My Second Life in Another World

Chapter 15: A Hectic Start

Chapter 15: A Hectic Start

Cha hae-in POV

I was currently in my house standing next to the window overlooking the city. As I was thinking about the dinner I had with Haru.

And his smile flashed through my mind and my heart started beating faster. I placed my hand on my chest and felt my heartbeat.


I've never felt my heart beating like this. So why does it react like this whenever I think of him.

I don't know why but he has a unique air around him as if he isn't from this world, I want to look at his smile all the time but my heart starts beating faster whenever he smiles.

His voice always calms me down no matter what I don't why. It reassures me that if he is beside me everything will turn out just fine. and I am not alone.

His eyes are the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen the red color of his eyes gives him a unique presence and once I look into his eyes it's hard for me to look away from them I want to stare at them all the time but I can't look straight at him even if his gaze isn't aggressive instead it excludes his kind and caring character.

I can feel it when he pull me towards him and held me in his arms, It gave me a sense of security and protection that I have never felt before. It reminded me of my mother. I didn't know what to do so I stayed there but his smell and the warmth of his embrace made me feel light-headed.

I don't understand how it happened as I have only met him yesterday for the first time. At first, I was just curious about why he smelled different, after being with him today I saw different sides of him. But I feel like he has a side to him that I don't know. But I don't hate it, I don't why it is that my heart races every time he is near me.

I don't know what to do if he hugs me again but I don't m….

'NO NO NO NO NO what am I thinking about.' I covered my face with my hands and after a while, I looked up and saw my face completely red.

"Why am I such an idiot," I muttered to the night sky thinking about him again. I don't what to do near him. I don't know why I feel so giddy whenever he looks at me I feel that my heart is going to burst. But also complicated at the same time. As I don't know how to respond as I don't know why I am feeling this. I want to find out what these feelings are. I was nervous when I wanted to ask him about it but he came near me and held my hand I felt at ease as if my worries went away.

This is the reason I said that….

'I… want to learn swordsmanship from you' I said that to him so that I can stay beside him. I was nervous after asking the question.


'You don't have to be so nervous about this, I said earlier right, that I will help you with what I can. so don't worry.' He said while looking into my eyes and patting my head I felt really warm in my heart and wished it would la….

'NO NO NO NO' why am I even imagining it.

I jumped in my bed and I buried my head in my pillow as my heart was racing like crazy.

I slept and had a dream about…


Sung il-hwan POV

'In 2 hours I will reach Korea.' I thought as I was sitting on the flight to Seoul. I got the information that I asked for from the Employee of the Korean Hunter Association.

I didn't know what to say as I looked at the information about how my family lived after my disappearance. I may have saved many people but I wasn't able to do much for my family. I wasn't able to be a good husband to my wife as I was always running around trying to save people. And because of that I was in the dungeon and left my family behind. Even inside the gate, I wasn't afraid of death but of the fact that I left my family behind and wasn't able to be a good father to my children, this has always been a thorn in my heart for the past ten years I have lived in that gate. Seeing that I can't even apologize to my wife as she is in eternal slumber now.

'What have I done my entire life? I wasn't able to be a good husband to the woman I love. And I wasn't able to be a good father to my children.' I was thinking about this.

I also heard that my best friend and his wife died. Leaving behind their child. I don't know what to feel for that child I always thought of him as my child and both of our families have been close. The kid that used to run around the neighborhood has become an S-Rank hunter. I chuckled a little as I remembered something.

I closed my eyes as I recalled the mission that was given to me by the rulers. and the truth about the reason for the gates and where the monsters come from.

'Kill the new shadow monarch and as for the anomaly, we will tell you when you see him. If he sides with the monarch kill him. '

I opened my eyes as I looked at my reflection in the window

'I wasn't able to be a good father to you, but I will make sure that you will be able to live in this world without worrying about anything, even if I have to lay down my life for it. This is the promise that I'll keep no matter what.'.


In the morning after a fulfilling sleep. I woke up feeling light.

I made my way towards the bathroom to take a shower. After the shower, I went back to change into something comfortable to move around after wearing a black sweatshirt and white sweatpants. I was thinking about what happened yesterday.

Her face flashed through my mind. And my mood became even better I can feel my heartbeat rising again. I didn't feel anything like this before.

So this is what It feels like to.....


My monologue about the mysteries of the world ended with the loud knocks on the door.

I already know who it is even without opening it. I went towards the door and opened it.

Then Jin-ah jumped straight into my chest as she hugged me. I patted her head and asked.

"what happened Jin-ah? How are you full of energy in the morning but lazy during the day" I asked her as she was enjoying how I was patting her head and looked up and said.

"Haru, Oppa has gone mad we need to take him to the hospital now." She said seriously.

"What happened why is he suddenly gone mad," I asked her.

"He is saying we have to pick up father from the airport." She said sadly as she remembered her father. I patted her head as I said.

"Is that it?" She then looked up as I smiled at her.

"No, he has been Abnormal from the time he came back from the hospital. He started spending more time In the shower and looks at himself in the mirror while making poses. He even asked how he looks to me, you know." She said as she smiled and I can see Jin-woo standing In my doorway with his eyebrows twitching.

"What did you say you brat?" he said in an angry voice and Jin-ah who heard him hide behind my back and stuck her tongue out to him.

"I am not lying anyway I even hear voices coming from your room sometimes at night. 'Arise my Shadows' 'Fight for your king'." She said trying to act like Jin-woo. I just looked at him and he looked away.

'OI OI OI this is where you refute don't look away. ' I don't know what to say to this.

"You can sleep here if you want there are rooms empty anyway," I said to her as I caressed her hair again she didn't tie her hair in a ponytail but had let it fall to her shoulders.

"And you should leave your hair like this you look really cute like this," I said while pinching her cheeks.

"R-Really." She asked while being….shy.

I can feel Jin-woo looking towards me, so changed the subject.

"Ok, let's go and have breakfast I am hungry have you two eaten," I asked as Jin-woo shook his head and Jin-ah did the same.

"Ok tell me what do you want to eat I'll make it," I said.

"Special Pancakes with a lot of maple syrup," Jin-ah said as she jumped on my back and hugged my neck.

"I'll have the same," Jin-Woo said.

I went back towards the kitchen as Jin-woo made coffee for himself I started making pancakes while using my Sharingan 'Itachi would be proud' I thought as I continued as a koala was hugging me from behind. Of course, the koala was Jin-Ah. And she was currently sniffing my hair.

"Haru your hair smells so nice and it is so soft as well. which hair product did you use?" She said as she rubbed her face in my hair which wasn't tied but was left free.

Because my mother from my last life had a habit of always making her hair product at home and I have the same habit.

"I made it at home there should be extra bottles in the bathroom you can take it," I said as I patted her head.

After making the pancakes I put them onto the dining table and placed the maple syrup near it as well. As I said to jin-ah.

"Ok Jin-ah get down and have breakfast now"

Jin-ah came down from my back looking sad.

Hmm, oh I forgot about that I went into the kitchen to make her a chocolate milkshake with extra chocolate, she has quite the sweet tooth.

I placed it near her then I heard a voice.

"She is going to get fat like that you know," Jin-woo said as he sat down with a cup of coffee.

"If you don't want to eat that pancake I will," Jin-ah said while moving her hands towards Jin-woo's plate. But couldn't as Jin-woo was way faster than her.

"She is growing up so it's good to eat a lot," I said while looking at him.

"Haru, I am all grown up," Jin-ah said puffing up her cheeks.

"Ok, Ok my Jin-ah has grown up," I said with a smile as I patted her head. She then calmed down and her face was a bit red.

"Don't you always act childishly," Jin-woo said as he ate his food.

"Haru, look the Edgelord is trying to act mature," Jin-ah said.

COUGH* COUGH* he nearly fell down while choking on food, again.

'EEMMMMOtional dDAAAMAge (emotional damage)'

'YARE, YARE what a hectic way to start a day.


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