My Room Has Become a Dungeon's Rest Area (LN)

Book 2: Chapter 5: (4)

Book 2: Chapter 5: (4)

I see. That could lead to trouble. Well, why dont I try it on that guy with the cross-shaped scar?

[Name] Dan

[Race] Human

[Age] 38

[Occupation] Swordfighter

[Level] 12/20

[Health] 45/45

Huh, level 12?

What a let-down. Thats only two levels higher than me.

Really? Thats not so bad.

Deet, drinking some water, reacted to what Id said about him being level 12.

Huh? Level 12? But Im already level 10!

If hes made it past level 10 as an adventurer without dying, hes probably the backbone of the party. He must have been adventuring for at least three years.

Oh, really?

Yeah. Frankly, its unheard of for an adventurer whose level is in single digits to kill a giant centipede.

I-is that so?

But to do that while eating potato chips and drinking cola

Deet lost her temper, even though shed done the same thing herself. Better change the subject.

B-by the way, Deet, you said that they werent very strong. How did you know?

I can sorta tell just by looking at them.

Hmm. We probably look like battle-worn adventurers, but were not.

It must be a skill Deets picked up by adventuring.

In any case, shall we eat?

Are you going to cook for us even while were adventuring, Thor?

Well, Im leaving all the fighting up to you, so its only fair. I put plenty of things in my rucksack than I can cook right away.

Oh, really? Im looking forward to it!

It was ideal that we were at a watering place. We could use as much drinking water as we wanted.

Straight away, I boiled some water in a pot using the portable solid-fuel stove Id brought.

Hehehe. What shall I pick?

Since Id started living with Ria and Deet, Id been cooking for myself properly, so I thought Id try some junk food that I hadnt had in a while.

Instant Miso Ichiban ramen noodles! Today those two are going to be eating some.

There were five portions in the packet, which had only cost me 300 yen. I put the noodles and powdered soup in the pot and added freeze-dried vegetables.

Ria came to watch me. Incidentally, she always watched my cooking with intense interest. Shizuku could learn how to cook something just from watching me do it once. Deet, meanwhile, was an expert in eating.

That smells amaaaazing! What are you making?

Ria was right; wed been made to walk for so long that we were absolutely starving, and the smell was irresistible.

Its called Miso Ichiban.

Oh, thats miso soup, isnt it?

Ria and Deet had both developed a taste for miso soup.

Well, Id say it was ramen rather than miso soup.


Youll be able to enjoy it after its cooked Well, its already done.

Thats quick! Its cooked already?

Thats one of the great things about it. Lets share it out, shall we?

I had cooked all five portions of the ramen in the pot at the same time. I divided it out into Styrofoam bowls and handed out plastic forks. Both the bowls and the plates were light, which made them convenient for carrying about.

I decided to put Shizuku on my knee and feed her that way.

It was dark, so I thought it would probably be all right, but I still tried to shield her with my body so that the other adventuring party wouldnt see her.

Lets eat!

Ria and Deet both said it with me, but they watched me to see how Id eat the ramen.

In a slightly exaggerated way, I wound the noodles around the plastic fork, put it in my mouth and slurped.


Mmm, tasty! Just what Id expect from Japanese instant ramen.

Ria and Deet watched me, flabbergasted. But eventually, they copied me and began to slurp up their ramen.

Mmm! What a complex flavour. Ive never tasted anything like this before.

Yeah, its so tasty!

Thats because its full of chemical seasoning

Shizuku, sitting on my knee, vibrated happily when I gave her some of the Miso Ichiban.

Ria slurped her noodles a little hesitantly, but Deet slurped away without restraint. Looks like this was a great success.

I cant believe you can cook this so quickly and yet it has such complex, delicious flavours

Right? And its full of vegetables, too.

The two of them were clearly enjoying their food, but I might have made a bit too much.

Its because I put all five portions in the pot. Shizuku seems to be able to eat any amount if she puts her mind to it, but usually she only eats about half as much as the rest of us.


There was a bit left over.

Come to think of it, that other group of adventurers also seemed to be eating.

Interested to see how they were getting on, I glanced behind me.

Theyre watching us!

Theyre staring at us!

Well, that makes sense. The sound of slurping Miso Ichiban is pretty loud, and the smell is strong, too!

Hey, what did you say adventurers from this world ate when theyre adventuring?

I had the feeling Id asked this before, but I asked it again anyway.

With a fed-up expression, Deet said, At the best of times, dried fruit and jerky. Sometimes dried, salted fish that theyve prepared themselves.

I see. And at the worst of times?

Maybe dried meat and bread rehydrated in hot water? And after that, dried bread soaked in cold water. Worst of all is dried bread on its own. Although there are also times when theres nothing to eat at all.

Thats rough. The smell of Miso Ichiban and the sound of our slurping must be unbearable.

Are there four adventurers in that group over there?


I took four plastic cups out of my rucksack and put the rest of the Miso Ichiban that was left in the pot into them.

There was exactly the right amount to fill the four cups to the brim.

Deet gave me a wondering look.

What are you doing?

I was thinking we could share this with the adventurers over there.

Huh? I wouldnt do that.

Theres plenty left over, after all.

Rias face brightened suddenly.

Good idea! Ill help.

Oh, that would be great.

Carrying four cups of hot ramen at once would have been tricky.

Besides, if Ria came with me, then I wouldnt have to worry even if the worst happened and we ended up fighting.

I really think youd better not.

Well, then you can wait here, Deet. Look after Shizuku, okay?

Shizuku moved into Deets shadow.

Smiling as broadly as I could, I approached the other adventurers.

Their food situation looked to be only one step away from the worst of times. They were trying to satisfy their empty stomachs with hard bread soaked in water.

U-um, h-hello.

Dan, the guy with the cross-shaped scar, and the rest of his band looked at us with evident suspicion.


They gave us a kind of response.

Hi, everyone. We made too much soup, so if youd like some, youre welcome to it.


Dan let out a shocked noise, and then asked, How much?

Oh, no, were not asking any money for it.

I handed the cups of Miso Ichiban to Dan and the two guys who looked like bandits. Ria handed cups to one guy who looked like a sorcerer and another who seemed to be a swordfighter.

But they all just looked suspiciously at the cups and didnt eat anything.

Whats wrong? You look exhausted.

Th-there must be poison in this, or something.


I was beginning to understand what Deet had meant just now.

Looking at Ria properly, I could see that there was a gloomy edge to her smile. She must have predicted that something like this would happen.

Theres no poison in it.

Wh-why are you speaking in monster language? And Ive never seen anyone who looks like you, or has those kinds of artifacts. I havent even seen food like this before.


Id forgotten that. Japanese is monster language. Thats why Ria mistook me for a goblin.

W-well, thats But isnt there a rule in the Principles of the Adventurers Guild that says adventuring parties arent allowed to fight each other?

There is. But the guild reception lady doesnt have eyes down here, on the fourth level. And, as the saying goes, dead men tell no tales.

So people in the other world have that saying, too?

Everything he was saying was fair. How about attacking from a different angle?

Rias famous in the Adventurers Guild as a busybody, isnt she? Its okay. The soup tastes good.

One of the guys who looked like a bandit said, Aria helped me out a little with some of the formalities of the Adventurers Guild.

Oh, really? In that case I looked at Ria.

She was looking surprised. She mustve forgotten. According to rumours, she stuck her nose in the business of every newcomer.

But I heard that Aria had died

Id forgotten that, as far as the Adventurers Guild is concerned, Aria is dead.

Im alive, as you can see.

Ria did some bending and stretching exercises to play up the point that she was, mysteriously, alive.


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