My Second Life in Another World

Chapter 52: Comforting Kanae?

Chapter 52: Comforting Kanae?

Some distance away from the Shinjuku gate on one of the high-rise building, A tall and muscular man with brown hair was looking through his binoculars towards the hunters that were gathered in front of the gate.

"Peter see if the camera can record from here. How is the quality of the footage." The man asked his partner who was setting up the camera to face the gate and adjust the final settings.

"Yup the quality is as good it can be. So Danial was it necessary to take this assignment I mean we are near an S-rank gate, anything can happen you know." Peter said as he tied his long blond hair with a hair tie.

"You don't look so nervous yourself. Well, it wasn't necessary, it is my dream to film an S-rank gate and we don't have to worry there are two National rank hunters here and one who is said to have the power of a National rank hunter." Danial said as he lit a cigarette and took a puff.

"Well they are just here to watch the one who is rumored to be on par with them and I seriously doubt he isn't. I mean he single-handedly wiped out the monsters on Jeju Island while saving other hunters as well. And stop smoking you bastard didn't you quit smoking." Peter shouted at his companion.

"Well, It won't hurt to have one today," Danial said with a smile and peter shook his head then they looked towards the gate that cast a shadow over them.


'The dungeon break will happen today.' I thought as I looked at the gate and then looked at Kanae beside me who with her hair in pigtails and was dressed in a loose dark pink jacket that showed her midriff, black armored boots, and black baggy pants, with two katanas hanging from the left side of her waist.

"You aren't feeling nervous?" I asked her curiously as she is more composed than before.

"I am not feeling nervous because you are here." She said with a smile.

I shook my head as I laughed. There she goes again, she has been teasing me the whole morning guess it is her way to deal with the nervousness.

"Aren't you worried?" she asked me.

"About what?" I didn't know what she was talking about.

"Seriously how can you be so nonchalant about two National rank hunters coming here to evaluate you?" she shouted angrily.

"Oh, you are talking about that. Why are you so worried about that?" I said while waving my hand to calm her down.

"SIGH* I wish I can be as carefree as you are?" she sighed heavily.

I chuckled at her reaction as I saw all the fighter class S-Rank hunters gather behind us and then there were magician and healer class hunters. Then behind them, there was the army that was stationed with tanks and heavy artillery. I seriously don't understand why they are here do they want to add to the casualties that badly or is the government stupid enough to believe that this is going to work on the monsters that will be coming out of an S-rank gate.

I shook my head as I looked at the place from where I can feel two stares and saw Liu Zhigang and Thomas Andre they are National rank hunters both of them arrived In Tokyo this morning the reason being they wanted to see me in action with their own eyes.

I didn't mind it. I haven't met them as I was busy looking at the preparations for the raid. And now I am standing about 1 km away from the gate wearing the same outfit I have worn during the Jeju island raid.

I yawned as I have been standing here for an hour now. I heard an exasperated sigh from Kanae again who was fed up with my laid-back attitude by now.

I sat down on the ground cross-legged and propped my head in my right hand as I looked at the gate.

"TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY YOU BASTARD," Kanae shouted at me and I laughed while looking at her.


"Is it alright for you to be here? Isn't there an S-rank gate in Maryland State?" A man with long black hair while wearing a brown business suit looked at the person sitting near him.

"It is alright I am here only to watch and it isn't like that gate is going to open today there is still plenty of time left. So don't worry about it Zhigang." A large man with blonde hair in a Hawaiian shirt and shorts said.

"What do you think of him, Thomas?" Zhigang asked Thomas who was sitting down on a sofa with a wine glass in his hand.

"I like his attitude but I can't assess his powers it is a first for me?" Thomas said as he grinned.

"That is true it is like he is a normal human that you can lose if you don't focus on him. I am curious about his real powers as I haven't seen anyone who can hide their aura to this extent." Zhigang said as he sat down while looking at Haru who was talking to one of the Japanese hunters.

"At first I wanted to ask him why he attacked my guild member but after seeing him I am curious about his powers and I think we will know about it soon," Thomas said as he gulped down the glass of wine and asked for a refill.

"You shouldn't drink so much what if you have to step in for the raid." Laura who was here with Thomas said.

Thomas burst into laughter which confused Laura as she asked.

"Why are you laughing?"

"It's because your question is funny. I'll have to step in? That isn't going to happen. That guy is powerful so it won't come to that." Thomas said as he drank wine again.

"But you said that you can't assess his powers right?" Laura asked.

"We only said we can't be accurate but we never said that he is weaker than us. This is going to be an interesting show and I am sure 'THE EMPEROR' isn't going to disappoint us." Thomas said with a wide grin as he was looking at Haru. And Zhigang nodded his head in approval.

Laura was shocked to see two national rank hunters acknowledge Haru and for Thomas to call someone by their epithet shows that he is taking this seriously.

She then looked towards Haru and looked forward to what he will do. Only to see him sit down cross-legged on the ground lazily.

"HAHAHAHA, I like him more and more.." This caused Thomas to burst into laughter and Zhigang also laughed a bit.

While Laura was stunned as she shook her head and looked at Thomas and Zhigang.

'Every strong Hunter has their quirks I guess.'


The live feed of the raid was being broadcasted and everyone in Asia was in front of their T.V or computer to watch it live. The internet was as lively as ever because of Haru's presence via his photos and videos. The Japanese fangirls were going crazy about his appearance and equipment like they did last time.

His equipment was like samurai armor with no protection on the back and a katana with his long hair gave him a charm that wasn't something other men in japan or Asia had. And Samurais are pretty famous in Japan even in modern times because of the quality of period drama that japan produces. Girls here like a strong man with a knightly appearance which is rare in Japan because of the herd mentality the men here have.

So Haru's popularity here was justified.

-Haru-sama is looking so hot in that armor.

-It suits him so well I feel like I am seeing a real samurai.

-His appearance is even better than those in the Drama.

-You can't compare real with fake. Those guys are just acting they can't compare to the real deal.

-I wish Haru-sama was a Japanese Hunter so that we can see him more often the Korean sisters are so lucky this is the first time I have felt jealous of someone in my life.

-Haru-sama is Part Japanese if only our damn government worked properly we would've had Haru-sama in japan.

-AGREED x 10,000,000.

-Look Kanae-sama and Haru-sama are so close.

-You are right they have a very friendly relationship with each other.

-Are they dating?

-No but that would be a sight to see if they are.

-I don't think they will from what I know Haru-sama is dating the female hunter from Korea Cha Hae-in. according to the Korean sisters, Haru-sama Proposed to her. PIC*

-What has this been confirmed? Oh my god, they look so beautiful together.

-AGREED x10,000,000

-Then what About Kanae-sama?

-He can just marry two you know if they are fine with it. Having multiple wives is allowed in Japan. Korea has not officially accepted it but they don't care about it. From what I know many rich businessmen in Korea have multiple wives.

-I hope it works out. Fingers crossed.

-If it doesn't we will comfort Kanae-sama even if we have to sacrifice my body for it.

-That doesn't sound like a sacrifice at all.

-Shut up it's a noble sacrifice. No one is forcing you to join.

-Agreed x5,000,000

-I never said I was against it.


The girls were talking about Haru's appearance and how they will comfort Kanae if she was rejected, while the boys were like...

'The fuck our country is in danger of being wiped out and this is what you guys are talking about like seriously.' But no one dared to say it out loud or they will be buried alive on the internet they knew how fierce the girls were. They can only curse Haru silently.

Then they saw Haru sitting down in front of the gate with a relaxed expression which caused the internet to become livelier and houses were filled with squeals and cheers.


After I got a lecture from Kanae for an hour because of my carefree behavior I had to stop her rambling with some pats to her head and she became angrier and looked away but I can see her ears are red. And I can feel 15 gazes stabbing at my back I turned around and saw the Hunter who have gathered here looking at me like

'Seriously, you are flirting even at this time?' their faces said everthing.

I shook my head as I stood up as the gate opened.

Everyone was tense when they felt the magic power that was released from inside the gate. I saw Kanae tense up with her eyes wide open I smiled and patted her back.

"Don't be tense at a moment like this. It'll be alright."

"O-Ok, Thank you." She nodded with a smile.

I looked at the gate and saw…..

"G….Giants. it's Giants." One of the hunters behind us shouted with a voice that was filled with fear.


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