My Second Life in Another World

Chapter 32: Cute.

Chapter 32: Cute.

"Hunter Cha do you have a boyfriend?" he went straight to point like fuck the raid I am here trying to confirm this.

"A-Ah N-no I don't," Hae-in said a bit flustered as she looked at me.

"Ok next one then." Then a woman was picked and she asked.

"U-Um Hunter Haru why do you have a Girlfriend?" every woman was listening to this intently as Hae-in was looking at me from the side.

"Nope, I don't," I said which shocked everyone.

"Y-you don't have a girlfriend," Ji-Hye said as she looked at me with disbelief in her eyes.

"No, I don't is it that such a surprise."

"Of course, it is Sigh* ok next." She gave up explaining and pointed to a man.

"Sir Haru why do you wear those earrings?" he asked.

"Um I want to ask the same as well, it suits you though," Ji-Hye said.

"Well, it was a gift from my late mother," I answered which caused the atmosphere to become silent.

"S-Sorry to ask something personal. " the man was panicking.

"It's alright," I said with a smile and moved on to the next question.

"Sir haru do you know why Hunter Sung Jin-Woo and Hunter Sung il-Hwan aren't participating in the raid. It became a trending topic on Twitter as well do you know something..." a man asked.

"Well, it is because of family issues. My aunt just woke up from a coma so… they want to spend more time with her." I said calmly it was no secret that we were related and I didn't want to let the news about aunt waking up from eternal slumber become public.

Then after some questions, we moved towards the twitter question which was more or less the same.

"Ok, now it is the last question, Ok you," Ji-hye said as she pointed towards a woman.

"S-Sir Haru do you have someone you like?" she asked in a small voice and the hall became silent,

"Yes, I do," I said with a smile.

"Ok he doe- wait you do?" even Ji-hye was stunned.

I Nodded.

"Who is it?" she said.


"So how is your relationship now?"

"Well, I am waiting for her answer," I said which caused them to stop again and all the eyes were on me.

"If you keep looking at me like that I'll blush," I said as I chuckled which caused them to stop staring at me and we ended the interview on this.

"Though I would like to meet the lady who has kept you waiting but let's stop here." She finished the interview. As Hae-in was looking at me with a soft gaze.

And we went back home after that


It did calm down the people to some extent but the unease was still high among the civilians.

But the netizens were as active as ever many were denouncing Jin-woo and uncle for not participating in the raid. And many were defending them.

But the picture of hae-in looking at me became famous with a caption of…

I want someone to look at me like Miss Hae-in looks at Mr.Haru.

It was chaotic for sure but it gave them something to shift their attention towards rather than talking about the raid.

I am on my way towards the gymnasium to meet Hae-in. but she hasn't arrived and I saw someone training inside.

After 10 minutes she stopped and I gave her a water bottle.

"Here Tawata-san." She took it but then looked at me.

"KYAAAAH" she screamed.

"I didn't know you had such a cute scream," I said chuckling which caused her to frown.

"I didn't know you had a habit of stalking people?" she said.

"I have been standing here for 10 minutes you were just too immersed in training," I said while looking at her she was wearing a black sports bra and black pants. Her tattoo and toned body were on full display.

"Did you finish checking me out?" she asked as she looked at me.

"Yes, you look so beautiful I couldn't look away." She was stunned hearing my answer and her mouth wide open.

"What did you think I would blush and stutter or something, how cute," I said as she blushed.

I shook my head.

"So you are a self-taught swordswoman?" I asked which caused her to become more surprised as she said.

"H-How do you know?"

"I am a swordsman you know. So I can tell when someone is self-taught or not." I said.

"I haven't seen you use a sword." She said I just shook my head as Hae-in arrived and said.

"Sorry for coming late the traffic was really bad. Oh, Kanae hello." She said. So they know each other.

"Hello, I just finished my training." She said as she sat down.

I translated for them so they can talk.

"OK, haru let's start I am going to land a hit on you," Hae-in said getting her sword ready. I just laughed. And then whoosh*

There were two lines one white and one red all over the Gym.

"You've made a lot of progress," I said as I dodged a strike to my head by tilting it to the side.

She didn't answer me and kept attacking me on my vital points. I just dodged them with small movements.

"Breath of light, Linear." A fast single thrust technique with a straight trajectory to the head, it is fast as instant teleportation. She was in front of me the next instant and thrust the sword towards me.

But it only hit empty air.

"My, My that was fast," I said standing on her sword which was in an outstretched position while looking at her.

She shook her sword and attack me while I was in the air but only attacked my afterimage. I was already behind her as I patted her head.

"Ok, you lost," I said and she nodded then we saw a dumbstruck Kanae looking at us.

"Is something wrong?" hae-in asked.

"H-how are you so fast I wasn't even able to see your movements," she said to us.

"Well, haru thought me so I am better than before." Hae-in's answer caused Kanae to become even more shocked as her mouth was hanging open.

"Close your mouth," I said while closing her mouth with my hand. And blushed while pushing my hand away.

"Do you want to learn?" I asked as I don't see any harm in improving her swordsmanship of course I won't give her the Breathing technique.

"A-are you sure?" she asked in shock.

"If you are alright with it," I said as she nodded.

"Then I'll practice on the things you've taught me," He-in said.

And I started to guide Kanae to work on her forms and make them more fluid she would Blush whenever I touched her hands to adjust the angle.

"What a cute reaction," I said while teasing her.

"Bastard." She growled. I nodded now she has forgotten about her embarrassment and she was able to train without any problem.

After 2 hours we finished our training and rested for a bit Kanae was a fast learner so she picked things up fast. So it was easy to teach her as she would understand stuff faster.

"Thank you for helping me," she said with a smile.

"No problem we train here almost every day," I said as she looked at me.

"C-can i-I Join as well?" she said while looking away blushing a little.

"If ask so cutely how can I refuse," I said with a smirk

'It's so fun teasing her like this.' I thought.

She was glaring at me. I smiled and she looked away.

"What are you guys talking about?" hae-in asked as she wiped the sweat on her face as we were talking in Japanese.

"Kanae was asking if she can join us for training."

"Oh, it's fine right." She looked at me as if 'You decide'.

"I guess it's fine," I said as Kanae smiled brightly.

I shook my head and we went back.


Jeju Island,

(We need to find a new home.)

(There is no food left here, my children are eating each other.)

(i need Stronger soldiers. ) the queen ant said as looked in a certain direction.

(I need the ultimate soldiers to lead my people. For the kingdom we will make them fear us.)

Puchi* Puchi* Puchi*

As the sound of tearing resounded in the cave.

SCREEEEEECCCCCHHH* a loud screech sounded on the whole Jeju island.

(We must FEED and eat more and be even stronger.)


??? POV

"Are all the preparations done?"

"Yes, it is. I have checked it."

"double-check it, we need to kill him this time."

"Tch you are doubting my work now."

"I just don't want a cute Child in my race to die before he reaches his full potential. so check it again."



Quick Question here.

Do you want Queresha's vessel to die?




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