My Servant Is An Elf Knight From Another World

Chapter 9 - Even More Rewards... And Then Some

I never actually had any pets while growing up. I liked dogs. But I never had any dogs to love and care of. Dad said it was 'cause of allergies. Mom told me she was just uncomfortable with them in the house. Don't know which reason it was that ultimately led to the banning of cats as well, whatever the case, our household would continue to remain furry-free in times to come.

So forgive me for comparing Ash to a very energetic golden retriever or something, because as she continues to stick her head out of the taxi window, the wind blowing strongly at her wide, grinning face, it was all that could come to mind at the moment.

Never seen her having this much fun before. Her expression relishing the speedy breeze, letting the hoodie fall and blowing her snowy-white hair back, softly giggling at such a wondrous sensation.

I gotta say, it really suited her.

But all things, even happy things, must come to an end eventually, and alas, the taxi slowed to a stop.

"7.80," spoke the bemused taxi driver.

With a little tinge of guilt, I plucked out a ten that I obviously did not deserve on getting in the first place and paid him.

"Keep the change, man," I said. Should have taken it instead, but oh well.

"Master," Ash tugged at my sleeve with her hand, brushing her frazzled hair in place with the other. "May we…ride -? Pardon, I mean to say, if ever the opportunity arises, would we perhaps… it's not necessary, but…"

Looks like she's still having a little bit of trouble expressing her wants. Slow and steady, Ash. Take your time.

"We'll take another taxi home after we're done here. You wouldn't mind, right?"

Her emerald-green eyes were practically sparkling with enthusiasm. "Not at all, master."

We're gonna have to work on dropping that whole 'Master' thing as well. It just doesn't feel right. Nevermind that now, we've got lunch to be eating.

The moment our feet hit the pavement, the taxi sped off on its way, leaving Ash to stare longingly away at it as it disappears from sight.

Out of everything that exists in the modern world, why was it that cars were the thing that fascinated her the most? I have no clue.

Just wait till she realizes that garbage trucks are a type of car too.

"Your hoodie is down," I said, drawing it back up for her. "This part of town is quite busy, don't want people to be staring at you now, do you?"

"Never really was a concern of mine, no."

"What, really?"

"Stares, slanders, jeers… Not a day goes by where I've experienced one without the other. While Elves may be a foreign race in yours, in my own land, our existence… well, it's not held in high esteem as most other races are."

The rare few times I had her talking about her past, all I've heard were nasty and grim things about it. Pressing her for more information would usually result in her steering away from the conversation, I knew that, but I still would really like to know more about where she came from.

"How do you mean?" I asked, hoping she'd continue.

And to my utter surprise, she did.

"There was an incident involving Elvenkind. An incident that would curse our people for ages to come. As such, many would come to see us with hatred in their hearts. A painless death was the most we could hope for, once one of our own has been taken captive by the other races."

"What usually happens to an Elf that has been captured?"

Ash's eyes stared off into the distance, slowly, I saw her lips tremble.

"They're turned into Knights."

I blinked. "But aren't you…?" I saw her expression flinched. "What did they do to you?"

"Master…" Ash's gaze fell to the ground. "Can you… could we drop the matter, at least for now? Please?"

The pleading tone in her voice was palpable. I felt bad for pressing her, especially when I already knew it was a sensitive topic for her. However, my curiosity wouldn't die down, every time she talks about her world, I just wanted to know more about it.

Still though, her feelings are much, much more important than some dumb idiot's curiosity. So I reined myself back.

"Sure, no problem," I said, then I nudged my head to the direction of the city. "I know just what you need to take your mind off it."


Back when I still had high hopes for the world, back when I was happy, bright… and not in crippling debt. There was this ice-cream store I used to go to. Every day without fail, I'd be standing at their front entrance by the time afternoon rolls around.

I haven't seen much of them lately. Now, I am happy to say - their ice-cream tasted better than ever, and eating them together with someone to accompany you?

Nothing can compare.

By the time Ash was done with her third chocolate parfait, the previous conversation was all but a fading memory. At least for her… I, on the other hand, couldn't let it out of my mind.

But I held my tongue. This afternoon was a special one. I won't rest until I know she's fully content and I see the widest grin possible on her face. For this one afternoon session, she will be a servant no longer.

Anything she wanted, she'll have.

As long as it is within budget, of course. Sadly I ain't made of money, hell, it wasn't even my money I was spending in the first place.

"Ready to go head out again?" I asked.

Ash, the ever-prestigious knight she was, bowed her head. Clearly, she was still holding herself back, however, once more, there was really no hiding her true feelings with those ears of hers.

Twitching up and down like a frog high on an energy drink.

Being in an outdoor shopping mall, I knew there were a lot of options on the table in regard to what would fascinate her the most.

Then again, I already knew what did, don't I?

So I brought her calm, reserved self over to a car dealership nearby. And to say that she was captivated over the sight of the many luxurious cars they had on for display would be to completely understate her reaction.

She was practically fidgeting in place, yearning to have a closer look at all of them beauties. The only reason she hadn't yet was because she was waiting for permission. My permission.

Really, she shouldn't have to. She's her own person. I hope she'll soon realize that.

"Go ahead," I told her.

"But I - Master, I don't…" Her words trailed away. She still couldn't bring herself to want.

"Ash, just enjoy yourself. It's okay."

Her eyes stared longingly away at all glamorous, shimmering metal plates before focusing back on mine once again.

"Is that an order?"

"No, no orders, not from me," I said, shaking my head. "You do as you please, alright?"

"Are you sure?"

"Go for it."

There it was, finally. I thought I'd never see that smile again.

I found a place by an empty bench, and there I sat, watching her as she marveled away like a kid in a candy store to her heart's content.

By the time she was satisfied, nearly thirty minutes had passed. But the day wasn't over yet. Stores upon stores lined the streets, and many discoveries still awaited her.

Too many discoveries to list, actually.

The arcade was basically a feast for the eyes and ears. Though I couldn't really explain how everything worked, she understood the concept well enough to know that most of everything was powered by this wondrous magical element we here on Earth call 'Technology'.

"Not even the most accomplished sorcerer in all the lands could not replicate what I have just witnessed," she said in a moment of breathless awe.

Her amazement would continue to elevate to newer heights with every passing outlet we've entered.

-"Master! There are dozens of these rectangular devices here!"

"We call those smartphones. They sell those things here."

-"Master… Do you mean to tell me, an archive that expands to infinity rests only beyond the border of this bizarre contraption?"

"Yeah, laptops… they're pretty nice."

-"Kara… o… kaoke? -?"

"It's karaoke, Ash… people sing in there."

-"Oh, like bards?"

"Yeah, like bards."

Overall things were going pretty great. Sadly, as always, it had to come to an end. Dusk was falling, and the evening sky was forecast with a tinge of orange light.

As we walked the sidewalk to a nearby taxi stand, the general mood of the atmosphere was brimming with good vibes all around. Ash was getting pretty talkative too, once she loosened up a bit.

"My gratitude towards you knows no bounds, Master. Today, unlike most days, I feel, was a delightful one indeed."

I walked alongside her, sharing her smile. "No thanks necessary, Ash."

"I've enjoyed myself," she breathed in a heavy breath. "I don't believe there were any times in my life I would have been able to make such a claim before."

"Don't worry. You'll be making that claim more frequently than ever before, that I promise you."

"Thank you."

Something happened then that I didn't expect. Ash grabbed hold of my arm, stopping us both in our tracks. She didn't seize me like she did back with that plane incident, instead her touch was gentle, soft… so unnoticeable that I didn't even feel it until I felt my arm being pulled away.

My eyes immediately met hers, and the very second it did, I couldn't pry away.

What was it? Just what was I seeing in those bright, beautiful green eyes of hers?

Was it sincerity? Gratitude?

No mistaking it, was there? That small, simple smile painting her lips. That soft and kind expression plastered on her face.

No ears required to understand what she was feeling.

I was seeing happiness.

"Sincerely, from the deepest depths of my heart, I thank you, master," Ash muttered. "What I claimed today… enjoyment. I've never spoken of such things before. But now I wish to continue to speak of such things. And because of you… I feel like I just might be able to."

My face all of the sudden felt as hot as a kettle. It was blazing, my cheeks were on fire.

What the hell is this? Am I embarrassed? Oh God…

I've never been thanked like that before. It felt nice. It felt good.

So what if I never find out more about her world? Who cares about it? If talking about it makes her unhappy, then hell - if I ever bring it up again, someone please stapler my mouth shut.

There's no need to dig into the past. Especially hers.

It was way beyond reach anyway.

Or so I believed, at least.

In the corner of my eye, past her head, I caught it. I didn't know what attracted me to it, perhaps it was the design, perhaps it was because of the character in it.

Perhaps it just looked strangely familiar to me.

A small billboard planted at the side of a small rundown building. It was old, faded, and the colors were practically decaying away. A plain, simple, forgotten piece of advertising.

And Ash took center stage of it.

Donned in her knight armour, standing proud with her head held high, clutching her silver sword at its hilt.

My eyes darted back and forth between the real Ash and the poster Ash. There was no mistaking it. It was her in the poster.

At the bottom of the frame, inscribed in a bold, bright, stylistic font read the words: <<Chronicles of Asteria>>

A video game.

I felt my jaw drop to the floor.

"Is there something wrong, Master?" said Ash, her face rife with concern.

Oh something was wrong, alright.

Something was definitely wrong here.


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