My Super Farming System

Chapter 29

C29 – Call Me Uncle

Xia Guo felt as light as a feather, as if she could pass away at any moment. She had never experienced such profound sadness in her life. She had believed that her unwavering will would see her through. After enduring countless hardships, she thought she had finally reached her goal, only to discover there was still a considerable distance to cover. It seemed so unfair!

Her complexion was deathly pale, yet she clenched her lips tightly, refusing to concede defeat. “I… I’m managing,” she insisted.

Zhao Yuegu couldn’t help but admire her tenacity. “We’ll have to walk the rest of the way; the car can’t go any further.”

A wave of relief washed over Xia Guo. No more car rides. That would certainly make things better.

Meanwhile, Sun Ying had roused her father, who yawned and stretched languidly. “I haven’t had such a solid sleep in ages,” he remarked. “I should do this more often.” The chaos of recent years had robbed him of peaceful slumber. Yet, the jolting journey had transported him back to his carefree youth, allowing him to sleep with a sweetness he hadn’t felt in a long time.

However, upon seeing Xia Guo’s condition, he was startled. “Director Xu, what happened to you?”

She mustered a weak smile. “Nothing, just a bit carsick.”

Sun’s father understood immediately. The rough journey wasn’t for everyone. “Is the road much further? Are we close?”

Her smile turned painfully bitter. “Another twenty miles.”

“Let’s get going then.”

But after just a couple of steps, Xia Guo collapsed into the dirt, utterly drained. If not for her sheer determination, she would have already fainted.

Sun Ying quickly assisted her, concern etched on her face. Xia Guo was an important figure, and any mishap here could spell disaster. “Maybe we should head back and find a hospital,” she suggested.

“If she endures any more jostling, it could be fatal,” Zhao Yuegu interjected, halting any further discussion. He knew the strong-willed woman would never accept leaving without completing her task.

“My mission isn’t finished,” Xia Guo affirmed, teeth gritted in determination.

Sun’s father sighed, “What’s the best course of action?”

Ultimately, Zhao Yuegu lifted Xia Guo and carried her on his back, determined to help her finish what she had started.

He had become quite adept at carrying a woman on his back.

In fact, if he chose to, he could easily carry her for twenty miles.

“Let me carry you for now.”

“Given your current state, you won’t make it far. I fear you won’t reach the village before nightfall.”

“And the forest is far more perilous after dark.”

Initially, Xia Guo was hesitant, but upon hearing Zhao Yuegu’s words, she ultimately didn’t refuse.

“Thank you.”

Her voice was cool, tinged with a touch of shyness.

She had never been this close to a man before.

So close that it set her heart racing.

Zhao Yuegu, however, found her surprisingly light.

She hardly weighed anything.

With his strength, he could carry her in a marathon and still clinch the title, let alone walk twenty miles.

He even had the spare energy to carry some extra farming tools back.

Xia Guo, pressed against his back, bit her lip. Despite her discomfort, she soldiered on.

Sun’s father and Sun Ying, meanwhile, helped carry a good number of items.

The group overcame the obstacles and set off once more.

But it wasn’t long before Xia Guo couldn’t keep up and passed out.

Thankfully, her breathing was even, indicating nothing too serious.

Zhao Yuegu felt a pang of sympathy for the woman he was carrying.

“Why go through all this?”

“Please excuse us, Young Master Lin,” Sun’s father said with a seasoned air, deftly steering the conversation away.

In a way, he was covering for Xia Guo, given her unique circumstances.

The elder and the younger man found common ground and chatted amicably.

Sun’s father was even comforted by Zhao Yuegu’s every word and gesture.

Out here in the wilderness, there was no need for defenses or cunning.

Both body and spirit seemed to ascend to a new plane.

Eventually, Sun’s father nearly insisted on Zhao Yuegu becoming his sworn brother.

“Susu, from today forward, this is your Uncle Lin.”

Sun’s father declared, full of vigor.

Sun Ying couldn’t help but curl her lip.

“He’s younger than me, and you want me to call him uncle?”

“I’ve been raising you all this time, and you still can’t hold a candle to Brother Lin, huh? How about calling him ‘Uncle’?”

Sun’s father’s eyebrows shot up in a display of authority.

Thankfully, Zhao Yuegu stepped in and diffused the tension between them.

“Easy there, Brother Qin. Let’s stick to our own lanes.”

“Brother Lin, there’s no need for you to defend her.”

Zhao Yuegu offered a smile, seemingly at a loss for words.


Sun Ying’s dad was certainly an odd character.

But it was clear to see.

Brother Qin was clearly looking to make a connection, his language brimming with admiration.

Listening to him, Sun Ying couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable.

The compliments she had received in over twenty years paled in comparison to what her father had lavished on Zhao Yuegu today!

It was just too much.

Though slightly irked, she was accustomed to it.

She had been on the receiving end of such treatment since childhood.

Otherwise, given her family’s wealth, she wouldn’t have ended up driving for Zhao Yuegu.

Though initially…

It was mere curiosity that drove her.

Once that was behind them, they surprisingly struck up a conversation about farming, chatting with gusto.

Goodness gracious!

She had never once seen her father so much as touch soil, let alone discuss farming.

And Zhao Yuegu? How did he seem so knowledgeable about agriculture?

“Maybe he has some unique passion for farming.”

“Some second-generation kids like cars, some like beauties, some like collecting.”

“He’s into farming—it’s his unique passion.”

“Those exorbitantly priced watermelons must just be a hobby for him.”

Sun Ying mused to herself with a touch of sarcasm.

As they continued their conversation, they walked five or six miles and were greeted by Ninth Grandpa with his oxcart.

Zhao Yuegu gently placed the unconscious Xia Guo onto the cart.

On these rugged roads, the oxcart proved to be the steadier option.

And mercifully slow!

An exhausted Sun Ying gratefully took her seat on the cart as well.

Sun’s father, however, was the picture of vitality, striding along and eagerly discussing crop matters with Zhao Yuegu.

“Brother Lin, I absolutely relish the watermelons you grow, but selling them for 5,000 apiece? I think you’re shortchanging yourself!”

“If you’re looking to make money, you’ve got to sell by the kilogram!”

“A kilogram of these watermelons can fetch the price of five, and the heavier ones go for over ten.”

“The flavor of these watermelons is so good, they practically sell themselves.”

“Plenty of wealthy folks have a taste for this kind of luxury. You could charge 30,000 to 50,000, and they’d still wave their cash to buy them.”

Zhao Yuegu’s mouth twitched involuntarily.

Wasn’t he here to look into the exorbitant watermelon prices?

Why was he being told he sold them too cheaply?

Sun’s father truly had the makings of a merchant!

In terms of ruthlessness, Zhao Yuegu felt outclassed.

“No one comes to buy them because our village doesn’t have a road.”

Zhao Yuegu responded quietly.

“Yes, that’s definitely an issue.”

“But once the road is fixed, it’s bound to draw crowds eager to try them.”

“Have you considered, Brother Lin, that your watermelons could be sold in the county, the provincial city, or even the capital?”

“I have connections that can reach the affluent markets in the capital.”

“Your watermelons could sell for 3,000 RMB per jin, and there would still be plenty of buyers.”

“How about we partner up?”

As expected…

Sun’s father had been cozying up to him for quite a while, all to propose a business deal.

Since the epidemic, families with lower incomes have become hesitant to spend.

But the wealthy? They’re always on the lookout for the most expensive items.

In the capital’s Six Source Market, even a bunch of grapes can command a price of several thousand RMB.

And Zhao Yuegu’s black skin watermelons were no exception.

They craved the prestige that comes with a hefty price tag!

In fact, if it seemed too cheap, they wouldn’t even consider it a worthy purchase.

But Zhao Yuegu just smiled.

“Making money isn’t important to me.”

“I have no interest in money.”

He could earn more by simply weeding his field than fussing over fruit sales.

It wasn’t worth the hassle!

He’d rather focus on how to better cultivate his land and significantly improve the quality of his crops.

After all, farming is the true foundation.

He wasn’t really cut out for business.

Truth be told, it wouldn’t be the end of the world if his watermelons didn’t sell.

The worst he’d feel is a sense of waste for letting them spoil in the field.

And besides…

There was a whole treasure trove of other good things growing on his land besides the watermelons.


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