My Soul card is a Reaper

Chapter 22 Orientation Part-1

"Welcome to another year at Aclein Academy of Arcana. To those who are here for the first time, let me introduce myself.

I'm Barton Everglade, a rank-7 Arcana master and currently working as the Principal of this academy.

Now, for the next few years, you are going to spend your time with us. So, let me first remind you of a few points before we move on to the main topic.

All the grades have the same regime. Every grade is divided into five divisions. S: Elite division; A: Soul-beast division; B: Soul-weapon division; C: Soul-plant division, and E: dropouts.

As you can all imagine, Class S will always be provided with the best resources, best training program, etc…

On the other hand, Class E can drop out of the program at any time and will be more focused on normal education. One would be given a fair amount of chances to prove themselves in a year.

If you can't grasp it, then, it's on you…"

Upon hearing the very first point, Azzy was taken aback and thought, 'this orientation is a little bit different from what I heard it to be… Is it because it was changed 27 years later?'

Barton continued, "The classes were usually decided based on the rankings of the Annual competition. But for those new seedlings as well as the transfer students, your classes will be assigned based on your scores on the starting day.

That means, after this ends, all of you should gather at the training grounds-5, where the teachers will test your capabilities. So, don't forget it."

Gideon Crescent glanced at Azzy, who was listening to Barton's lecture with a straight face as if he already knew it.

"Now, the next point. More than strength, our academy values discipline. No matter how talented you are, or how big of a background you have, you will be equally punished once you were caught breaking the rules.

If you are bullied or have grudges, you can lodge an official complaint at the student council or with the homeroom teacher.

If you can't forget the grudges, you can initiate official combat at the Arena. The challenger will be notified but with a condition that he/she must equal or greater rank than yours.

Monthly and Annual competitions aren't only for moving up classes, they also have rewards namely in credits, rare cards, etc…

There are also national tournaments, international tournaments, and the World League.

They were also your chances to prove yourselves and move up the division along with extra rewards.

Last year, our top student, Rigel reached 31st rank in the world league and 6 students got into the top 500.

So, for this year, let's aim even higher…"

Everyone clapped for a few seconds before the old man continued.

"Today, I'll be giving my insights about a very basic thing that most of the people ignore and chase after improving their strength. It's the connection between the spirit of Arcana and soul."

Everyone went silent and listened to him in silence. Azzy also got interested to know about the spirit world.

"Now, everyone must have known Arcana spirits come from the spirit world, a realm of immortality. But, what everyone ignores is that once this human body fails to function, our soul leaves the body and guess, where it ends up at…"

Azzy's heart skipped a beat for a second.

Barton nodded, looking at the expressions of students, "yes, they will end up at spirit world. Neither at netherworld of Hell nor the Celestial world of Heaven."

Suddenly, a hand rose in the air.

"Yes?" Barton pointed towards its direction.

Azzy thought he was pointing to him. Just as he was about to respond, he saw the boy sitting beside him, stood up and asked, "Sir, if all our souls also end up at spirit world, then, where does Arcana spirits go? Will they follow us or will they disappear as soon as we die?"

"What's your name?" Barton responded to him with a question.

"It's Gideon, Sir." He replied.

"Good question, Gideon." Barton nodded and explained, "You see… the answer is quite simple. I bet most of you must have known about the formation of Soul card, right?"

Aside from the six-year, seven-year, and eight-year-olds, everyone nodded in response.

"Just like how two Arcana spirits fight over the soul card, when one's lifespan is over, the soul of our body will be released something like an invisible ball of light as it entered the spirit world.

The Arcana spirit and your own soul that departs as one will try to devour each other. Both of them will only act nothing but pure instincts.

It's like a tug of war.

Now, who wins the end depends on your rank by the time you are departed.

The higher your rank, the easier for your soul to absorb its power, and when the soul is reincarnated, the Arcana spirit also reincarnates within him/her again.

The lower your rank, the easier for you to get devoured…

Of course, the more powerful your Arcana spirit, the easier is to get devoured too…"

Barton then suddenly stopped and looked at everyone's expressions. This is the stuff you normally only get to read, only in higher studies.

Even to those who lived for more than 500 years, it's pretty scary to hear that your soul might be devoured by your own Arcana even if you are the besties in your life.

One can expect their reactions.

Barton's words incited four types of reactions on these students.

First is a confident look that they can come out on top at the end. Second is a fearful look, losing out their confidence, especially the little kids who have just begun their journey.

The third is a confused look, who didn't understand a single of what he's saying. It's mostly six and seven-year-olds.

The fourth is a calm and composed look. No, it's more like a blank look as if I don't care… Only one such person has that kind of look, who was sitting in a corner.

Barton, as a rank-7, of course, he didn't miss this.

Azzy felt a gaze on him. But, his actions didn't change nonetheless as he was busy figuring out the mystery behind his Arcana.

'So, if it goes as he says… that means, a hundred percent chance that Vajra might have devoured his host. Then, what about Chronos? I mean, even if the founder is a rank-10, it's not possible to devour a god. But if he did it, then, I might be the reincarnation of the founder…

It sounds ridiculous no matter how I think l about it…'

Azzy felt worried that he might be wrong and get devoured in the future but his face was still emotionless.

Barton stared at him for a couple of seconds, not able to understand what this student is thinking.

Then, he continued, "Either way, they will become stronger. If the soul wins, he will be reincarnated with Arcana spirit and if the latter wins, then, it will become much stronger and the new host will have more potential to reach a higher rank."

A grade-5 student suddenly raises her hands. "Sir, what about normal people?"

"Well, it's easy, isn't it? Normal people don't have anything that tries to devour their souls. So, they happily reincarnate without any issue."

Then, a boy from grade-10 raised his hand.

"Sir, earlier, you mentioned that the souls as well as the spirits stay in the spirit world together. Is it possible after devouring Arcana spirit, a human soul can acquire their powers and reincarnate with those powers, instead of splitting?"

Everyone turned their eyes toward him, wondering whether he's crazy…


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