My System Academy

Chapter 111 Recovery

A strong cold wind breezed past a calm shallow valley deep in the mountainous regions of the Northern Glacial Continent.

Groups of magical beasts slowly trotted around, looking for something to eat. The trees have slowly regained their luster as twinkling snow drizzled from the sky.

Deep inside a cave abode was a young man strolling around the glorious scenery.

'This is… truly fascinating.', Eluard was in a trance as he stood atop the edge of the cave's opening.

It had been a week since he woke up from that strange dream. A lot of things had happened to which he was told by his students.

'I wonder what happened to that Primal Villain guy. The Fragments of Chaos, huh? Sounds mysterious. I wonder why I dreamt of that, though. Doesn't really fit into my current situation.'

He stared at the snowflake that glided through the air.

Although sceneries like this was abundant in his world back then, the experience in seeing them in person was simply too different.

He felt the cold breeze of the north sweep past through him. It was both refreshing and chilling at the same time.

"Ah, what a wonderful feeling. No wonder many people wanted to go out and look at the world."

A bright smile flashed on his pale face. He had to do it to distract himself from his recent 'disappointing performance' with regards to the task placed unto him by the system.

[ Special Task: Righting the Wrong]

[ Subtask 1: Dark and Desolate North (Completed)]

[ Erik Siegfried, alongside his henchmen and one slave, Akane, were afflicted by the undead corruption and has returned to the Norva Assili. It is imperative to deal with them first due to the erupting civil war caused by the increasing rivalry between the Royal Family and the Siegfried Clan.]

[ Task Result]

[ Despite the disastrous results of this task, you have managed to react on time and helped the northern barbarians in fending off the Siegfried Clan and the surprising involvement of the Otherworld. However, it is imperative that the host must be proactive in dealing against any future threat.]

[ Rewards: None.]

Eluard did not have any remarks. After all, he was an important factor in this incident.

He was genuinely surprised about the Otherworld's presence in this area. He mused that they were simply waiting for something to happen, and his 'undead spell' provided the enemies with a signal to fire off their plans.

'What bad luck. If it weren't for those demonic creatures appearing out of nowhere, this would've gone better around.'

There was no point wallowing in regrets now. He could make use of this as a lesson to learn about.

As for the demonic creatures they captured, Eluard tried to use his Eye of Veracity, but it didn't work. The feedback he received was that there were powerful restrictions set up, preventing him from looking inside.

'It seems that I have another reason to strengthen my magic power again.'

He opened his left hand where a ball of flame slowly floated.

"Senior brother Kai…", a youth with long black hair distracted him from his thoughts.

"Jinmu.", Eluard extinguished the flames and turned around to face him, "How is everyone? Have you all finally recovered?"

"Everything is okay for us, senior brother Kai. We've moved from hunting in the northern glacial continent to the heavily forested land south of the Morning Star Empire, inside its Southern Seas Region."

"I see. How about Emi's sister then? Did aca-… master accept her into the academy?", Eluard sounded awkward while asking this question.

He already knew what happened, but he had to act as if he did not.

"Academy master accepted her without any problems, senior brother.", Jinmu replied.

Emi's sister, Akane, was currently working as a maid in the academy.

Since there was literally nobody who cleaned the halls and rooms and other places, it could get a little messy at times. Akane's presence not only brought them liveliness in this nearly desolate academy, but it also gave way for some accumulated dirt and dust to be driven away.

Moreover, Eluard easily accepted her since she was more innocent than a particular person after inspecting her with the Eye of Veracity. At that time, he managed to recall that he had an almost-omniscient ability.

'Damn, I could've used my eye on that old man before… but maybe the disparity of our magic powers could have prevented that from happening.'

Emi had also urged him, under the identity of a 'senior brother', to persuade the 'academy master' to let her sister into the academy so that they wouldn't be separated once again.

Her pitiful face lowered his resistance, and he was bound to do as she wished.

"What about… Olivia?"

Jinmu took a while to reply, "She is still processing the events that happened, senior brother. It might take a while for her to move on."

"I see. We can't do anything much about that. I would've wanted to let her out for a while to take a breather here, but I guess that that will have to wait.", Eluard sighed and turned his back to Jinmu, glancing at the beautiful scenery in front, "Beautiful, isn't it? Don't you wish to share this scenery with other people?"

Jinmu's eyes narrowed, "I would love to, but sadly, they're probably all gone."

"Master told me that you came off from a distant village. Did something happen?", Eluard acted curious, though knowing the answer to it already.

"Yes… On the day that I received the letter from the academy, that soiled prince from the empire rashly entered our village without even knowing that he was followed by a bunch of assassins."

Eluard felt a small anger in Jinmu's tone.

"I could only watch as they killed each member of the village, and I, supposedly a genius, could do nothing about it. I felt too bad for myself because I couldn't do magic unlike before! I wanted to save them, but I can't!"

"And it was because of that man's fault. Again… and again!"

"Did he want to slap it into my face about how I became I cripple? Did he have to do me like that?! Unforgivable!"

"I have barely kept my anger at bay, knowing that the two of us would be classmates in this academy. But every time I glance at his stupidly helpless body, I can't bring myself to ever pity him!"

Jinmu lashed out, bringing an untold side of him ever since he started studying in the academy. He realized that he had gone too far and stopped making a fuss, snorting in disdain, and shaking his head continuously.

"Please forgive me, senior brother Kai…"

Eluard sighed, "It's okay. Whatever you have been through must have been rough. It's not bad to let it go once in a while.", tapping Jinmu's shoulder.

Eluard thought for a moment before asking, "What about a-… master? Is he still in the academy?"

"No, he seemed to have gone somewhere else again. We don't even know where he went this time."

'Of course, you don't.', Eluard replied to himself sarcastically.

"Senior brother Kai, will you not really come back with us to the academy?", Jinmu worried.

"It's no use worrying, Jinmu. Elder Flock has made his decision, and I agree to it.", Eluard smiled.

A few days earlier, a group of highly ranked wizards visited this cave abode where they were resting and interrogated Elder Flock and Emilia. One of them was even more eye-catching since his eyes were glowing in golden rays.

He realized that Elder Flock's behavior changed the moment he saw that person, quickly telling Eluard to go out and present himself as Elder Flock's 'seed' disciple.

Although things went smoothly, the investigating parties insisted that he must be brought back to the League for questioning, and to register himself as a wizard of Aludia.

"What about Sister Haera? Was she really taken by Elder Flock into the Tower of Arcanus?", another worry sprang on Jinmu's heart.

"Yes. Elder Flock said that they will study the curse first and find countermeasures against it in a while."

Eluard sighed. He did not have any confidence that the researchers assigned on that task would be able to complete it in time.

He could only depend on Elder Flock, whom he assigned as an affiliate to the academy. As for putting him directly into the internal system, that would have to wait for a while.

In fact, it was Elder Flock who suggested doing it for the time being.

Elder Flock had a serious look on his face, 'There are dubious changes in the personnel of the Creed of the Morning Star. I heard that they are protesting in front of the League's Towers, demanding explanation from what happened in the Ruins a few months ago.'

'Well, isn't that a logical reaction from them, Elder Flock?', Eluard raised his eyes in confusion, 'That was a high-ranking cardinal dead on the spot.'

Elder Flock shook his head, 'No, it would be more logical if they weren't protesting every hour every day. It's as if they have nothing else on their hands at the moment but that.'

'Their recent attempts are becoming increasingly presumptuous. If the League officially announces its affiliation with the Heavenly Magic Academy, those damn patrons might brainwash the public and make it look like we are the selfish ones. That outcome wouldn't be too good.'

Eluard had a bad premonition and spoke out, 'Then isn't it also bad for me to come out at a time like this? Won't the Creed suspect my origins and link it to the academy? After all, I stupidly announced my identity that day…'

Elder Flock snorted, 'Hmph, you think I didn't have a contingency plan for that? That's why I wiped their memories and changed it to something else.', he angrily berated, 'At the very least, not one, unless an archmage, could see through those things.'

'You can identify yourself as a wandering wizard who got lost in the northern glacial continent and was thrown into the chaos without your knowing. That's what you're going to do, and that's what I'm going to validate sooner or later.'

'How about your affiliation with the academy? I would feel bad to not reward you with anything after what you had done...', Eluard sighed, almost forgetting the fact that he had to act differently from his identity as an academy master.

Elder Flock's eyes twitched , 'Fool! I've already told you it's not time for me to be affiliated with you at the moment! Furthermore, I don't think I am really that capable to be an internal part of the academy. I'm already old and my talent is severely lacking. Your academy master has shown me the hard truth.'

'Anyway, Emilia will take my place for that matter. She will go over with you once things have settled down in the Morning Star Empire.'

Remembering Elder Flock's previous words, Eluard couldn't help but laugh inside, 'That old man is really something. It seems that that previous encounter with me shook something within his heart and soul.'

He was looking forward for Elder Flock's performance in the coming days. Of course, he had to look out for himself too. Otherwise, he would be regarded as the most incompetent and laziest academy master in the histroy of the Heavenly Magic Academy.

Jinmu stared at Eluard's absent-minded countenance, "Well then…"

Loud flapping sounds resounded in the distance.

Eluard was pulled out of his daze and hurried, "The pontiffs. They are here."

"Jinmu, go now. We'll talk more in the coming days. Master is gone somewhere, so you might have to act autonomously for now. The system will arrange things for you later, go, go…"

Jinmu hastened and teleported back to the academy.

Eluard went back inside his cave room and changed his clothes, wearing a ragged set of brown robes that suited his identity as a wandering wizard.

The flapping sounds became louder until he felt the entire place tremble.

"Harrtugg Naaw is here, along with the pontiff wizards from the League. I guess it is time to go."

Eluard didn't dislike this arrangement of him going to the League of Wizardry for a round of investigation.

He found it to be more beneficial to his growth as he could gather more information about the many things here in this new world. He could also experience the different magical systems of the wizards, the inhumane training of the warriors or knights, and see some sceneries he wouldn't even dare to see before.

"Heh, we'll know eventually if this is a blessing or not. But either way, that woman… What a crazy woman.", Eluard shuddered at the thought of Emilia.

She seemed to have a disdainful look at him every time they bumped into each other, uttering curses here and there.

Walking across the glossy yet smooth frostal tiles, Eluard soon met with the pontiff wizards. They wore fiery red wizard robes, with a hint of arrogance shown on their faces.

There were three of them led by a tall middle-aged man with bald hair, thick beard, and a suave-looking moustache. His eyes were clear coupled with brown luster.

"Mr. Kai, thank you for your cooperation this time. I hope you understand.", the leading pontiff approached him and lent out his hand.

"It's my great pleasure, Pontiff Allan.", Eluard received it and shook hands.

"Shall we be on our way then?", Pontiff Allan gestured.

"Yes, I have nothing to carry with me. We are good to go.", Eluard obediently followed the three pontiffs on the way out.

"Kid don't do anything rash out there.", Harrtugg Naaw, in his humanoid form, advised.

Eluard replied with a smile. He had a good impression of the frost dragon after hearing his contributions in the earlier battle.

As such, he had promised that they would soon be given entry to the academy. He made it sound that way since the function to store and rear beasts in the academy grounds was still not yet available.

Moreover, Harrtugg Naaw's prowess in transforming the desolate northern land back to its natural wonder was too awe-inspiring. For a single legendary frost dragon to wipe out the trace of demonic essence in a huge block of land, it required power, skill, and stamina to do so.

However, Harrtugg Naaw's complexion stayed the same without the trace of exhaustion, physical or mental. The people wondered what this frost dragon was made of, and whether the archmages had equally powerful abilities.

Eluard noticed Pontiff Allan gesturing at his subordinate to prepare a magic array formation.

"Mr. Kai, since your body has long recovered, we will be using this method to quickly arrive at the League's main base, the Tower of Arcanus.", Pontiff Allan said.

"Teleportation?", Eluard recognized several lines in this magic array formation, 'There are some swirls here and there, and an x-mark probably appointing either the array formation's start or end. Interesting…'

"Please come over, Mr. Kai. We will activate the magic array in a moment.", Pontiff Allan reminded.

Eluard went beside him and prepared for a wild ride.

Pontiff Allan's subordinate gathered his mana and performed hand signs which caused the magic array formation to be lit up.



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