My Three Yandere Wives

Chapter 178 Periodical Exam

Chapter 178 Periodical Exam

"Okay, that's enough. Put your pens on your desks."

With my words, all the students stopped moving at once.

After making sure everyone had put their pens down, I stepped in front of the podium.

"Make sure your names are written on them. Are you girls done?"

"We're done!"

"No problems here~."

"My name is written clearly."

"W-wait a minute, please!"

With various voices mixed the classroom air, I had no choice but to wait for another ten seconds, and after hearing all of them shouting 'Finished!' I nodded and activated a spell.

"Now, I will collect the answer sheets."

After I said that, the answer sheets floated up from each desk and gathered in front of me.

I counted the neatly stacked bundles of papers.

"Okay, looks like everyone is here. That's the end of the morning exams. There's still another one in the afternoon, so don't get too distracted yet."

With that, I left the classroom, holding the bundles of papers of the class.

It's been a while since I've conquered Hannah, and the school is now in its periodical examination period.

These tests we are doing right now are usually held on a periodic basis, which is twice a year. This is the first one of those periods.

And as the results of these tests would affect their grades and determine if they go up or be held back a level, the students couldn't help but take them as serious as possible.

However, for the teachers, it's a bunch of work to do, such as preparing the questions, checking the answer sheets, and tallying the scores.

You can say that it's the busiest time of the year for us.

Because of this, I've been spending less and less time with the girls lately.

"Well, I still have to be a good teacher in the eyes of the public..."

I have already captured those close to the school's central powers, such as the headmistress, Julia, and the student council president, Inez.

Even so, it doesn't mean I am free to do it over the table yet.

The teachers, who are trained in magic to a greater or lesser extent, are still watching, and above all, the parents are also a problem.

If I were to cause a scene, the two might be forced to take responsibility and resign and get kicked out of the school.

In short, if I'm not careful, I might even lose my biggest backer.

"Phew, that's exhausting…"

For me, a woman is a healer.

If you can't get your hands on them, you're going to be mentally exhausted in no time.

This was the one thing that no amount of magic could cure.

When I arrived at the staff room in a depressed mood, this mood became even worse.

All the teachers are busy, moving frantically from place to place.

I went to my desk, put down my answer sheet, and sat down.

"That's all I'm in charge of today, but…"

Looking at the desk, my tension, which was already low, plummeted to the bottom of the earth.

It is because my table was already filled to the corners with multiple stacks of paper, each as tall as the answer sheet I had just got from the class a while ago.

And I would have to grade them manually and tally them up by myself.

I couldn't imagine how long it would take me to finish these all.

"Damn it! I can't keep up with all this!"

In the first place, there is no rule that says I have to do every single one by hand, so I decided to use magic to clean up the mess, as I always did.

I took out a piece of drawing paper from my desk drawer and drew a magic circle on it.

"Excuse me, Professor Krause. What are you doing?"

The teacher next to me asked as if she was annoyed by the fact that I had thrown away my answer sheets and was drawing a magic circle instead of working on it.

I think she was a co-worker who had just joined this year?

Of course, I'm older than him, since I've just changed jobs.

Plus, she's not really my cup of tea, so I completely forgot all about her.

"I'm just constructing a magic spell for grading and tallying."

"Eh? T-there is such kind of magic spell?"

"Why not? You can do it by just combining several office spells."

In addition to the most famous and flashy application of magic which was for offensive use, there are also countless other uses for magic.

One of them is the secretarial magic developed by the court, where it uses text-reading and automated calculation of formulas to perform simple tasks.

Although they can only do certain things, they are faster than by using manual hands.

However, it was not spread outside of the court because it would put many jobs at risk.

As for using it outside the court, well, it's fine as long as I am not teaching it to anyone deliberately.

"Oh, now that I think of it, Sir Fay is..."

"Yeah, he's a former court wizard. Wait, you haven't seen him use this before?"

The seatmate beside the colleague who spoke to me intervened.

"Well, that's…I'm too busy, you see, and our schedules don't overlap..."

The other teacher then recalled the memory of that time I was building a similar magic spell for test processing to the new colleague.

Well, complain all they want. I can't be blamed as long as I use it for myself and won't cause any harm to them.

About ten minutes later, all the magic circles were now written down.

"Now that they're done, let's try it out."

I poured magic power into the newly created magic circles to make them work.

Then, one by one, the documents on my desk moved onto the said magic circle.

The next moment, the pen I often use moved on its own and graded the test, and at the same time, another pen was running on another sheet of paper to tally up the scores.

When I had finished grading one paper, I stopped and checked the results.

"Looks like there's no problem. Let's keep going."

I reactivate the magic circles and let the grading continue.

My colleagues next to me looked at me with a dumbfounded expression after that.

"You can copy me, but different subjects require different techniques. Please remember that."

I tapped on the shoulder of the one who berated me, said those words, and sauntered out of the staff room.

After successfully escaping the hectic atmosphere, I came to a peaceful courtyard.

"Now, what do we do now..."

I'm fine leaving the work to the magic spell, but I've run out of things to do because of that.

I'm sure the students I deal with at times like this are just as busy with tests as I am.

And I, to avoid trouble, am not that much of a jerk to interfere with them, especially when their grades are on the line.

However, this doesn't change the fact that I've been feeling really horny lately.

Once I began thinking about it, it's tough to stop the urge.

"Hmmm, who could be free at this time around?"

Julia said that she had a meeting today.

In that case, why don't I go and mess with Liesl instead?

She's also a teacher, so it's okay to mess with her a bit.

Even if something happens, it won't be a problem because Julia is the one who holds her personnel affairs.

After concluding that, I immediately took action.

"As I recall, Liesl was in charge of the second year's exams…"

I entered the school building again from the courtyard and headed for the building where the second years were being taught.

On the way, I spotted Liesl, who is also on her way to a second-year classroom.

I was about to call out to her but decided against it.

"If I brought her to the shade at this time, they will surely make a fuss because her students' exams got delayed."

If that happens, both of us could get into much, much trouble, especially Liesl.

"Well, I am also tired of embracing her like that anyway. Let's try a different approach."

I decided to do so and chanted a short spell.

The magic spell covers my body in a thin transparent layer and gradually makes light pass through.

It's an invisibility spell that hides one's visual presence to other people.

When the spell was fully activated, there was no more shadow of myself left.

However, as long as my body is covered with this spell, there is also a danger that any sorcerer nearby will be able to detect my presence due to its shoppingmode mana.

Of course, I have already resolved this by making the magic spell covering my body very thin. This is absolutely hard to do for a common mage.

Even Annica and Amelia, who are already on the level of excellent sorceresses even though they are still students, wouldn't know unless they got close enough to touch me.

"Now then, let's see how Liesl works."

After I completed my invisibility spell, I followed Liesl to the classroom she had entered.

"The test is about to start. Take your seats."

When I entered, she is already standing at the podium.

The students hurriedly took their seats, perhaps having been prepping with their friends until the last minute.

After confirming this, Lise starts handing out the answer sheets, and as soon as they were distributed, the bell rang to start the school day.

"I will now begin to explain the general directions of the exam. Don't miss them, okay?"

Apparently, even Liesl was unaware of my presence in the classroom.

I slowly walked behind her as she explained the test.

As a sword wielder, Lise is probably more sensitive to presences than most people; therefore, I have to keep my eyes off her and sneak up on her in one go.

For some reason, however, she still hasn't noticed my approach this time even though I'm already this close to her.

Was she too absorbed in checking if the students were cheating, or maybe she has lost her sense of alertness from all the pleasure that I gave her?

Well, either way, that's good for me.

Now then, Liesl. I can't wait to see on how you'll react to my pranks later on.


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