to do.

They had just spent so much time discussing and finally coming to this conclusion, but now it seemed utterly useless.

Seeing how unhappy Suri Drew was, Yigol Novak immediately stepped forward, grabbed her hand, and shook his head.

“It’s okay, honey. Don’t worry. We’ll take it slow.”

He didn’t want his wife to be unhappy because of this, and it was indeed something that needed to be solved, but it shouldn’t affect their mood too much. Otherwise, everything might get even worse.

Suri Drew could only sigh helplessly.

She didn’t know what to do anymore. They had already done everything they could, but they hadn’t seen any results so far.

“We still can’t see anything in here. What should we do now? Are we really supposed to look at the ceiling? But the ceiling is too high, and I can’t see it at all.”

Hearing this, Price immediately moved closer to them, nodded, and said softly.

“It seems that’s the only way now.”

They had searched all the places they could think of, but they still hadn’t found any clues. Now they could only look at the ceiling.

Beyond that, they really had no other options.

Since that was the case, they couldn’t waste any more time. They had a clear goal now and needed to act immediately.

Suri Drew’s height might not be enough, but she was able to tilt her head back and look up.

Meanwhile, Yigol Novak thought carefully about what he could bring in from the outside.

If they could bring something in, it would be excellent for them, and they could use a stool to see if there was anything strange on the ceiling.

Just then, he suddenly remembered that he had seen some small stools outside.

So at this moment, his eyes lit up, and he said excitedly.

“I remember there are some small stools outside. Why don’t I bring them in so we can take a good look together? With the stools, everything will be much more convenient.”

Everyone was delighted to hear this. They had been worrying about what to do next, and they didn’t expect Yigol to be so considerate.

So, they nodded without hesitation and said immediately.

“Of course, there’s no problem. With the stools, we can proceed more smoothly with everything.”

Then Yigol Novak prepared to go out and bring the stools in, but when he got to the door, he found that the stools couldn’t be brought in at all.

The main reason was that the door was too small, allowing only one person to pass through.

There was no way the stools would fit.

So, at this moment, the smile on his face disappeared, and he couldn’t help but say to the two people behind him.

“Well, this is difficult. The stools are too big, I can’t bring them in.”

They were still waiting for the stools, but he suddenly said such words, making them feel awful.

So they could only helplessly shake their heads.

“It seems that even God is against us. Never mind, just come back. Since we don’t have stools, we can only rely on our own height to take a good look.”

Although it would be hard to see clearly by just tilting their heads back, they had no other choice at the moment.

Thankfully, this was a basement, so the ceiling wasn’t very high. Otherwise, they wouldn’t know what to do.

Many times they didn’t even know what to do next, which was a heavy blow to them.

Fortunately, both Yigol and Price were quite tall. It wasn’t very clear, but they could see it.

However, Suri Drew was indeed struggling a bit. Even standing on tiptoes, she couldn’t see clearly, and it only made her toes and neck sore.

But it wasn’t a big deal.

After all, she wasn’t the only one in the room, and she didn’t need to worry about so many things.

With two taller people around her, they should be able to see if there was any vital information they were looking for on the ceiling.

So at this moment, she stopped looking and decided to rest a bit, since her neck felt sore.

After a while, she squatted down to take a break.

The two men then started looking intently, trying to see if there was anything of interest on the ceiling.

They were very curious about this and wanted to know where the clues they were looking for were.

They had already wasted too much time on this, so naturally, they wanted to resolve this quickly.

At that moment, Price seemed to see something and, with a glimmer in his eyes, exclaimed excitedly.

“What is this that you see!”

Initially, Suri Drew didn’t have much hope because they had been looking for an extended period.

But who would have thought that when she heard his words, the brightness in her eyes re-emerged?

She excitedly got up and went to Price, asking happily.

“What did you see?”

Yigol Novak was naturally very curious about this as well, so he immediately joined them and looked carefully in the direction they were looking.

“Yeah, what did you see?”

After hearing his words, Price, somewhat excitedly, pointed in that direction. Naturally, everyone’s gaze followed where he was pointing.


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