My Three Yandere Wives

Chapter 107 The Strongest Being Does Pranks...


"Did my wife cheat on me..."


"But if she did..."

Suddenly the atmosphere surrounding the giant being who was chained from head to toe began shattering causing the space guards to freak out.

Space began to crack and soon thousands of planets exploded killing hundreds of trillions of species.

The sun darkened and soon enough millions of space guards surrounded the giant being and all pointed divine spears toward him.

"I advise you to stop!" A woman wearing a long purple dress with short purple hair falling down her back walked forward with a sword.

"..." The giant being stopped what he was doing.

If you looked closely you could see his eyes were bloodshot and his veins were threatening to burst.

Seeing that the giant being stopped the woman sighed in relief and continued talking:

"Listen we will find out if your wife is cheating and I promise you she probably isn't! After all she is married to the strongest being in the entire galaxy!"

The giant being slowly nodded his head and soon snapped his fingers fixing the chains and soon the chains wrapped around his body leaving him in lock.

Seeing that the giant being is still in a bad mood the woman suddenly had a bright idea so she began talking:

"To lift your mood how about you pull one of those pranks you always do to those earthlings!"

When the giant being heard this he smiled with a distorted expression and spoke softly, "I'll do that... It's been a long time since I've done it anyways."

Hearing that he wanted to do it the woman placed her slender hand on her small chest and took a reliving breath:

'Thank god... I was so worried... Honestly I think she is cheating on him but let's not say anything stupid... Don't want the entire galaxy being wiped out!' The woman internally.

The giant being ignored the millions of space guards who were surrounding him and closed his eyes like he was going to sleep.

Soon he saw a picture of a young otaku who was watching anime as of right now and seeing this caused the giant being to have a wide smile.

'Let's start with you...'


Amidst the ocean, with no land in sight, and the wind gently blowing, a black colored pirate ship that was up to about 65 feet long and up to 20m in height at a 75° angle rested on the ocean top.

The pirate ship had a wooden structure and multiple cannons on each side of the deck and also a giant sail that had a pair of tits stitched into it...

The sun was resting in the west darkening the sky.

In the middle of the deck, there lay Felix Von Bullet, a young man with short pitch black hair, black eyes, and smooth white skin, standing at 187.96 cm and possessing a decent figure.

He wore just a pair of black shorts and a black shirt that had [I do blowjobs for 5$] written on the front.

He laid on his back looking at the sky with pure shock hinged in his pupils which were shrinking at a rapid speed.

Just a couple seconds ago he was jerking off while he was playing the insanely popular MMORPG [Pirate Milf Adventure] smacking everyone around.

When he felt his little bird trembling and about to shoot his white essence everywhere his vision went pitch black, his hearing went deaf, and his smell disappeared.

When he reopened his eyes he found himself lying on a wooden deck staring up at a darkish sky which put him in great shock.

"Where the hell am I?" Felix muttered under his breath as he slowly stood up and scratched his hair.

Looking around he noticed that there was nothing in sight besides the color blue.

Anxiety started to crawl inside his body as he pinched himself thinking it was just a dream.

Unfortunately for him it wasn't a dream...

"Wait!" Felix suddenly shouted in excitement which caused a bunch of seagulls who were laying on top of the crow's nest to scatter away in the sky. After a few seconds he began yelling again with the same excitement:

"Do I have a system or some overpowered bullshit cheat!? Did a God accidently kill me and as an apology give me a S-Rank skill!? Will I be blessed with what they call plot armor!?"

Without wasting time Felix began trying to call upon these things...

"System activate!"

"System wake up!"

"System unrest!"

"System wake the fuck up!"

Seeing that didn't work he was disappointed he didn't get a system but still was hoping for the other options that were maybe left so without wasting time he began trying everything possible.

Placing his hands outward and toward the sky Felix closed his eyes and took a deep breath then yelled, "FIRE BALL!!!"

Nothing happened...







After about 10 minutes of screaming "fireball" Felix's voice dried up and soon he noticed he was thirsty and hungry... After all, he hasn't eaten all day.

"Well shit... I don't have an overpowered cheat or system or anything... So this means I have to find food and water the old fashioned way!" Felix spoke awkwardly to himself as he hung his head low. If you looked closely you could see little tears forming in his eyes.

With his head hung low and a depressing atmosphere surrounding him, he was really down in the gutters knowing he had no cheats or assists.

At this point in time he really thought he was a sitting duck just waiting to be killed.

Raising his head slightly he saw a pure hard metal door that led into a room that was under the helm and without thinking he walked over.

Once he arrived in front of the pure hard metal door he opened it and entered.

Raising his head he was beyond shocked when he noticed that this was the exact room he had customized in [Pirate Milf Adventure].

'No fucking way...' Felix internally spoke as he gazed at the giant king size purple bed that had a blue blanket and black pillows scattered around.

He also noticed his pay to win weapon, the EX1 which was a laser rifle he paid 250$ for lying to the side of his night stand.

His eyes then snapped to a weapon laying on the ground nearly only a couple inches away...

"My Baby Boom Boom!"

His mood improved greatly now that he had his grenade launcher.

Felix walked over and picked up the grenade launcher and hugged it tightly as he began spitting out information about the weapon, "magazine Size 6 grenades, maximum ammunition, 6+12, rate of fire 240 RPM and the Fire Mode is a double-action (Semi-Automatic)."

On his white face he had a distorted smile when he thought about a possible idea of what was happening.

'Maybe I actually got sent to a different world or something?' Felix shrugged:

'In any case, I don't know what caused this, but I guess I'll just have to suck it up and live properly in this world from now on.'

At this point he knew he shouldn't get scared or cry about this situation and instead enjoy it till the end.

His distorted smile was replaced with a prideful smile as he lifted up his chest:

'It'll be okay. I got my godly pirate ship which I was undefeated in. I could also make my crew my personal harem!'

'Starting today I'm going to be an overpowered harem protagonist who face slaps everyone who opposes me! What a great way to live! Shit I can't wait to live out a fantasy life!'

*Grumble* *Grumble*

Snapping out his thoughts Felix placed his hand onto his stomach which was growling, he then dropped his grenade launcher onto the ground without any care.

He then walked over to the mini fridge that was placed in the corner of the room and took out a small peanut butter sandwich and took a bite without caution.

Once he was done with the sandwich he then took a plastic water bottle out and began gulping the cold liquid down his throat as he showed a satisfied expression on his face.

5 minutes later Felix walked back out onto the deck and stretched his body and spoke:

"If this is the pirate ship that I had in the game... Then can it turn into the edited customization I gave it?"

"Well, I'll give it a try..."

Felix walked up to the stairs and went up toward the helm and once he was in front of it he saw a red button that said:

[Touch if qualified chad].

Without wasting time Felix pressed the red button.


Looking around Felix noticed that nothing happened and he couldn't help but feel a little disappointment, "what the fuc-".

Before he could finish his words the entire pirate ship began to shake violently and soon the ocean around them began to move away.

All of a sudden, the pirate ship began to change its size, materials it was made of, and weapons it was carrying!

Felix who was holding onto the helm with dear life began screaming, "SHIT I FUCKED UUUPPP!!!"


As the giant being watched this play out, he laughed in amusement as he controlled the entire world Felix was in...

Sadly what happened to Felix was an unfortunate death which was made by a prank by the strongest being in the entire galaxy...

[RIP Felix...]


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