My Researching Journey (HxH)

Chapter 86: Deal

Chapter 86: Deal


Chapter 86: Why Not?


Once everyone left Morena asked something she's been wondering about, "When I became the boss I had a meeting with Tserriednich to start a new contract and couldn't help but notice something, he isn't a Nen user, why is that?"

Yasuo shook his head, "I'm not sure but perhaps there is a criterion before the princes can learn Nen or even know of its existence, still this is just my assumption."

Morena just closed her eyes resting her head on his chest as the clock ticked and time passed.


"What do you think?" Wondered Cashew specifically asking Orilin who is walking next to her.

"About what?" He asked back.

"You know, about the boss's lover Yasuo,"

Orilin looked thoughtful for a second before saying, "I'm really not sure but what am sure about is that the boss chose well, his identity should testify to that..."

Cashew arched her brows and just shook her head, "I don't know why I expected a different answer from you... but do you think he is genuine towards her or if he is just using her?"

Orilin responded to the question directly as if he already thought about it before, "I don't see why someone coming from such a family would use such a method to get close to someone and I don't see what he benefits by doing so except her ability but he will need her consent for such a thing."

A glimmer of light passed in Cashew's eyes as she asked, "What'll you do... if she gave her consent... if she decided to give her life to him?"

There didn't seem to be any change in Orilin's expression and his normal formal tone, "You know what I'll do or at least try to."

Cashew got the confirmation she needed then they each left on their own way with Cashew heading outside of the building and just waiting until a Limousine parked close to the building.

The car's doors opened with the driver and several bodyguards exiting then someone else exited and they surrounded him protecting him.

The person walked in Cashew's direction already knowing who she is, "Lead the way." He said interrupting whatever she had to say.

She didn't mind as she just nodded and led him to Morena's office. He made a signal for the bodyguards and they seem to understand what it means as four were left outside guarding the door and only two went inside with him.

He narrowed his eyes coming into the strange scene in front of him, the scene of Morena sitting on a man's lap with no care the world, the scene of her peacefully closing her eyes on the man's chest with the two looking harmless.

Only he could feel his surprise considering how he perceived her personality in their last meeting, 'Is this the same person I meet a while ago? She gave me some disgustingly poisonous vibes previously but now... she looks so normal.

Is this just a facade she's putting in from of that man and if so, is she putting the facade to manipulate him? so that should mean he is the one she gets all of those funds from... I'm really confused is she expecting me to play alone or what??'

The person took a seat comfortably with the bodyguards standing behind him paying attention to Yasuo's right eye judging that he is probably partly blind.

"Boss, prince Tserriednich has arrived!" Announced Cashew sticking to formalities before leaving the room.

Prince Tserriednich Hui Guo Rou is the Fourth Prince of the Kakin Empire, and the son of his father's first wife Unma.

He has long fair golden hair and a thin mustache. He has a rather muscular body. he is currently wearing a black tuxedo.

And there is a lot hidden beneath the serene smile and courteous mannerisms he shows, a smile that didn't leave his face seeing Cashew leave as he wondered in his mind.

'No guards huh? well if I kill them here I will just end up dead before leaving the building so it kinda makes sense but she's not even cautious in contrast to the last meeting where she had guards with her.'

"Welcome, we meet again." Stated Morena without moving from Yasuo's lap with a casual tone and continued to say with a smile.

"We usually contact through phone so imagine my surprise when you said you're coming personally, the goods we sent you were satisfactory right?"

'Hmm, it's not a facade... the previous poisonous air around her came back huh, well it doesn't matter.'

Thought Tserriednich before saying with a formal smile, "The goods were good as always so there is no problem with that, I'm just here to talk about our cooperation... If it will continue or not since I noticed that your family got another benefactor which I presume to be you, right?"

He looked at Yasuo as he finished talking.

Yasuo smiled introducing himself, "Yasuo Zoldyck, her fiance and as you stated the new benefactor of the family~"

Tserriednich nodded at Yasuo with bafflement apparent in his eyes hearing the name, he still asked for a confirmation to make sure.

"Are you by any chance of the famous Zoldyck family?"

To which Yasuo nodded making Tserriednich narrow his eyes.

'He is from... that family of assassins?? If he really is then the likeliness of her manipulating him is quite low, after all, the best assassination family wouldn't be called as so if it's that easy..

Now I have to take into consideration whether he is manipulating her.. well I will think about it when I get more information about him.'

"It's an honor to meet you, I'm Tserriednich Hui Guo Rou the Fourth Prince of the empire," Tserriednich introduced himself as per formalities and Yasuo nodded in return.

While Morena looked surprised as she didn't expect him to still want their cooperation to continue which is welcome to her considering he provides quite a bit of support for mostly catching the 'goods' and delivering them to him and that especially applies to things that are up for auction that interests him.

"Don't be surprised, I can see the potential of the family especially after the recent events so I'll support it fully and I expect some benefits in return.

Aside from the usual delivery of the goods and keeping it a secret I will need your help in the future which is in your best interest considering all the political connections I have and the support I can get from the royal family so what say you?"

Tserriendich directed that question towards them both as he observed their expression carefully only to hear Yasuo answering, "We accept though don't expect us to do something that might put high statue members in jeopardy.

If I deemed what you request too dangerous then we won't provide full help but we can offer minimal assistance, what say you?" Yasuo finished by asking a question with a knowing smile on his face.

Once Tserriednich noticed Morena not objecting to what Yasuo said, he stood up fixing his black tuxedo with a professional smile not showing what's hidden beneath it, and stated:

"I look forward to working together and I will keep contact through the secure line discussed previously,"

After which, he left leaving only Yasuo and Morena in the room as the latter asked, "Why did you accept? while his support will be helpful, it's not that necessary. While the family needed him previously, we don't anymore. No one will risk going after us considering there will be too much to lose than to win."

Yasuo looked at her with amusement asking instead, "Why not? we don't have anything to lose but much to win.

Being too independent isn't always a good thing, using what's available when available is something you should learn, and from what he said, he is probably preparing for when the succession begins.

He wants to be the king so he is ready to get rid of the rest of the princes if needed so he chose us as a backup just in case."

Morena raised her brows pondering all he said, "If that's really so then we might need to keep our involvement minimum.

From what I can see and the 'goods' he requests, he is a psychopath that won't have any care for human life whatsoever so if he really became the king then I'm pretty sure he will try to get rid of us and he will use mass destruction weapons if the situation demanded as such so I will need to change our development plan."

Yasuo started patting her with a particular smile on his face, one of pride as he praised her.

"Beautifully thought and yes he will definitely do as you said but you don't have to worry about it, that won't happen and this is the time to tell you about something important, something Kakin's first king conjured and a tool that has my interest, The Seed Urn."


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