My Second Life in Another World

Chapter 43: Ah-Jin Guild

Chapter 43: Ah-Jin Guild

I woke up the next morning and saw a message from the chairman.

-The gate has been found in the school. It is a small gate the size of a corridor. That is the reason it was missed, if we didn't find it would've opened today. (Chairman)

-Thank you for sharing the information if we didn't know about it. This could've caused a lot of damage. And the raid team is taking some time to assemble so we have evacuated the nearby civilians and closed the school down. (Chairman)

-What is the rank of the gate? (Me)

I sent a message and the reply came almost instantly.

-A-Rank the difficulty is also in the upper rank. That is the reason it is taking some time to make a raid team capable of dealing with it. (Chairman)

-I'll do it then we can't have a gate like that open in the middle of Seoul. (Me)

-That would be appreciated and your Guild has been given the green light I also prepared the identity you asked for and I am not going to ask why you requested it, as you might have your considerations. (Chairman)

-Thank you. I'll be there in an hour so give them a heads up. (Me)

-Ok (Chairman)

I placed my phone down and went to take a shower after that I ate a light breakfast and made my way towards Jin-ah's school.

'For Fucks Sake.' I thought as I sensed Monsters in the school building.

And I saw the association employees running out.

"Why are you running?" I asked them and they ran towards me and said while breathing heavily.

"Hah*, we were waiting for Hunter-nim to arrive but suddenly the gate opened Hah* and 3 A-rank Orcs jumped out. Chief Jin-Chul is keeping them busy as he told us to run and ordered everyone to evacuate from the building. Hah*" the female employee said and I felt more than 20 Orcs coming out of the gate. And Jin-Chul got punched out of the School Building and landed near us as his suit was torn and full of dust.

"Looks like you are having a rough day chief Jin-Chul," I said as I laughed and then saw some employees were running towards us and the Orcs number has increased to 50.

"This isn't the time to joke around. Those idiots why did they take so long to evacuate." He said as he turned serious and looked

We saw the employees running towards us and the Orcs were about to pounce on them.

I used Haoshoku Haki to knock out the Orcs who were in the school as they slump down on the floor.

Everyone was looking at me with glowing eyes they have already forgotten about the crisis they were in.

"E-Emperor." Someone said absentmindedly and I looked behind at the crowd that was gathering near the gate.

"Ok, now everyone we need to finish this gate quickly so please maintain a safe distance," I said with a smile and everyone nodded.

"Ok, then I'll follow you as well," Jin-Chul said and I nodded.

We made our way towards the gate while killing the orcs. I killed them with a sharp rock which I controlled with Vibrokinesis.

It was pretty easy as it would pierce them instantly. Then we reached the storage room where the gate was located then opened a Closet in which the gate appeared I entered it with Jin-Chul following me behind we arrived in a cave system and I started walking towards the place the orcs were gathering. And occasionally killing some orcs that I came across Jin-Chul hasn't said anything this whole time as he was too shocked. As he saw me walking in an A-rank dungeon like I am taking a stroll.

And we reached an open space that is 5 Km wide and 3 Km in height there were about 200 orcs here. All of them are A-ranks with one sitting on the throne in the back he was a large and muscular green-skinned orc with long black hair, glowing red eyes, a large X-shaped scar on his chest, and dark red tattoos. He had a gray sword with a brownish-yellow hilt near him and wore a tattered black loincloth. He was an S-Rank Monster.

(Human, this is your En-)

"Futon: RasenShuriken." Before he finished talking I already threw a RasenShuriken that went straight cutting through the orcs as it reached in the middle it expanded and sliced through all the orcs including the S-Rank Orc. I used a barrier made of Vibrokinesis to block all the blood, meat, and bones that came our way.

"Ok, this is finished so let's go," I said as the Rasenshuriken stopped and showed a room full of blood and Orcs that have been turned in mincemeat, and the walls of the cave were painted by blood, meat, and bones. It looked horrifying and the stench of blood was heavy.

"Gulp* Y-Yes." Jin-Chul was shocked as well and he followed me out after he gulps his saliva in terror.

We made our way out of the gate and went outside. I saw Chairman Go and some Reporters standing there near the gate.

"Did you clear the gate Hunter-nim?" Chairman asked with his normal polite behaviour and a smile.

"I did it quickly to not take any risks." My answer caused Jin-Chul to roll his eyes. Both me and the chairman only laughed.

I looked at the reporters who were taking pictures of me.

"They came here after getting the information about the gate. I have something to talk with you about." He said as he pointed at the car that was parked near the gate. I nodded and we started walking towards the car with Jin-Chul driving with the chairman and me sitting on the back seat of the Black Mercedes.

"Here is the identity you asked for," He said as he gave me a file that had documents with the name Queresha Calistria.

"Thank you for doing this." I thanked him as this was something I asked him to do 2 days ago and he did it with no questions.

"Consider it as thanks from this old man for saving the hunters on Jeju Island. If it wasn't for you they would've been wiped out." He said with a smile. After that, he told me that the special request for our guild that was to enter gates alone has been granted. I thanked him again as we reached the building that we have chosen for our guild.

"Then I'll go I have to attend a meeting," Chairman said as the car went towards the association. I turned and went a bit far away from the main road and towards a secluded alley and went into the training ground I went towards the house and said

"Queresha are you ready?"

"Yes my lord, I am ready." I heard her voice from inside of her room. She was able to speak Korean fluently now, she is a fast learner.

She then came out of the room dressed in a white shirt with a purple suit and a black tie and purple heels. Her red eyes looked like gems And her hair that had a purple hue to it was left untied as it fell over her shoulders and reached her back.

The suit accentuates her figure to the next level. She looks like a capable secretary.

When she saw me staring at her she asked.

"My lord, is something wrong?"

"No these clothes suits you well," I said while smiling.

"Thank you for your praise." She said in a formal tone.

"Ok so take a look at this." I gave her the file that contained the information about her identity. She gave it a quick look as I sat down and drank some tea.

After 5 minutes she finished reading and said.

"I have memorized the information. And I have prepared for the things that are necessary for being a competent secretary."

I nodded and went near her and we came out of the training ground I walked towards the building with Queresha following one step behind me. We were getting attention from everyone who was on the street.

I mean Queresha is a beauty after all. She was already beyond beautiful even when she had insectile features but now it just went to a whole another level. When it is a bit crowded here as it was known that this will be the office for our guild because Jin-woo kind of forgot he is an S-rank and he was spotted here multiple times.

We walked into the building and entered the office there was no one here currently so I used the spare key that Jin-woo gave me. I went in and sat down on the sofa and said.

"You should sit down as well Queresha." She nodded and sat down.

It was currently 9 A.M as we sat down and then Queresha stood up and made some tea for me and sat down again as she started to read a book about dungeons and hunters.

After 30 minutes Jin-ho came and said.

"OHH, Haru you are her-." But he froze mid-sentence as he saw Queresha.

"H-Haru who is she?" he asked.

"I am Queresha Calistria nice to meet you. I am Mr Tsugikuni's secretary." She stood up and introduced herself.

"M-My name is Yoo Jin-ho, and I'm a member of the guild. Nice to meet you, I am currently single." He said loudly and looked at me with envious eyes.

"No one asked for the last part," I told him as I looked at him with a teasing smile.

"I was not telling that to you anyway." He said while looking at me angrily.

"Ok, ok so where is Jin-woo?" I asked him as he hadn't come home yesterday.

"Hyung is on the way. And Soo-Hyun is also coming she will be joining the guild as well." Jin-ho said as he sat down on the sofa adjacent to mine.

"Did something happen?" I asked him.

"Yes, that A-Rank hunter Lee Min-Sung keeps hounding her to join his guild. So she asked me to let her join this guild Hyung is ok with it. What do you think?" he asked me.

"It's ok anyway she won't be going on raids and it will be good for her security as well," I said as we waited for 10 more minutes as Hae-in came and sat down beside me with a smile. Then she looked at Queresha who gave her a slight bow. And introduced herself again. Currently, Hae-in is looking at me as if 'explain this to me.' I whispered in her ear.

"Later." She nodded and Jin-ho's cousin arrived and sat down near him and started talking excitedly. After talking about Jeju island raid and the incident that happened in the morning.

"Sorry I came late." Jin-woo apologized as he walked in and sat down.

"Then let's sign the document and send it to the association," I said as everyone nodded.


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