My Soul card is a Reaper

Chapter 6 First Day Of Training? Reset?

"Young Master Garcia, follow me to the Violet Pavilion, right now." Avia directly gave a command without any pleasantries of exchanging good morning greetings.

"Hmm? 2-star?" As her eyes laid on his figure, she was taken aback at first to see this successor that was dumped onto her, already made a breakthrough, not just once but twice.

Ever her, who was regarded as one of the greatest geniuses of the clan, who got acknowledged by her Arcana within two days after her awakening, still only made a breakthrough once and the progress stopped after her soul power reached 60.

But, the kid before him, has a raise of more than 90 at the very least because of baptism, even though his' arrived way later than hers.

Quickly, she calmed herself and turned around to walk away as a gesture to follow her without any questions.

Azzy sprung up from the bed and do it as she said.

Instead of traveling on a flying card, Azzy was forced to walk all the way to the Violet pavilion, which is located atleast 5 miles away from the house.

For a normal adult, 5 miles might not be a big deal but for a kid who's barely 8 years old with no prior experience of physical training, it's definitely tough even if he's a 2-star Arcana Master.

After walking for a while, he wanted to ask whether they can fly to the Pavilion but watching the respectful greetings his clansmen were giving him, Azzy thought she might want to let him see this.

Alas, he misunderstood. She was just in a bad mood because of a fight that's happened at her house with her uncle, the Night clan's head.

When she found out that this kid's Arcana was more potential than hers, her mood became worse, and took out him, in this way.

After all, she is now the master of Azrael. She has the right to teach him however she wants.

The only thing that relieved her mood is his face. It kept reminding her of someone she used to know when she was young...

Meanwhile, little Azzy followed her, despite feeling pain in his legs, and sweating all over the body, even though the sun is just up and the temperature is moderate.

"We are here," Avia spoke as they reached the entrance of the Pavilion.

"Phew" Wiping off his sweat, he raised his head only to see hundreds of steps that were leading to the top of a cliff, with each one at least 1 meter big.

Despair fell onto him.

"Physical strength is the foundation for everything. Your training starts, right here. The first step is to climb the stairs to reach the top of the cliff, where our Pavilion is located.

We'll move on to the next step, the moment you reach the top. Until, then, you will temper your body."

Upon hearing her words, Azzy became confused a little bit and stared at the stairs. 'Tempering my body with climbing these stairs?'

"You are wondering, what so special about climbing these stairs, aren't you?" Avia spoke as she looked at the top.

Azzy wants to say he's not thinking about that but he just went silent and let her explain its specialty.

"There are a total of 365 steps, representing the number of days in a year. Just like months, each set of steps represents a month.

You start with the first month. When you step onto the second month, the gravity will be increased by twice. For the third month, it will be increased by two more times of the original once again.

By the time you reach the last 31 steps, the gravity will be increased by 22 times. And at the top of the cliff, it'll increase two folds that of the gravity that presents on the last step.

"44 times," Azzy muttered under his breath as he stared at the stairs thoughtfully.

Avia nodded, "Yes. The clan head has given me the responsibility of grooming you as the successor. My methods aren't easy for a kid like you, who lived his life in greenery until now.

If you want, you can always choose the easy way of convincing the clan head to choose another master. In my view, he's fond of you, very much. He won't say no if you request something.

I'm giving you two choices.

Persist and become strong by following me, or take the easy route and return to the home.

I'll take it that you are ready if you can meet me at the top of the stairs.

However, there's one condition. You shouldn't use any external assistance. I'll be monitoring you from the top, every day."

Since the moment he met her, Azzy felt it was the first time she talked this long.

However, he felt that all of this was unnecessary as he already made the choice the moment he stepped inside that car without any resistance.

Without waiting any longer, he stepped onto the first step, surprising her a little bit.

Giving a nod, she disappeared from the spot and reappeared at the top of the stairs in an instant, using her teleportation ability.

Meanwhile, Azzy climbed the first 31 steps with ease, despite feeling pain in his leg as he didn't take any rest on the way.

But, as soon as he stepped on the 32nd step, just like she mentioned earlier, he felt his body became heavier and immediately collapsed on his knees on the spot.

He gritted his teeth and stood up before taking the next step.

'It isn't that easy to climb these stairs kid,' Avia shook her head, observing him from the top.

"Junior sister, is that him? The direct descendant?" Suddenly, a voice was heard from the right side.

Avia nodded without turning towards the voice, "Yes. If nothing unexpected happens, then, he'll be our future clan head, too."

"So, it's true then. I thought it was just a rumor created by the other Pavilions." A burly man who looks like he is in his late thirties commented, folding his arms to the chest. "Aren't you being a little harsh on him? He's going to faint at any time…"

"Why the concern for a person who you really wish to die…" Avia suddenly commented, taking him by surprise.

As the man was stupefied a little bit, Avia turned her head and stared into his eyes coldly and said, "I heard that five of your clans are having a constant meeting with each other, leaving our Night clan and the Silver clan out of it.

Thinking of starting a coup, now, Are we?"

"The clan head is stronger than the whole clan. Even if all of us fight against him, everyone would be crushed." The man replied before turning away.

'It would be a lot easier to believe your words if you have at least denied my words. Your actions show that you are indeed thinking of it,' Avia thought, looking at his back with a frown on her face.

Meanwhile, Azzy made it past the second month of 28 steps and stepped on to the 60th step, where the gravitational force is now 4 times that of the normal.

He fainted right away as it became too much for him.

Upon watching it, Avia teleported to where he was and picked him up on her shoulders before she took him to his room.

Placing him on his bed, she shook her head, "this kid even forgot to use soul power to power himself up."

What she has forgotten is that he only received the training of using the soul power for applying healing card, recovery cards, etc… that were crafted by his grandpa. He doesn't know how to use soul power on his body at all.

A couple of hours later, Azzy woke up from the unconscious state and finds himself in his room.


Just then, he witnessed a strange incident. His Hourglass was floating in the air while the white sand is pouring downwards.

As he tried to grab it with his hand, all of a sudden, it disappeared on its own and the door was tightly closed.

The bright lit room turned dim while he felt all of his energy drained from his body as if his soul power is emptied.

The Book of Death that was supposed to be in his storage card suddenly appeared before him.


As Azzy looked at the book in confusion, all of a sudden, the door was knocked on twice.


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