My Servant System

Chapter 6 5: Next Quest

[Level - 1 (12.5/100)]

Katherine continued to wipe the table, while thinking about how the levels will progressively harder. Will it follow a set path, like level 1 is 100xp, while level 2 is 200, 3 is 300, and so on, or will it be exponential? And if it is exponential, what will be the multiplier? 1.5? 2? Or maybe something higher.

[Leveling follows an exponential increase of 1.5, so your next XP requirement is 150. As you could guess, early levels will fly by, but it will get progressively harder.]

'Damn. Well, thankfully I got a nice skill like Growth huh. How would I upgrade it? Its not like magic or a weapon technique, nor is it something that can be practiced and put to use like housework. Any help?'



I sighed, before feeling someone scratching my ears. Without realizing,I leaned into the hand, eyes lidded. Hearing a chuckle, I looked up at my mother. "Good job, Katherine. Time for breakfast. We have a lot of work, but nothing can be done on an empty stomach."

Feeling her take the cloth from my hand, I asked "Mother, what is that cloth?"

"Enchanted with magic, it just makes cleaning easier. Nifty little thing, isn't it?"

Nodding, I let my mother lead me through the halls towards the smell of fresh baked bread. Along the way we passed many other servants, females dressed in the same long black dress with a white apron on the front, while men had a black overcoat with a white undershirt. I noticed that everyone we passed stopped working to give a small bow towards us, before resuming their work.

"Mother, why are they doing that?"

"Hmm? Oh, they're bowing because of the status difference. How to explain it. They are common people doing a job. You and I, however, are the... personal property of the Marquess. And since we answer only to the Marquess and her Wife, they've taken it upon themselves to be respectful of us."

Nodding again, I went quiet. Hearing that we are 'owned' by the Marquess is shocking, but thinking about my choices earlier, I did pick not only an 'Evil' Master, but also chose a fantasy world. Obviously the combination of an Evil Master, a servant system, and a fantasy world would mean I am owned, not employed. Well, I already decided to pick this life, time to live it.

'Is it arrogance to assume that I can live even under an Evil Master with a system? I mean I level up quite easily, and if later in life I decide to become... "sociable", I can get XP easily. Though it would be best to try and either get along with my future Villainess, or at least be of enough use that she won't treat me terribly. Best way to do that is to be so good at my job that she can't afford to let me go!'

[You have some amazing mental gymnastics.]

'Find a bright side in everything. Besides, I've died once, and should have been in that void for eternity. So if this life is short lived, oh well.'

While I was contemplating all of that, Mother and I had reached a large set of doors. A mouth watering smell came from the other side, and I could feel my tail swaying back and forth. My mother must have felt it hit her dress, as she looked down and chuckled at me. "Come on Katherine, you must be hungry. I think it's sausage, biscuits, and fruits today."

'Oh I love me a good sausage. Wait, that sounded wrong. Oh well.'

Mother pushed open the door, and the already amazing smell hit us like a truck. Looking inside of Heaven, I saw multiple sets of large tables in the front of the room, sporadically occupied by servants who finished their first job. In the back was a long counter, and on the other side was a gigantic kitchen. Multiple stoves and counters, with many chefs chopping, washing, and preparing different ingredients, was a scene that reminded me of those cooking shows. Again I felt a hand scratch my ears, and looking up I saw my mothers smile.

"Do you want to try and cook?"

I nodded my head as much as I could. I always loved watching those cooking shows, and really wanted to participate. Chuckling, my mother led me through the maze of tables. When we reached the back a short, stocky dwarven woman looked up at my mother. "Whaddya want, Jules? All the foods already made, go and eat while it's fresh." Long braids that almost touched the floor, a wide nose, and a barrel body, she looked exactly like all the dwarves in those fantasy shows, minus the beard of course.

"Do you mind if we borrow a station, Les? Katherine here really wants to try cooking."

Les turned towards me, staring me up and down. She snorted before saying "Aye, I'll let the pup have a go. But if she wrecks me kitchen I'll flay 'er, you hear me?"

Watching her walk away, my mother scratched my ears again. "Don't mind Les, she might seem scary but she's a big softy. She stopped drinking out of worry when I was pregnant with you, after all."

I heard a loud 'Oi' but decided to ignore it. Looks like mother and Les are decent friends, so that's one person I can learn more from.

When we got to an empty station, my mother pulled over a stool before lifting me onto it. "Well, we should probably make something quick. Hmm..." I felt my mother bury her nose in-between my ears, contemplating. The more I felt her breath ruffle my hair and ears, the more I realized why dogs loved you scratching their ears. It just feels soooo good.

Hearing and 'Ah', my mother started grabbing ingredients from around us. Soon, a small pile of ingredients were in front of us.

"Lets make one of Marquess Asmodia's favorites: pancakes. You should learn this soon, since she went and got her wife addicted to them too."

[Quest: Prepare Pancakes. Reward - 20xp

Additional Quest: Impress Julie Zara. Reward - 10xp

Additional Quest: Impress Lessnera Ashbraid. Reward - 20xp]

'Woah, that's cool. So a quest can have, what, different tiers? Just completing the task is already rewarding, but if I complete these extra quests... This would be 62.5xp wouldn't it!?! That's awesome! Oh, and what if I need to complete a certain number of quests, both normal and combat, to upgrade Growth? Or maybe complete the additional quest? I just need to start doing my best, now don't I?'

"Alright. Katherine, see this white fluffy powder? That's flour. This small pinkish pile of powder is salt; the small white pile of powder is sugar. This large brown thing is an egg. The white liquid is milk, while this small yellow square is butter. Now, tell me which is which."

"Brown thing, egg."

"Haha, yes."

"Liquid, Milk. Yellow thing, butty. Pinky, Salty. Small White, shug.. sugar. Big White, Flower!"

'I gotta act as a kid for right now. Kinda fun, to be honest.'

I heard a snort, and looking over to my right was the dwarf Lessnera.

"Aye, Pinky is indeed Salty. Teaching her the Marquess' favorite, are you? This'll be interesting. Continue. I wish to see how good yer daughter will be."

My mother nodded, before placing a bowl in front of me.

"Now, we put the flour, sugar, and salt into the bowl. Want to stir it for me?"


I grabbed the small, flat piece of wood my mother handed me and started gently moving it clockwise in the bowl, allowing the powders to mix. After doing so for a minute, I looked up at my mother, then over at Les. Both looked slightly surprised, which made sense. After all, most kids would use more strength than necessary and make a mess.

"Good job there pup."

My mother nodded, before quickly making a well in the middle of the powder. Pouring in the milk, sliding in the butter, and cracking the egg, my mother looked at me again and said "Start mixing it again until it feels smooth. Got it?"

Nodding, I started slowly mixing the liquid and powder together. I always loved watching as a batter was formed. Seeing the powder and liquid combine into a thick, smooth batter was satisfying, and was why I enjoyed making things like bread, pancakes, and the more difficult pastries.

When I thought it was smooth, I looked up at my mother. "Is smooth?"

I saw my mother reaching for my ears, and was about to close my eyes to revel in the gentle pleasure from her touch, but a calloused hand start to ruffle my hair.

"Hahaha, good job little pup. Indeed, it is smooth. But this next part is too dangerous for ye, so lemme do it for ya."

Les snatched the bowl from my hands, laughing at the pout on my face. She quickly and carefully dripped a third of the bowl onto a pan, before doing so twice more on separate sides of the pan. Then, she pointed her fingers at the red crystal below, and suddenly a small flame appeared. She watched the pancakes for a minute or so, before grabbing the pan by the handle and in one smooth motion, flipped the pancakes.

'Oh I am so jealous. I tried that so often in my last life. Never got it down completely. Damn, I am definitely going to learn how to do that.'

My mother reached around me, grabbing two lush yellow apples. Placing them in front of me, she grabbed a knife and started slicing them. Every other slice she would pick up and place in front of my mouth, chuckling as I nibbled on each piece.

"Good job, Katherine. You did well."

[Quest Completed.

Additional Quests (2) completed

Reward: 50xp]

[Level - 1 (75/100)]

'Awesome! Just for making a simple pancake I got so much! I can't wait to meet the Marquess! Maybe I can convince her to keep me if I make the best pancakes? And maybe her daughter will fall for me because she likes my cakes! HAHAHA!'

[...Why did I choose you?]


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