My System Academy

Chapter 62 Wanting To Meet Her Again

"Huh? Aren't you…"

Eluard and the two wizards pointed at each other. Neither of them expected they would meet here in the northern glacial continent.

Eluard became wary, "Don't tell me you're here for trouble again?"

Meyera snorted, "We should be the one telling you that. Mind explaining to us what's with you dumping us snow earlier?"

'Dumping them with snow?'

Eluard mused that the demonic caster's attempt of blowing the avalanche away might be the result of this woman's hostile behavior.

"Oh, about that. If you want to blame someone, blame this guy.", he pointed at the upturned corpse of the culprit.

Meyera and Orlon were surprised. What a complete domination of a fight. Eluard's body remained intact and free of signs that denoted his exhaustion.

"I see, then we'll be on our way then."

The two left since they had no business with Eluard. They only went over to check out what caused that snow to fall on their heads.

Glancing at their departing figure, Eluard shook his head. He didn't want them to inquire about the fight and his wishes were fulfilled.

Even though Aludia's inhabitants were bound to fight alongside them in the future, delaying that possibility was the best course of action. Innocent lives and the long-lasting peace should remain in place until there was no other way but for war to take over.

'It's almost nighttime now. My students should be going back.'

He burned the demonic caster's corpse and turned around. That was when Eluard felt his mind throb and had his consciousness pulled to his divine planetary space.

He met the golden figure of the divine pathfinder. Eluard could feel the elation from the divine pathfinder after he returned here.

"Ah, dear successor. You are back.", the divine pathfinder greeted in respect.

"Okay, stop.", Eluard waved, "What is it this time?", pointing at the pulsating star at the center of the system.

Bewildered, the divine pathfinder let out a gasp, "Oh that?", caressing his cheek in contemplation, "Hmm… How should I put it? Have you ever encountered someone with a complementary magic root, successor?"

His words reminded Eluard of the twin elves, Rina and Rono. The divine pathfinder noticed his solemn expression and nodded.

"That's right, this phenomenon is similar to the effects of complementary magic roots, successor."

"It doesn't necessarily require an innate connection between the two, or more, but there are specific magic roots who, when near one another, establishes a unique connection that allows an interaction between them."

Eluard was surprised, "Do you mean…"

The divine pathfinder understood what was on his mind.

"You are right, successor. This is caused by the presence of a magic root that resonates with yours."

"Maybe it is someone you know of? Try giving it a thought for a while. I'll be here if you have any other questions."

He put his hands behind him, letting Eluard contemplate the meaning of his words.

'Someone that I know of… Someone that I know of…'

It took him a long time before realizing who the mysterious person might be.

'There's no mistake. It's Haera!'

He was at a loss. Haera's magic root revolved around the power of the stars and he had one right inside his mind.

There was no doubt that his magic root would resonate with hers.

'But it didn't do that like before! Or maybe because I have activated the star of my planetary space after creating the first planet?'

That was a possibility he was willing to believe. His thoughts were disrupted, however, as a solar storm commenced on the pulsating bluish-white star.

The divine pathfinder was alerted, "Successor, the connection is strengthening but I doubt you'd manage to hold it off now. It's best if you stay away from whoever is responsible for this or else, you'll end up badly just like what happened last time."

His words doused the burning passion of Eluard to meet Haera again.

"Do you mean I have to stay away from them until I somewhat become stronger in the future?", he panicked.

For some reason, his heart felt off after saying those phrases.

"No, successor. There are only two reasons for this to happen. Either the one who resonates with your magic root is stronger than you, or there is something wrong with them."

Eluard's mind blanked out and his heart thumped nervously.

He recalled the demonic creature's story from the demonic caster's memory of a cursed elven noble from the Zumfiel Household traveling to Norva Assili to cure themselves from whatever was afflicting them.

"Is Haera in some sort of danger?!", thinking about it frightened him. He couldn't dare imagine, despite how short their encounter was, that a beautiful elf like her was cursed by a demonic creature for the advancement of their plans.

Rage filled his mind and he wanted to go over the Wastes and annihilate them all.

Eluard clenched his fists and forcibly pulled his consciousness out of his divine planetary space. He was about to take a step to where the caravan was when the air beside him vibrated.

A hand grasped his shoulder and stopped him.

"That's going to be your last step, human."

,m Eluard turned around and saw a handsome middle-aged elf gloomily staring at him with visible anger on his face.

"Bastard, who are you?", Eluard replied in vexation. He was left unsettled thinking about Haera's current condition and this elf worsened his mood.

[ Name: Veron Zumfiel ]

[ Age: 91 years old (273 human years) ]

[ Race: Elf ]

[ Status: Alive ]

[ Affiliation: Zumfiel Noble Household. Alderian Terrestrial Sanctuary ]

[ Magic Power: Grandmaster Magus (Full Ring) ]

[ Magic Root: Vibrant Magic Root (Legendary) ]

[ Magic Aptitude: 8.2/10 ]

[ Magic Affinity: Wind, Sound ]

[ Vibrant Magic Root (Legendary) ]

[ Allows the user to manipulate sound waves to their advantage. Increases wind and sound magic spell power by 200% and 300% respectively. ]

[ Additional Effect: Vibrant Echolocation ]

[ User can accurately create a visual representation of their surroundings with their eyes closed. ]

[ Additional Effect: Vibrant Spatial Teleportation ]

[ User can teleport to any location using sound. Extremely dangerous and can result in death if done carelessly. ]

Before Veron could reply, Eluard slapped his hand away and confronted him.

"Where is Haera? I need to see her now. And don't start by saying you don't know because clearly, you are Veron Zumfiel from the Zumfiel Noble Household."

Veron was in disbelief that this human managed to identify him just by a single glance. However, he calmed himself and harrumphed at Eluard.

"You don't need to see Haera now."

Eluard gritted his teeth.

"Why not? What is it you're hiding around?"

Veron sighed, unwilling to accept the fact that his niece was now terminally ill.

"I'm not hiding anything. Don't you know you're the only reason she continues to live until today?"

"If not for that, I reckoned she would have died days earlier from the curse of the winter rose."

Eluard felt the desperation and sadness in Veron's tone. It was born out of familial love, something Eluard wished he had in his previous life.

The nostalgic memory hit him.

His anger subsided and his countenance fell. He was now displaying the same reluctance that Veron was having.

Veron went to his side and said, "I don't know why she is yearning for you, and I don't want to know why either. But please, don't ever let her see you for the coming days."

"Because once she does, the last fire burning in her heart will vanish. The two of us only want Haera to live. If you want that, do as I say."

Eluard was conflicted. He couldn't muster any strength and utter the words to rebuke Veron's arguments.

This was the first time he whole-heartedly experienced someone's life depending on him. Was this the other responsibility of the Heavenly Magic Academy's academy master?

Looking back at his past, Eluard was a nobody because nobody loved him, nobody cared for him, and nobody depended on him. At least that was how he saw it began and ended.

Now that he came across this peculiar feeling, emotions burst out of him. He wanted to treasure that feeling deeply. He didn't want it gone.

Veron noticed Eluard tearing up with his eyes closed.

'Anger, rage, longingness. Don't tell me he cares for Haera that much too?'

He thought that Eluard was acting like an idiot for showing such emotions toward a woman he barely met. He could say the same for Haera either.

Maybe that was just how love works? He was unsure as he lost that particular ability centuries ago.

However, one thing remained clear.

Their emotions were pure and free of any pretenses.

Seeing this, Veron chuckled and patted Eluard again. This time, it was to assure Eluard that he will take care of things.

"It seems like you care for my niece, don't you? A lot of things might have happened when the two of you spent your time together in Nirulva City."

"Don't worry, I'll bring her back sound safe. You will see her again."

Before Eluard could look up and say something in return, Veron has already fled.


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