My Son Might Be A Villain

Chapter 212: Was my son upset at me? (3)

Chapter 212: Was my son upset at me? (3)

What projects and meetings do I have over the next two weeks?

Hang on, let me check.

Before Zhou Yi even had a chance to look over his schedule, Lu Shao added, Skip the unimportant ones and move the important ones up to the next couple of days.


On the other hand, after hanging up on the phone, Su Ran couldn't help but gave her cellphone an odd look again.

Why was it that she felt that her conversation with Su Hans father was a bit odd lately?

Specifically, Lu Shaos attitude gave her guilty conscience.

It wasnt that he wasnt nice. Quite the contrary, he was being too nice to her. To a point that she felt unjustified.

If the father was never close to the child and then suddenly became very nice. Could he be after the custody?

Su Ran posted that to some forum and the replies came quickly.

What do you mean by that? Were the childs parents divorced?

Maybe he had guilty conscience because he is having an affair?

He learned that his child out of wedlock wasnt his after all and decided to be nicer to his real child?

The comments became more and more interesting.

As Su Ran was happily scrolling down the answer, she was interrupted by Su Han who had just returned home from school.

What are you looking at now? Su Han frowned a little and asked, surprised, when he saw the woman sitting on the couch, staring at her phone and went between frowning and looking perturbed.

This woman had been very into browsing all sorts of remodeling websites as of late, but he didnt think he had seen this look on her before.

Oh, nothing. Su Ran smiled at Su Han and put away her cellphone.

The clich answers from the forum did not make appropriate discussions with Su Han.

Oh, right, Son.


Do you have any plans over the National Holidays?

Uh, I dont think so? said Su Han. Then, immediately after that, asked, What is it?

The kid had had the same stuck-up and snotty look on him. In addition, there was also anticipation in his eyes that even he didnt notice.

Su Ran felt a pang of guilt when she saw her sons eyes lit up.

Ahem, well, theres something that I wanted to talk to you about.

She sorted out her words some and said in the most gentle way possible, Mom needs to go to a competition in City N in a couple of days.

Oh, is this the piano competition that you had mentioned before?

Yeah, thats the one.

Oh, okay. Ill go with you, said Su Han without any hesitation and nodded.

No, you cant!

Why not? Su Han gave her an incredulous look.

This woman didnt want him with her?

Before Su Han could say anything else, Su Ran added, You have school still!

I can take a couple of days off. Whats the big deal? said Su Han.

Su Ran: Hoho. How could someone who was bottom of her class argue that with someone who was top of his?

Its still a no. Su Ran paused for a little, then added, My schedule at the competition is very tight. I wont be able to take care of you if you come along.

Then I can take care of you.

Su Han Su Ran was troubled. This was the first time she felt that her sons stubbornness was all that cute after all!

Whatever, said Su Han dully after the stalemate lasted for a little while before he turned, got up, and walked inside his own room.

Su Han?

Im studying.

Su Ran: Was she son mad at her?

Watching Su Han retrieved into his own room, Su Ran was pondering about how to call him out to have dinner in a little while.

Lo and behold, Su Han walked out of his room on his own accord before it was even dinner time. He looked coolly at Su Ran.

Who are you going with?

Oh? Manager Xus friend from college. She is participating as part of the organizer. I will be travelling with her.

Oh. Su Han nodded seriously.


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