My Second Life in Another World

Chapter 100: That's A Lot Of Damage

Chapter 100: That's A Lot Of Damage

As soon as Haru said that everyone listened to him with full attention concentrating on his every word.

"Evacuate the common people as far from the gate as possible, because. These gates aren't stable they can suddenly open at any time and I don't need to say further." Haru said and everyone was once again in a panic but they didn't shout like before but just murmured among themselves.

Although it is a lie it can be turned into reality if the dragon monarch wanted to start early, it was completely up to him when to start the attack. but it will take him time to gather all of his army and also order the armies of the other monarchs so that will give them some more time.

David Brennon raised his hand and Haru nodded.

"Then how are we going to move so many people, when there is also the danger of the gates opening as you said," David said as he sweated.

"Of course, both I and Jin-woo will help you with this," Haru said as he pointed at Jin-woo who nodded.

This made everyone more reassured as Jin-woo is well known for his massive amounts of Summons that can help with evacuating the people.

One of the representatives stood up gathering everyone's attention.

"I don't believe this shit you can take your story and shove it." The Man said causing everyone to look at him in shock as their mouths hung open.

'Does this idiot has any idea who he is saying that to. Even a National Rank Hunter raised his hand before speaking. Which ends do you think you come from?' Everyone sweatdropped when they saw the man.

Jays Miller the ranked 17th in the world and the representative from Canada. The biggest gate among all the eight gates was in Canada it was even bigger than the Seoul gate.

"You just want all the Prof-" Jay was about to continue but his words were cut short.

"I don't remember giving you permission to speak," Haru said as the amiable aura around him didn't change but the air itself trembled as the reddish aura around him got denser.

Crack* Crack*


'Oh, god what is happening.' Everyone was gasping for breath as the pressure made it hard for them to breathe.

Cracks started to appear on the floor as Jay mills were smashed into the ground face first.

'W-What? I-I c-cant m-move,' He felt like he was being crushed in a hydraulic press machine he felt like he will lose consciousness anytime now but something kept him conscious.

Everyone knew this was going to happen sooner or later there will be many who would question this, like especially strong hunters who have high pride for no good reason.

"I don't want anyone of you here or those who are watching this to think that I am asking you to allow me into your country and help you with this gate," Haru said as he chuckled.

"I am telling you that I will come to your country and clear these gates for you, as you are too incompetent to do so yourself," Haru said as he looked at Jay Millers who heard it loud and clear.

"So I don't want this type of idiots jumping around claiming things and putting the common populace in danger for their own pride and profit. If you are confident in stopping a force that is comparable to or higher than the one that came out of Seoul gate then be my guest but do that after you do your job of evacuating all the people and don't put other people in danger." Haru said causing everyone in the hall to nod and Zhigang just laughed at this.

Everyone's face was red men were having difficulties breathing and females were as well but the reason was completely different once again.

Haru withdrew his Haki and told them how things will be done till they can get all the People to evacuate.

And after some more questions, this meeting came to an end.

Everyone was in a hurry to go back and pass the orders as soon as they can. They wanted to start the evacuation as fast as possible.

And everyone left the hall post haste with many reporters trying to get an interview with Haru who left with Jin-woo after saying just one line.

'A word is enough for the wise, so I won't say anymore.'

Now Haru and Jin-woo were guided towards one of the meeting rooms to meet Zhigang by a Female employee because Gun-hee and Jin-Chul were busy seeing off all the representatives.

"Don't you think it was a bit too much to crush that S-ranker?" Jin-woo suddenly said.

"No I think it was perfect, it was needed otherwise people will think that we are all bark and no bite. If I left him be others will follow suit. I think you should have noticed as well. Most of the people in the room don't take those gates as a threat because they thought that 'the one in Seoul ended with no difficulties so we will be the same as well'" Haru said as he looked at Jin-woo who nodded.

"So it is not like they can't see the danger, they just don't want to accept it," Jin-woo said as rubbed his forehead.

"Ignorance is bliss," Haru said while shaking his head.

"Still it was a bit too boorish. I could've done a better job." Jin-woo said with a smile.

"Oh, how by showing them your protagonist's aura? Sorry to break it to you but you aren't one anymore." Haru said with a smug look.

"What are you talking about?" Jin-woo tilted his head in confusion.

"Nothing just know that I did a better job than you could've done, Period," Haru said as he waved his hand.

"There is no way," Jin-woo said as they reached the room.

Haru looked at the female employee who has been taking glances at him the whole time and now was a bit reluctant to leave.

"Is there anything else?" Haru asked with a smile.

"A-ah, t-the…" The woman was stuttering.

"Hey, you are scaring her," Jin-woo said as he looked at Haru.

"Oh shut up, it is Ok no need to feel nervous," Haru said as he looked at the employee.

"…C-can I have a picture?" She said with a blush as she showed Haru her phone.

"Of course here Jin-woo take the photo," Haru said as he tossed the phone to Jin-woo with a smile.

"What? Why do you think she wants one with you?" Jin-woo said as his eyebrows twitched.

"Who else is it going to be? Surely not your 'I am A Lone-Wolf' looking ass." Haru said causing the female employee's shoulders to tremble as she tried to suppress her laughter.

"So why did you assume it is your 'I like dressing in female clothes' looking ass," Jin-woo said and the female employee laughed causing them to look at her.

'Now this is a bit…' they both thought and coughed.

"Then let's take a photo together but, Jin-woo is still taking the photo," Haru said with a smile causing Jin-woo's eyebrows to twitch.

'How am I supposed to take a photo and be in it at the same time… Oh right.' Jin-woo used his ruler's authority to hold the phone in the air and they took a picture with the employee.

"T-Thank you," the employee said with a bright smile as she looked at the photo and went back in a merry mood.

Haru and Jin-woo entered the room to meet Zhigang.

"You did a good showing out there," Zhigang smirked at Haru.

"Well it was necessary," Haru said as he looked at Zhigang who nodded.

"That is right, even though Korea came out unscathed it doesn't mean that the other gates are going to be the same as this. It is still hard to believe that an army of that caliber will come out of the gates. Kamish-level monsters running amok all over the world, Just thinking about it gives me a headache. The humans might as well go extinct at this rate." Zhigang said as he rubbed his forehead.

"That's a lot of damage," Haru said nodding.

"That won't happen because we can fight back," Jin-woo said and Zhigang nodded.

"But, there is something more terrifying than the army of monsters," Haru said causing Zhigang to flinch.

"What? Something more terrifying than an army of monsters? You are joking right." Zhigang said but he saw that Haru's expression didn't change.

"Jin-woo give it to him," Haru said and Jin-woo rolled his eyes ignoring the way Haru said that and projected the scene that he showed Gun-hee and jin-Chul.


Zhigang was shocked by the sight of the destruction caused by the dragon army and the biggest shock was that gigantic dragon that came behind the dragon army.

"Haru is this…." Zhigang looked at Haru in disbelief.

"Yes, this is the Boss I was talking about he will be coming out of one of the gates, but we don't know which one," Haru said as he leaned back on the sofa.

'He came out of the Vancouver gate in the novel, but it would be stupid to believe that he will do the same this time.' Haru kept his thoughts to himself. This was also the reason he showed his shadow clones although in a limited number the clones could use his bloodline techniques as well.

Yes, he succeeded in perfecting the wood-shadow Clone Jutsu. He had his clones working on it in the training ground.

As for why these were better than the normal shadow clone and elemental clone jutsu was that they had the ability of independent action of shadow clone jutsu as well as the regenerative properties of elemental clones. Plus they could use his bloodline abilities so it was a perfect opportunity to use them.

"So what are we going to do next?" Zhigang asked with a serious look he knew that one wrong move can mark the end of humanity.

"We are coming to China with you," Haru said with a smile.

"….HUH," Zhigang was stunned.


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