My Son Might Be A Villain

Chapter 315: Su Han followed behind the two of them quietly after giving Lu Shao an unhappy look. (2)

Chapter 315: Su Han followed behind the two of them quietly after giving Lu Shao an unhappy look. (2)

My mom saw me! said Su Han with unconcealable excitement in his voice.

How do you know she wasnt looking at me? said Lu Shao casually.

Su Han sneered rudely and said, Who do you think is more important to my mom, you or me?

Having heard that, Lu Shao pinched his mouth shut and said nothing else.

Truth was, the stage was so bright that with the exception of the glowsticks and lighted signs, Su Ran really couldnt see much beyond that.

As though she could sense something, Su Ran smiled at a specific direction in the audiences and, the very next second, a smooth string of musical notes followed.

A cheerful and very lively piano piece sounded like it was made for this very moment.

Different from what many think of as pure music, this piece was moving and exciting. Even the audiences who didnt normally appreciate light music couldnt help but be attracted by this piece

Everybody seemed to not have heard enough when the final note had concluded.

The fourth contester stepped onto the stage after her.

A lot of thoughts were put into the performance design, but, in comparison, the music itself seemed to have been weakened a bit.

Su Han seemed to have an idea of what Lu Shao meant by not no the same level earlier.

When all four contestants had completed their performances, scores from both the judges and online were tallied up on the spot. Su Ran advanced successfully from the result.

The next two rounds of competition had two contestants going up against each other head-to-head. Su Rans professional scores also exceeded that of her opponents.

Su Han, who had been calculating Su Rans total scores in his head while the host announced the scores from the judges suddenly said with his eyes beaming, We won!

There was a touch of undisguised excitement on the young mans normally calm face.

The Lu familys patriarch, even though seemingly more stable than Su Han, also had a smile on his face.

What takes so long to tally up the scores? said Su Han with some dissatisfaction as he looked over in the direction of the judges and workers areas.

Even though he already knew the final scores but Su Han still felt that something was lacking without hearing the official announcement.

This is a live broadcast.


They need to take into account the broadcast effect of the show.

Having said that, Lu Shao, who had also been focusing his attention on the backstage area, his eyes moved suddenly.

They are done.

Sure enough, the light on stage lit up again the next second.

Three contestants were already standing in the middle of the stage.

At this moment in time, Su Ran had already changed into the long dress that Su Han had referred to as unsightly.

After ten rounds of competition with 200 contestants joining us from all over the country

After a lot of nonsense, the host finally started announcing the outcome of the competition.

Starting from the third place.

When Su Ran, the final name, was read, applause and cheers sounded at the same time and ribbons dropped on stage.

Su Ran had only attended purely professional music competitions in the past. There were never such showiness and definitely not such a grand award ceremony.

Grandmaster Su Ran in the past would have considered this unnecessary bells and whistles strictly for the purpose of catching peoples eyes.

This very moment, however, with the applause from the audiences and the brilliance in front of her, Su Ran almost felt emotional.

That very moment, the hint of melancholy that had been hidden inside her either from the plotline of the story or from the original owners memory seemed to have dissipated.

For the very first time since Su Ran had transmigrated into this novel, Su Ran felt absolute peacefulness. A smile appeared o Su Ran with an unseen before cheerfulness.

Sitting in the audience seat and looking at the woman with the bright smile on her on stage, Lu Shao felt that his heart had just skipped a beat.

Welp, my moms very mighty, right? said Su Han next to him with a prideful look.

Although, that woman had always been the best in his mind.

That very moment, though, everyone else learned of that very fact as well.

Lu Shao chuckled in a low voice when he heard that.

It should be me whos proud of it then, said Lu Shao.

Su Han: What did that have to do with you?

Lets go.

Where go?



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