My Supermodel Wife

Chapter 145 - Introduce It, This Is My Assistant!

After leaving the prison, Lilia stared blankly out the car window along the way. She sat in silence for a while, then suddenly took out her cell phone and started typing something.

Harold glanced at Lilia who was sitting next to him worriedly. The woman had not said a word since returning from visiting Rina. Did the former model say something to upset her? But Lilia wasn't the type to be easily swayed by what other people said.

While Harold was busy worrying about her, Lilia opened her mouth, "Take me to the Space Mall."

"Why?" Harold replied with a frown. He wanted to go back to the office immediately and discuss Lilia's work schedule, especially after the model accepted the offer to shoot a movie. What did Lilia want to do at the mall?

In the back seat, Merry was also looking at Lilia with a curious expression.

Lilia smiled and picked up her cellphone, "I have to meet someone." Her answer was short.

'Oh, Lilia is going to see Jean.' Harold and Merry both came to that conclusion.


Harold stopped his car in front of the mall which also hosted office areas. Lilia promised that she wouldn't stay long and then got out of the car. The woman had only walked a few steps before stopping and turning over.

"Merry, come with me." Lilia called her assistant.

"Huh?" Merry was so startled that her mouth was open wide.

Lilia must be kidding! How could Merry want to meet Jean voluntarily?! Could it be… Lilia suspected her true identity?! Was that why she wanted Merry to meet Jean?!

Harold turned to Merry who did not move from her seat, "What are you doing? Come on down!" He urged.

Merry wanted to refuse, but Harold's sharp gaze scared her. She opened the car's door and slowly stepped out.

"Why are you so slow? Walk faster!" Harold frowned while scolding Merry. Usually, Lilia's assistant was always full of enthusiasm. What's up with Merry today?

Harold wasn't the only one who noticed the oddity. Lilia stared at Merry's sluggish steps in surprise. She had never seen Merry this reluctant.

"What's the matter, Merry? Are you sick?" Lilia walked over to her assistant and reached out. She held Merry's cheeks as she studied her face to make sure the young woman was all right.

Merry looked up in surprise. Lilia's warm and soft hands gave her the courage to say what Merry wanted to say.

"Um… Sis Lilia…"

"Yes?" Lilia waited patiently for Merry's words.

"I-I don't want to interfere with your meeting with President Jean!" Merry said it with lightning speed, "S-So I'll just wait in the car ..."

Merry's words were interrupted by Lilia's laughter. Merry stared at the model laughing out loud with a confused expression.

"You really…" Lilia muttered as her laughter died down. She flicked Merry's forehead, saying, "Who said I was going to see Jean?"

"H-Huh?" Merry stared at Lilia in surprise as her brain struggled to process the information, "S-So… Sis Lilia didn't go here to see President Jean?"

Lilia nodded and continued walking, "Take it easy and come with me."

"Okay!" This time Merry answered in her usual enthusiastic voice. As long as she didn't need to meet Jean, she was willing to follow Lilia wherever she wanted to go!

But five minutes later, Merry regretted her rash decision. She looked at the horror figure of a man who sat across the cafe table. Lilia didn't meet Jean, but she did meet Chris!

Merry's neck throbbed painfully again. She recalled an unpleasant experience last night when she had to sleep on the sofa. Why did Lilia have to meet this man?! Merry frowned and looked away. She didn't want to meet the eyes of this selfless man!

"Brother Chris, sorry I made you wait a long time." Lilia greeted him. The woman sat next to Merry and smiled warmly at Chris.

Chris pushed the cafe menu book towards Lilia as he replied, "Don't worry, I just got here. Have a drink first."

The man secretly stole a glance at Merry. He did not expect to meet that young woman would be here. Lilia suddenly contacted him and asked him to meet him because she had something she wanted to talk about, but Lilia didn't mention anything about Merry.

Lilia noticed Chris's gaze and immediately introduced the woman sitting next to her, "Ah, this is my assistant, Merry. Brother Chris met her at the Ricardo family party." She explained, handing the menu book to Merry.

After the introduction, Chris's smile became even wider and sly. The man nodded with an innocent expression, "Yes, I still remember her!" Chris replied.

The man deliberately didn't mention that he remembered Merry because he had just been staying at the young woman's apartment last night.

Merry lowered her head and hid behind the menu book. She pretended not to hear a word Chris said. Lilia was a smart woman, so Merry was sure that Lilia would realize Merry's true identity if she reacted to Chris's words. Why did she have to meet Chris in this place with Lilia?!

After ordering a cup of coffee, Lilia told Chris what she needed from him.

Chris raised his eyebrows with a surprised expression, but he didn't refuse Lilia's request. The man just smiled faintly as he said, "Take it easy, leave this to me. I'll send it to you before tomorrow night."

Chris felt a little jealous of Jean for having such a caring wife. He also wanted to have a wife like that!

As that thought crossed Chris's mind, his gaze automatically shifted to the young woman sitting beside Lilia. Merry was sipping a glass of her favorite strawberry milkshake. Her black eyes widened and sparkled, showing that she liked the drink. The sight warmed Chris's heart and a small smile crossed his lips.

Just at that moment, Merry happened to glance at Chris. But as soon as their gazes met, Merry immediately frowned and looked away.

Chris's face turned stiff when he saw Merry's reaction.

"Thank you! Then, I ask for your help, Brother Chris!" Lilia said cheerfully without noticing Chris's mood swings.

Lilia's mind was filled with various things she needed to do to prepare for Jean's birthday in 2 days. She wanted to give the best gift to Jean!

Chris turned his attention back to Lilia. The model looked so happy just because Chris agreed to fulfill Lilia's small request. The man chuckled as he put down his coffee cup, "You don't need to thank me. I also want to see what exactly you have planned to celebrate Jean's birthday!" He said as he gave Lilia a probing gaze.

But the model just smiled broadly without saying anything. Lilia also couldn't wait to see the expression on Jean's face when her plan succeeded!

After chatting with Lilia for a while, Chris started to itch to smoke. He realized that he was always tempted to smoke whenever he was with Merry. Was this because smoking makes him calmer and more confident? Or was it because smoking helped him to endure Merry's insensitivity? Chris did not know the answer himself.

Chris reached into his pocket and pulled out his cigarette box. He was about to open the box when a tiny hand gripped his arm. Chris looked up and met Merry's eyes.

"You can't smoke here!" Merry said, pointing to the 'No Smoking' sign on the wall, "Can't you read the sign?!"

Both Chris and Lilia were surprised by the harsh tone Merry used.

"No ... I have no intention of smoking ..." Chris said, confused.

"Then why are you taking out your cigarette box if you don't intend to smoke?!" Merry's debate was fierce.

"Um ... I ..." Chris gave Lilia a pleading look. He couldn't possibly explain to Merry that he needed a cigarette to help him stay calm!

Lilia caught Chris's signal from the corner of his eye, but he didn't take his eyes off Merry. The figure of that angry young woman was truly a rare sight! Was it because Merry had PMS so that her emotions explode? Or was it because of something else?

Merry immediately realized her mistake when she saw Lilia's shocked gaze. She hurriedly let go of Chris's arm and returned to her seat with a flushed face, "I-I mean ... I had no intention of being rude ... s-sorry." Merry muttered in a small voice.

Chris stifled a laugh as he put back his cigarette case, "No problem." He said casually. Then he turned to Lilia, "Lilia, do you need any other help preparing for Jean's birthday?"

Lilia shook her head, "No, thanks. I can take care of the rest." She answered with a faint smile.

Hearing that, Chris got up from his chair, "Don't hesitate to tell me if you need something. I have to go back to the office, so I'll take my leave first."

As he spoke, Chris gave Merry a meaningful gaze. Then, the man put his coat back on before walking away.

Chris' departure made Merry even more nervous. She caught Chris's message just now. The man told Merry to go with him. But Merry wouldn't leave Lilia's side without her permission! She was already traumatized enough by the kidnapping incident in Milan. For Merry, Lilia was much more important than Chris!

Merry's mind was in chaos thinking about the menacing look that Chris had just given her. When Lilia said, "Merry, I want to ask you to do something tomorrow." The young woman automatically answered with the first thing that came to mind.

"Of course! I even want to climb to the top of the highest mountain and cross the ocean for you, Sis!" Merry replied, straightening up.

Lilia looked at her assistant in surprise. She had no intention of asking anything too difficult, so why did Merry answer her like that?


Merry finally left the cafe 10 minutes after Lilia left. The young woman reasoned that she needed to go to the toilet so Lilia would go ahead without her. Merry stepped out of the cafe's door with a sigh.

The wind was blowing hard and messing Merry's hair, but the woman ignored her appearance. She looked around, looking for the figure of this troublesome man.

"I am here."

Merry finally noticed the man she was looking for. She turned to the side and saw Chris leaning against the wall of the cafe, arms crossed.. Merry frowned and walked over to the man.


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