My Son Might Be A Villain

Chapter 333: This was, after all, her first house in this world. (4)

Chapter 333: This was, after all, her first house in this world. (4)

The discussion between Du WenTao and Liu Yangyang went on until the end of their self-study.

Look! What I say?

They saw that as soon as the bell signifying the end of the class had rung, Su Han dropped a bye and quickly retrieved from the classroom. Du WenTao slammed his hand on the table and said very excitedly, Why else would he had left in such a hurry if not to chase girls or pick up a girl after class?

Oh mi. I never thought Brother Han is such a girl over bro kind of person! How could I have been so blind?!

Can you please stop with the wailing? Hurry up and pack up. Stop wasting time.


Follow behind him, of course. To see who Su Han was looking for.


On the other hand, Su Han, who had yet to find out that he had been labeled as in a relationship had already walked quickly to the entrance of the school.

Spotting the car that was parked outside of school, Su Han picked up his pace some more.

Except that, two steps later, feeling that was embarrassing, Su Han slowed down purposefully again.

It was until a few people had passed him and walked out of the school before Su Han nonchalantly walked over to the car.

You Looking at Su Ran and Lu Shao, Su Hans lips parted and shut.

He had wanted to ask whether they had gotten their marriage license.

Nevertheless, judging from how the Lu guy looking like he only wished he could have a huge banner across the middle of the street with the wordings I am very complacent over it, Su Han narrowed his eyes and felt that he no longer needed to ask anything.

As such, what finally came out of him had become, What did you come here for?

Lu Shao gave Su Han a nonchalant glance upon hearing his words.

What do you mean you? Lu Shao lifted his brows and asked, Dont you know to address us first?

Su Han,

Address them? Who? This Lu guy?

Su Ran couldn't help but smiled when she saw the father and son in a staring contest.

Son, get in the car first.

Oh, said Su Han before he got into the car. He couldn't help but asked, Where are we going?

To celebrate?

Take you to see our new place! said Su Ran with a smile, still somewhat excitedly.

New place?

Those two words made Su Han nervous instantly.

What new place? asked Su Han nervously.

He adamantly objected to going over to the Lus place.

Not right now, at least!

Our apartment!

Su Ran wasnt sure what to make of her sons look. If only her hand was long enough, she would have smacked him upside his head already.

Her original reason to marry Lu Shao was for her son. Even though things had become more serious toward the end, but they were still in the tryout period.

Besides, if she had to choose, Su Ran would much rather be staying at the apartment that she had picked out for herself and remodeled to her liking.

The remodeling is done? Su Han, too, was a little excited when he heard Su Rans words.

Mmhmm. All we need are furniture and we can move right in.

That was what she was told.

As she spoke, Su Ran looked over at Mister Lu reflexively.


The three of them headed over to the Happy District after dinner.

What floor are you on?

17thfloor. Thank you, said Su Ran with a smile and a nod to a middle-aged woman in the elevator.

Did your family of three just moved in here? The middle-aged womans eyes lit up when she saw the attractive family. She couldn't help but engaged with them some more.

Em, not yet. The remodeling was just completed. We havent bought furniture yet, said Su Ran.

Ah, you are almost there then. This area is quite nice.

It is. Su Ran nodded in agreement.

The middle-aged woman got out of the elevator with a smile. Su Ran couldn't help but lamented, This place feels nice. The neighbors are nice too.

Lu Shaos lips curved too when he heard Su Rans words.

It is quite nice.

We are here. Lu Shao reminded Su Ran, who was busy with teasing her son, when they arrived at the 17th floor.

Mmm, okay.

Su Ran was taken aback a little when she heard noises as they walked past the house next to them and was about to walk inside of their own unit.

Eh? Someone moved in next door as well? The unit was not yet sold when she purchased her place.

Its being remodeled as we speak, said Lu Shao.

How do you know? Su Ran gave Lu Shao a curious look.

Mr. Lus look seemed to have paused a little when he heard Su Rans question. Unfortunately, Su Ran had missed that.

Thats what it sounded like, explained Lu Shao nonchalantly.

You are probably right. Su Ran nodding, not giving it more thoughts. I wonder what our neighbors will be like

Probably nice people.

Su Ran smiled when she heard that. Hopefully also a family that has kids.

The Happy District was a good school district and many of Su Hans classmates lived in this district. Su Ran hoped that preferably their neighbor also attended No. 7 High School. That would be nice. And, if they were in higher grades, she could also consult with the parents when she had questions.

Lu Shao had a thoughtful look when he heard that. Smiling, he said, Oh, they will.

Su Ran didnt pay too much attention to what Lu Shao had said.

Su Han, on the other hand, stared at Lu Shao pointedly.


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