My Second Life in Another World

Chapter 35: What Is Your Plot?

Chapter 35: What Is Your Plot?

The whole internet was lively because of the live telecast of the Raid. As this was the first an S-rank raid was broadcasted for the common populace to see. So not only was it trending in Korea but around the world.

The only topic being discussed right now was how Hunter Haru knocked out every ant on the island. The talk about Sung jin-woo joining was already forgotten this moment was seen by everyone in the world and they didn't understand what happened. But one thing was sure that this technique isn't something they can handle.

@Arion23. YO, did you see that how did he do that?

@BAD69. This time they are surely going to succeed there is no way they are losing after this.

@ZAFUCK9, Replying@BAD69 don't raise a flag dude.

@HEYHEY!, Hunter Jin-woo joined as well.

@HARUSIMP1, Replying@HEYHEY! Who cares about him I want to look at Haru-Sama more.

And there were many more but let's just ignore it for now.

After that, they saw Hunter Jin-woo summoning 100s of shadow summons which broke the internet again and started the discussion about his abilities again.

The fight between the hunters and the 3 ants was shown as well and as the fight was progressing towards a stalemate. The comments started to get negative.

@GIO67, They are not even able to fight those 3 with 17 S-ranks. I feel like this is going to be a failure.

@Zuch999, Replying@GIO67 I also think the same and why isn't Hunter Haru attacking and just standing?

@HunterAnalysis Replying@Zuch999 I think the technique he used to knock out the ants might have caused him too much mana so he should be recovering right now. You can see him giving orders and such. it has to cost a lot even the national rank hunter can't do that.

@HARUSIMP69 Who dares to slander our Haru-sama will be burned on both the internet and real-life so you better be careful, Ah Look simpletons Haru-sama has made his move.

In the Korean hunter association.

Chairman Go Gun-Hee was looking at the television where the scene of the hunters being in a stalemate. He had a complicated expression while looking at the 3 powerful ants that popped out of nowhere.

"If it goes on like this our healers are going to run out of magic." He said.

Then they saw Haru moving.

'Did he recover after using that technique?' he saw the television with anticipation as he knew the one who can change the tides is him. And to do that he needs to kill the slippery ant who is hiding and running. He saw haru move towards the healer ant and the other two moved towards him to block him and attacked him with their claws then he saw haru use his sword to send two slashes leaving a trail of fire cutting off the claws of the 2 ants as he made his way towards the 3 ants.

Chairman Go grabbed the handrest of his chair with excitement clear in his eyes as he saw Haru raise his sword above his head and brought down a vertical slash covered in a haze-like flame but they saw the attack missed when the ant moved behind. Or that was what everyone thought when they saw the ant being cut into two while falling.


"YES." Chairman go cheered loudly as he saw this and broke the handrest of his chair he was happy as his heart was beating faster. They can win now the raid will be a success.

It was a festival on the internet with praises flying around as they saw the hunters kill the other ants after another 30 minutes without the support of their healer. This shows the tenacious trait of insect type beasts.

And the same was true for the hunters as both Akari and Byung-gyu were exhausted from overusing their mana and they were breathing heavily. The only ones who looked fine were Ryuuji Goto, Tawata Kanae, Cha hae-in, Sung Jin-woo and Tsugikuni Haru. As Haru was about to say something they saw the whole island tremble.

Back to M.C

Rumble* Rumble*

The whole island shook from the magic that was just released. Hae-in's face was pale. Kei had already passed out because of the intense mana smell. I can see the disbelief on their face as it was something they hadn't felt before.

It was a mental attack that would affect those that are weaker than the user of the spell. Even Jin-woo was affected by this?

Did the ant king become this strong I was thinking as I saw a black blur moving in this direction?

"RUN," I said with Haoshoku Haki in my voice and they all started running away at the top speed. But the black blur appeared in front of Hae-in trying to kill her.


Of all the people…..

I appeared in front of hae-in using Flying Raijin. And used my sword to attack the ant king. It dodged man it's fast.

And he wasn't fighting me head-on rather run away from me and attacked others and wanted to bring down the numbers, this time he went for Kanae.

'I give up alright.'

"Bansho Tennin" I used this technique as I appeared in front of kanae who was about to be attacked and pulled this heroine killer towards me as I punched him with 1% of Gura Gura no mi. and he flew like a cannonball. As his exoskeleton was destroyed and his intestines spilled out. But this bastard was still able to heal itself.

'What is your plot? I am quite eager to find out about it.' I thought as I glanced in a certain direction.

One thing is certain that this ant king has been strengthened to a high level his strength is the same as or higher than the giant I faced before.


He shouted again with that spell and the hunters that were running fell because of it. They had difficulty breathing they felt déjà vu of the day Haru used his skill against goto. Jin-Woo stood up and Hae-in stood back after him With Kanae struggling to stand up as she was on her knees.

(ARE YOU THE KING?) it said in monster language.

Then the ant king attacked me with its Claws and swiped it on my head I stepped back and dodged it as I used my katana to attack him with a Horizontal swing I cut off his arms and left a cut on his chest. leaving a flamboyant spray of blood.

The ant king jumped back as he regenerated his lost limb almost instantly as I am not using the sun breathing or he wouldn't be able to recover from the wounds.

This time he used his wings to speed and attack me with a punch head-on.

'Now that is the last you should be doing in front of me.' I thought as I punched the incoming fist head-on blowing off the ant king's arm which he regenerated immediately.

(You ARE sTrOnG)


He shouted again as he used the wings on his back to increase his speed and attack me with full power from different directions I was deflecting his attacks with my swords while also cutting off his limbs and leaving deep cuts on his body while controlling my breath to make it look like I am getting tired.


"HAARRRRUUU" I can hear Hae-in screaming behind while trying to come here. jin-woo and kanae were the same.

"Stay back there don't come here." I don't mind them coming as I have the power to finish this in a second but I can't do that.

And if it was the same ant king from the novel I wouldn't mind him becoming Jin-woo's punching bag but this guy here is way too strong For the current him.

When they heard his voice they were gritting their teeth as they couldn't help him at this moment.

Then the ant king attacked me with his stinger that was full of poison and it landed on my body.

'Hmmm, it's nothing special did you even try.' I thought as I let the poison spread a bit while making my breathing heavy.


'My, My look at you go.'

'I guess this should be enough.' I thought as I used sun breathing as it came near me to cut my head off with his claws but I used a horizontal swing to cut off his hand and this it didn't regenerate.


A painful scream was heard.


Then he attacked me again but I raised my katana above my head and brought it down in a vertical strike to cut him in half.

After seeing that it was dead the hunters were relieved but when they saw my breathing and blood coming out of a small purple wound on my cheek they ran towards me.


(You care about this woman right.)

A tanned man with long hair appeared behind Hae-in and attack her with his hand that was like a beast's claw. Everyone was stunned as this was too sudden and they weren't even able to react.

'Am I going to die? Is this going to be my end? I haven't even told him how I...' just as she was looking at the approaching Beasts claw she saw familiar back in front of her. And she saw him swing his sword towards the tanned man.


And as he was about to attack the Tanned man.

She was able to react she saw a man with blue skin and white hair appear behind Him and used his dagger towards him.


(You sure are tenacious to be alive even after the poison Queresha gave was used on you how about this then.) the blue-skinned man grinned as he twisted the dagger making a deeper wound.

"NOOOOOOOOOO" she shouted as tears followed out her eyes.


I wrote a review for this book go and see it.....


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