My Researching Journey (HxH)

Chapter 88: Well, that was disappointing

Chapter 88: Well, that was disappointing


Chapter 88: Well, that was disappointing


A calm composed look never left Natsubi's face fitting of a ruler as he simply observed Yasuo with a weird smile on his face.

He seemed to be harmless not putting his guard up at all and instead of going by formalities introducing himself, he however asked, "We have met before?"

He observed the dark purple crow on Yasuo's shoulder while asking that and the other person in the room did the same.

Nasubi the ruler of the Kakin empire, an obese figure with narrow eyes and a top knot.

He has long, curvy eyebrows, eyelashes, and a mustache. He wears traditional, ornamented clothing that is adorned with jewels, which emphasizes his status as a king.

Next to him and the one who is putting his guards up as he watched Yasuo carefully, Nugui a very petite man of elderly age.

He has well-combed hair, a square jaw, a bulbous nose, low cheekbones and long earlobes.

He is wearing a black suit, a white dress shirt, with a laced tie, he is the personal butler to King Nasubi and his Princes.

Yasuo nodded but didn't explain any further, instead, he just asked, "Anyway, I'm here to make a deal, I want to borrow the Seed Urn for a few hours then I will return it safe and sound, what do you think,"

Instantly the air in the room changed as Natsubi's composed look changed into a solemn one with him standing slowly with his face twitching slightly and asked in a chilly tone that affected the temperature in the room decreasing it significantly or so the people in the room felt.

"How do you know? Does anyone else know? Why would you come here knowing the outcome?" His eyes shined with a dangerous glint as he waited for answers.

Answers he didn't get as Yasup just slightly smiled giving Natsubi more questions than answers:

"I can see it... in the Nen beast surrounding you and the problem is that it's inside it and I don't want to risk it getting destroyed which will waste all of the efforts I went through."

And suddenly the crow blinked... Again.

"You don't want to do that, it's useless so just stop and think about it a bit, I'm but a harmless scientist, and I just want to take a look... for a few hours."

Warned Yasuo with amusement apparent in his eyes and his tone remained as casual.

Natsubi narrowed his eyes wondering, "You can see it? And you can see the future?"

What they are talking about is the strange beast standing behind Natsubi with four of its lean small arms surrounding him.

A huge creature composed of two lateral sections with five limbs in each, which are long insect arms ending in human hands.

It has a head in the central part of its body that resembles a human that has an elongated shape, long hair, and two enormous ears.

Its mouth is upright starting from the height of the eyes to the chin leaving a long tongue out.

However, the most notorious part of its body is the bumps that completely cover the rest, those that resemble women's breasts, a strange Nen beast shaped based on his personality, or what's called a guardian beast.

Yasuo didn't answer instead he asked again, "So what do you think?"

Natsubi frowned getting all the clues he can and one thing that he obviously noticed, Yasuo's eyes, his right one is completely white while the left one seems to normal except for the scarlet Iris shining brightly though only Yasuo knows that even though the eye looks normal, he still can't see through it when using Vision or Aeroeye.

Natsubi started contemplating a few things while observing him carefully thinking about what his course of action will be:

'If he really can see the future and was able to see what I can do and still standing in front of me casually so either it's really useless as he says or he is bluffing but... I know who he is.

He is one of the Zoldycks who visited the empire sometime ago and never left or so the books says since he never took any airship not any transportation vehicle out of the country yet he appeared in the hunter association so I kept an eye on him yet he appeared inside my room... If so how can he counter my abilities?'

He narrowed his eye, "You stated that it's a deal, so what are you putting on the table?"

Yasuo directly answered, "Nothing really,"

Natsubi's face couldn't help but twitch seeing the audacity of what person is asking for in his room without any price whatsoever... Only to let out a laugh a few seconds later:

"Unfortunately for you, I can only take the Seed Urn out for a certain time before the succession contest else there will be consequences so even if you are able to kill me, I still won't bring it out.

And you're only human so there is only so much you can do against the empire so if you do anything that endangers it, I will have to use some more dangerous measures so just go away."

The crow blinked and Yasuo narrowed his eyes thinking about it for a bit, "What.. a letdown. Too bad I couldn't ask last time. Well, we'll meet again later."

As he finished saying that, Yasuo opened his eyes that returned normal with the crow's Vertical Eye disappearing and taking its place is what looks like two normal eyes, "Well that was disappointing." He stated.

"What was?" Wondered Morena whose head is resting on his shoulder as if he never moved.

Yasuo just shook his head inquiring instead, "Nothing. Anyway, Is the lab done?"

Morena didn't persist any further as she answered, "It shouldn't take long, it mostly finished and the tools you ordered are already inside,"

Yasuo nodded and the clock ticked... Tick... Tick... And darkness fell, the darkness of the night... Time has passed and everyone went on their own business until night arrived and so they heard.

The calling of bed as Morena closed her eyes drifting into the land of dreams with her head resting on Yasuo's chest exhausted after messing around for a while.

It wasn't long before Yasuo opened his eyes and activated his control domain gently leaving the bed without waking her up and controlling her gently to sleep comfortably.

And well... Nothing evades his sight in his domain as he leaned slightly and kissed her forehead assuring, "I will be back by morning."

He only teleported away after noticing her body relaxing hearing that.

The clock ticked again and time passed until Yasuo reached his destination... The sound of traffic could clearly be heard and so is the sound of people though rare, his destination is in the middle of a specific city.

He walked casually through the streets in the middle of the night and avoided any security cameras or anything that can put him in the 'Crime' area.

'It should be exactly a few miles down from here.' Thought Yasuo once he reached a certain spot in the city.

He looked down at the ground beneath him with his domain seeing far below it, a domain surpassing 400 meters radius.

Though something weird happened as his right eye shined in scarlet light, his domain's range started expanding until it slightly surpassed the 500 meters mark.

Only for the domain to start receding... and receding until the domain only enveloped a range of two meters around Yasuo with the transparent purple color of the amplification domain all around it forming a transparent purple ball around him.

Yasuo closed his eyes focusing completely as everything in his amplification seem as if frozen.

His clothes were taken off without him making any movement as he stood there naked.

His molecules started vibrating, his every molecule vibrated in the same new quantum frequency as he gently started falling down... falling through the ground as if he doesn't exist, as if he is intangible.

He fell slowly deeper and deeper beneath the ground with darkness around him though that didn't block his vision as he could clearly see the dirt around him and the soil molecules that pass through him not seeming to be aware of his existence.

He can see the wet soil around him once he reached a certain depth and he can smell it... the smell of nature.

Once he deemed that he reached his destination he started manipulating all the soil molecules around him and inside him to keep his domain bubble completely clean leaving him solely there with the air being his companion.

'Not bad, the consumption is significant and the focus needed is enormous but it's still available method.'

He canceled his amplification domain and instantly an extremely small portal opened and closed almost instantly.

Though something passed through it and he controlled it into a small test tube then tightly closed it while using an amplification domain to make sure none of 'them' were spread around and only left once he made sure disappearing into another portal leaving in a way different than he came.


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