My Super Farming System

Chapter 20

C20 – Manager, This Card Machine Is Broken!!

After several hours of preparation, the group finally set off in procession. The ox cart was primarily loaded with straw and black skin watermelons. While delicious, the watermelons were prone to cracking, but the straw served as a cushion to prevent damage during the bumpy ride. Lin Luqin was perched happily atop the cart, while the rest of the team, burdened with various pieces of equipment, trudged along on foot. For everyone except Zhao Yuegu, the path through Zeffari was a formidable challenge.

“We might not even make it to the main road at this rate,” Zhao Yuegu remarked, casting a somewhat resigned glance at the program team. Lin Luqin, however, seemed unfazed.

“Don’t worry, we only need to cover twenty miles; there’s an off-road vehicle waiting for us there.”

“Well, that’s a relief,” he mused. It made sense—navigating the mountainous terrain for miles on end would be impossible for the program team, especially after yesterday’s rain had turned the path into a muddy quagmire. Zhao Yuegu, despite donning fresh clothes, was splattered with mud from head to toe, fueling his desire to see a proper road built.

“I’ll have to give some serious thought to the road construction when I visit the county,” he said, stroking his chin. If he remained secluded in the mountains, he might never see the road completed.

“We can start with the areas that are ready for construction, even if some spots aren’t suitable yet. We could even install rest areas along the way,” he pondered while mapping out potential routes for the hardened road and reconfirming landslide-prone locations.

Lin Luqin watched Zhao Yuegu survey the distant scenery, her irritation growing when she realized he wasn’t paying attention to her.

“Hey!” she called out. “Is there something more interesting to look at than me?”

“Hmm?” Zhao Yuegu turned, only then noticing the extra care Lin Luqin had put into her makeup that day, even more so than for their usual shoots. Clearly, she had gone to great lengths to make a lasting impression before parting ways.

Instead of responding to her question, Zhao Yuegu asked, “Are you planning to settle down in Zeffari, or will you be leaving right away?”

Lin Luqin’s expression faded to a somber tone.

“The mission is urgent; I have to head out immediately.”

“Then there’s no time to prepare a better gift for you.”

Zhao Yuegu reached into his pocket and pulled out a wooden watermelon carving he had prepared.

“I whittled this watermelon when I had some free time; keep it as a memento.”

“Thank you. This bead is beautifully made. I’ll keep it with me always.”

“…” Zhao Yuegu interjected, “It’s a watermelon.”

“Oh, I see…”

Lin Luqin felt a touch embarrassed.

Zhao Yuegu dismissed it with a wave of his hand. He was new to wood carving, so it was understandable that it wasn’t perfect.

Little did he know, this simple trinket he’d crafted would become Lin Luqin’s most treasured possession for life!

The journey was a series of starts and stops, traversing hills and valleys.

After three hours, they finally reached the spot where the program team’s vehicles were parked.

Ten off-road vehicles and a pickup truck for hauling gear were waiting.

The team members sighed in relief as they loaded their equipment onto the trucks.

Some began to load up the black skin watermelons, eager to share the taste with their families back home.

Given the hefty price tag, they handled them with great care, some even cradling the watermelons in their laps during the drive.

“Come on, hop in my car; I’ll drive you to Zeffari County.”


Zhao Yuegu accepted the offer.

After giving a few instructions to the old man driving the ox cart, he climbed into the Toyota Prado.

It seemed incongruous that Lin Luqin, with her delicate beauty, would be riding in such a rugged vehicle.

But then again, only an off-road vehicle could navigate this terrain.

Space was at a premium, with room for just five. Zhao Yuegu, Lin Luqin, and the makeup artist took the back seat.

Zhao Yuegu sat on the left, Lin Luqin in the middle.

But the journey was anything but smooth…

The mountain roads were treacherous, the off-road vehicle pitching and yawing, occasionally fording streams. Without a firm grip on the handle, one could easily be jostled about.

Off-road enthusiasts would have been thrilled with the challenge, but the program team? Not so much.

Lin Luqin repeatedly bumped into Zhao Yuegu, causing him to sway uncontrollably.

With no handle to grip in the middle seat, she was at a loss.

It wasn’t until Zhao Yuegu wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close that she began to feel more secure.

The makeup artist glanced out the window, doing her best to ignore the couple’s display of affection.

Lin Luqin’s cheeks flushed with embarrassment, feeling too mortified to face anyone.

Her hands had inadvertently brushed against places they shouldn’t have.

So firm!

But how could it be otherwise?

If the SUV were anything but sturdy, it would have broken down long ago!

Yet for Zhao Yuegu, blessed with an exceptional physique, this was hardly a challenge.

Instead, he relished the sensation of holding a beauty in his arms—a feeling he suspected he’d never forget.

Lin Luqin’s silky clothes made his hands slip constantly, much to his frustration.

Fuming, Lin Luqin tried to pull away, but the vehicle’s jolting left her no opportunity to escape.

Eventually, she resigned herself to rest her head against Zhao Yuegu, defeated.

The audacity of it all, especially with others present, was utterly mortifying.

Yet Zhao Yuegu seemed unfazed, even finding the time to strike up a conversation.

“Have we taken a detour?”

“It’s a bit longer, but this route is smoother,” he replied.

The cameraman in the front seat managed a strained smile. “Good thing I skipped breakfast.”

Zhao Yuegu scratched his head.

“I’m not really feeling it.”

“Zhao, with your strong constitution, it’s no wonder you don’t get carsick,” the cameraman said with a hint of envy.

After all, a man who could single-handedly take down a wild boar wouldn’t be fazed by a few bumps.

Truth be told…

With a beauty in his embrace, who would mind the roughness of the ride?

Perhaps the more tumultuous the journey, the more joy it brought.


Such delightful moments were fleeting.

Five hours zipped by in an instant.

After three brief stops, the vehicle finally reached the smooth pavement.

As the car glided effortlessly over the solid road, Zhao Yuegu’s determination solidified—he would do whatever it took to repair this road.

Meanwhile, Lin Luqin, worn out from the ordeal, had succumbed to sleep against Zhao Yuegu’s supportive frame.

After driving for another half hour, the car arrived in Zeffari County. Zhao Yuegu hopped out at a random spot, while Lin Luqin, still groggy from sleep, didn’t formally say goodbye. Watching the program team’s vehicles pull away, Zhao felt a twinge of regret.

He wandered into a large shopping mall, intent on buying a new pair of shoes and a couple of cell phones. But as he approached the entrance, a security guard stopped him. “Buddy, maybe put on a fresh pair of shoes before coming in, huh? It’s tough keeping the place clean.”

Zhao’s attire clearly wasn’t up to par. Glancing down, he saw his pants were caked with mud. “Oh, I’ll just take them off,” he said, slipping off his shoes and stuffing them into a makeshift cloth bag, then rolling up his muddy pant legs. His appearance was far from that of a typical shopper—in fact, he looked more ready to wade into a paddy field than a mall.

“Don’t worry about it, brother. Here, use these slippers for now,” offered a kindly security guard in his fifties, handing over a pair.

“Thanks,” Zhao said, accepting the slippers and heading straight for a shoe store. The sales clerk gave him a once-over and then ignored him. Zhao wasn’t surprised; he hardly looked like someone who could afford their merchandise. He quickly picked out two pairs of shoes, found his size, and went to the cashier.

“Two pairs, I’d like to check out.”

“That’ll be $520.”

“I’ll pay with a card,” Zhao said, presenting his bank card.

“We have some discounted shoes as well, if you’re interested,” the clerk suggested.

“No, thank you. Just these two,” Zhao replied.

The clerk shook her head dismissively, but her attitude shifted dramatically when she saw the balance displayed on the card reader—her mouth agape as if she could swallow an egg whole. One, ten, hundred, thousand… Ten thousand, hundred thousand, million… Billion! She counted six times over, disbelief etched on her face.

Finally, she called out, “Manager, this card reader’s busted. I need a replacement!”


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