My Super Farming System

Chapter 14

C14 – A Female Journalist

The production crew immediately stopped filming as Zhao Yuegu spotted the muddy figure sprawled in the ditch, utterly still.

“Could she be dead?”

Zhao Yuegu’s brows knitted together.

He knew it was a woman because of the long hair, though it lay eerily strewn across the mud.

“I’ll check on her.”

Quickly, Zhao Yuegu made his way into the ditch and lifted her from the mire.

“She’s breathing!”

“She feels cold; looks like she passed out from hunger.”

He checked her pulse at the neck, his concern palpable.

“Come on, wake up!”

Despite the mud on her face, her skin felt surprisingly smooth.

Instinctively, Ma Yabei swallowed the water and slowly came to with his coaxing.

As she fought to open her eyes and saw his face, she burst into tears.

The sound of her crying was a relief to Zhao Yuegu.

Tears meant she was very much alive.

He carefully scooped her up and moved her to a cooler spot, while the crew quickly provided water and Eight Treasures Porridge for her to consume.

After more than ten minutes, Ma Yabei’s spirit returned.

She clutched her chest, overwhelmed by the close call.

She had nearly died!

Her initial plan was to interview Zhao Yuegu.

But the treacherous mountain paths had led her and her companions astray.

In their search for a way out, she had become separated once more!

Alone, without water or food, she had stumbled through the mountain’s solitude, the cold, and her fear, dreading the possibility of dying unseen in the wilderness.

Ultimately, parched and starved, she had slipped into the mud and lost consciousness.


Zhao Yuegu had revived her in time.

His warmth and the strength of his arms were now indelibly imprinted in her memory.

She was rescued at last.

How could she ever repay him?

And the realization that her savior was none other than Mr. Watermelon sent a surge of excitement through her.

The fear was forgotten, replaced by an infatuation with Zhao Yuegu’s appearance.

In person, he was even more striking than in his short videos!

The face that had saved her own…

Brushing the mud from her face, Ma Yabei revealed her delicate features.

“If not for you, I truly would have perished here.”

She appeared somewhat bashful, as if her fear had slipped from memory.

Meeting Zhao Yuegu might have made her fainting spell seem like a stroke of luck.

Zhao Yuegu took in her visage, noting her southern grace and beauty. Despite her current dishevelment, her demeanor was gentle, her gaze clear. Her poise was impeccable.

Why had the village suddenly become a magnet for beautiful girls?

“Why did you faint here?” Zhao Yuegu inquired.

“It was for you.”


Zhao Yuegu was utterly baffled!

He didn’t recognize the girl.

Lin Luqin tensed up, clutching Zhao Yuegu’s arm as if to claim her territory.

As Ma Yabei explained, the situation became clear to everyone.

She had braved the mountain to secure an exclusive on Mr. Watermelon!

But she had misjudged the mountain’s challenge and ended up lost.

Surrounded by the program team, Ma Yabei’s panic subsided, and she watched their filming with quiet interest.

The program team wouldn’t halt their work for a rescue; their time was money, and every hour counted.

Zhao Yuegu, however, was nearby to lend assistance.

Yet Ma Yabei’s eyes clung to Zhao Yuegu’s face, stirring unease within him.

He rubbed his face instinctively, locking eyes with her.

Such captivating eyes…

Their gazes met, and Ma Yabei’s cheeks flushed as she averted her eyes, her heart pounding.

It took a while before she regained her composure.

“Mr. Watermelon, I have companions still lost in the mountains. I fear for their safety.”

Zhao Yuegu felt a twinge of headache.

Walden was tucked away in the mountains, quite secluded. Why did these people insist on venturing into such peril?

“How many are missing?”

“Two, but they have supplies. They should last a few days.”

Zhao Yuegu gave her shoulder a reassuring pat.

“Take some time to rest. I’ll have someone search for them.”

Ma Yabei’s heart swelled with boundless gratitude.

To her, Zhao Yuegu’s words held a magical power, and she couldn’t help but see the man before her as a hero descending on a rainbow cloud, destined to rescue her friends.

If anyone could hear her thoughts, they might recommend a quick trip to the hospital to check for a concussion.

The forest was a sprawling wilderness teeming with wild animals, and even with the right supplies, safety was far from guaranteed. Sometimes, being able to recover a body was considered fortunate.

But Zhao Yuegu kept these grim realities to himself; she had just regained consciousness and was still far too frail.

Meanwhile, Ma Yabei was visibly thrilled, her newfound reliance on Zhao Yuegu unmistakable.

This elicited a furrowed brow from Lin Luqin, who was busy capturing the scene on camera.


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